Bug#557888: Same issue, same fix

Elías Torres-Arroyo elias at yujatorres.com
Thu Apr 28 18:39:46 UTC 2011


I had the same problem, two asterisk servers interconnected
by an IAX trunk, sound playback (MOH, IVR, etc) stops after
a random number of seconds.

The call flow is:

[PSTN] -> [lenny-server] -> [IAX] -> [squeeze-server]

lenny-server has asterisk version: 1:
squeeze-server has asterisk version 1:

Adding "noload => res_timing_timerfd.so" to modules.conf
in the squeeze box fixed the issue.

Hope it helps.

Best Regards,
ELIAS TORRES ARROYO elias at yujatorres.com
Socio Consultor 
YUJA & TORRES - Ingenieros Consultores 
Tel. +506 2244-4028 ext 201 

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