Processed: Track openssl 1.0.0 related bugs

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Sun Apr 10 14:22:04 UTC 2011

Processing commands for control at

> block 622134 by 620777
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was not blocked by any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 620777
> block 622134 by 620893
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 620777
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 620893
> block 622134 by 620998
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 620893 620777
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 620998
> block 622134 by 621395
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 620893 620998 620777
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 621395
> block 622134 by 621402
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 621395 620893 620998 620777
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 621402
> block 622134 by 621509
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 621395 620893 621402 620998 620777
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 621509
> block 622134 by 622074
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 621395 620893 621509 620998 621402 620777
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622074
> block 622134 by 622068
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 621395 620893 622074 621509 621402 620998 620777
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622068
> block 622134 by 622027
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 620998 621402 620777 621395 622074 621509
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622027
> block 622134 by 622076
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 621402 620998 620777 621395 621509 622074 622027
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622076
> block 622134 by 622072
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 620998 621402 620777 621395 622074 621509 622076 622027
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622072
> block 622134 by 622065
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 621402 620998 620777 622072 621395 621509 622074 622027 622076
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622065
> block 622134 by 622025
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 620998 621402 620777 622072 621395 622074 621509 622076 622027 622065
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622025
> block 622134 by 622012
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622025 621402 620998 620777 622072 621395 621509 622074 622027 622076 622065
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622012
> block 622134 by 622070
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622025 620998 621402 620777 622072 621395 622012 622074 621509 622076 622027 622065
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622070
> block 622134 by 622069
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622025 621402 620998 620777 622072 621395 622070 622012 621509 622074 622027 622076 622065
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622069
> block 622134 by 622049
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622025 620998 621402 621509 622076 622027 622065 620777 622072 621395 622069 622070 622012 622074
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622049
> block 622134 by 622008
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622025 621402 620998 622049 621509 622027 622076 622065 620777 622072 622069 621395 622012 622070 622074
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622008
> block 622134 by 622014
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622008 622025 620998 621402 622049 621509 622076 622027 622065 620777 622072 621395 622069 622070 622012 622074
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622014
> block 622134 by 622016
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622008 622025 621402 620998 622049 621509 622027 622076 622065 622014 620777 622072 622069 621395 622012 622070 622074
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622016
> block 622134 by 622054
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622008 622025 620998 621402 622049 622016 621509 622076 622027 622065 622014 620777 622072 621395 622069 622070 622012 622074
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622054
> block 622134 by 622034
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622008 622025 621402 620998 622049 621509 622016 622027 622076 622065 622014 620777 622072 622069 621395 622012 622070 622074 622054
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622034
> block 622134 by 621994
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622008 622034 622025 620998 621402 622049 622016 621509 622076 622027 622065 622014 620777 622072 621395 622069 622070 622012 622074 622054
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 621994
> block 622134 by 622011
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622008 622025 622034 621402 620998 622049 621509 622016 622027 622076 622065 622014 620777 622072 621994 622069 621395 622012 622070 622074 622054
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622011
> block 622134 by 622010
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622068 620893 622008 622034 622025 620998 621402 622049 622016 621509 622076 622027 622011 622065 622014 620777 622072 621395 622069 621994 622070 622012 622074 622054
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622010
> block 622134 by 622004
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622010 622068 620893 622008 622025 622034 621402 620998 622049 621509 622016 622027 622076 622065 622011 622014 620777 622072 621994 622069 621395 622012 622070 622074 622054
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622004
> block 622134 by 621974
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622010 622068 620893 622008 622034 622025 620998 621402 622049 622016 621509 622076 622027 622011 622065 622004 622014 620777 622072 621395 622069 621994 622070 622012 622074 622054
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 621974
> block 622134 by 622018
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622010 622068 620893 622008 621974 622025 622034 621402 620998 622049 621509 622016 622027 622076 622065 622011 622004 622014 620777 622072 621994 622069 621395 622012 622070 622074 622054
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622018
> block 622134 by 622053
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622010 622068 620893 622008 622034 622025 621974 620998 621402 622049 622016 621509 622076 622027 622011 622065 622004 622018 622014 620777 622072 621395 622069 621994 622070 622012 622074 622054
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622053
> block 622134 by 622019
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622010 622068 622053 620893 622008 621974 622025 622034 621402 620998 622049 621509 622016 622027 622076 622065 622011 622004 622018 622014 620777 622072 621994 622069 621395 622012 622070 622074 622054
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622019
> block 622134 by 621987
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622010 622068 622019 620893 622053 622008 622034 622025 621974 620998 621402 622049 622016 621509 622076 622027 622011 622065 622004 622018 622014 620777 622072 621395 622069 621994 622070 622012 622074 622054
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 621987
> block 622134 by 622032
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622010 622068 621987 622053 620893 622019 622008 621974 622025 622034 621402 620998 622049 621509 622016 622027 622076 622065 622011 622004 622018 622014 620777 622072 621994 622069 621395 622012 622070 622074 622054
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 622032
> block 622134 by 621884
Bug #622134 [] transition: openssl 1.0.0
Was blocked by: 622010 622068 620893 622053 621987 622034 622025 621974 620998 621402 622016 622004 621395 621994 622074 622054 622019 622008 622049 621509 622027 622076 622065 622011 622032 622018 622014 620777 622072 622069 622012 622070
Added blocking bug(s) of 622134: 621884
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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