Bug#649431: asterisk: Segmentation fault in asterisk -r

Vincent Smeets vincent.vsmeets at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 19:56:20 UTC 2011


I have added a typescript again.
The terminal I am using is Konsole version 2.6.4 from KDE. It sets the 
TERM variable to xterm.
The call of 'asterisk -r' works after unsetting the TERM variable.

I am using a current version of Debian/Testing. I also installed the 
debugging symbols from asterisk-dgb. I hope that is enough.


On 21-11-11 15:52, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> Thanks for your report. Sadly(?) it is not reproduced here. Can you give
> some some more information about the terminal you run this from?
> Also note that term.c in the trace is main/editline/term.c and not
> main/term.c .

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