Bug#607062: Simpleopal

Eugen Dedu Eugen.Dedu at pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr
Fri Jan 14 22:16:53 UTC 2011

On 02/01/11 21:00, aw585 at lafn.org wrote:
> Sorry about the delays in responding to you.
>> ..........
>>>> Could you please test with opal from experimental?
>> ...............
>> Sorry to answer so late.
>> Indeed, there is a packaging problem :o(
>> You can instead download libpt2.8.1 from
>> http://snapshot.debian.org/package/ptlib/2.8.1-1/, tell me if you need
>> instructions on how to do it.
>> --
>> Eugen Dedu
> There was no real problem getting the ptlib package installed,
> and the experimental version of SimpleOPAL didn't crash on startup
> with
> -s '/dev/dsp'  or   -s  "Intel 82801DB-ICH4"
> but the sound didn't seem to work.
> I tried switching between those two and -s "Default"
> and there were no warning messages or complaints, they
> were listed in the startup info as the soundcard, but
> there was no sound when I made a call vrs. Default, where there
> was sound for both input and out, verified by call a
> SIP echo server.

Then please make a bug report upstream, at 


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