Bug#635330: mumble-server: desinstallation don't suppress logrotate file

Christophe Moille whilelm at doomfr.com
Thu Oct 6 06:54:47 UTC 2011

Le samedi 01 octobre 2011 à 10:40 +0200, Patrick Matthäi a écrit :
> On 25.07.2011 10:47, Christophe Moille wrote:
> > Package: mumble-server
> > Severity: minor
> > 
> > desinstallation of mumble-server package didn't suppress logrotate config file /etc/logrotate.d/mumble-server
> > so logrotate generate error:
> > 
> > start-stop-daemon: unable to stat /usr/sbin/murmurd (No such file or directory)
> > error: error running non-shared postrotate script for /var/log/mumble-server/mumble-server.log of '/var/log/mumble-server/mumble-server.log '
> > run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate exited with return code 1
> > 
> Did you purged the package or how do you removed it?

I didn't purge the package in the first time. To get rid of this
problem, i installed the package again and did purge after. So now it's
corrected and I have no more error.

Christophe Moille
+33 (0) 950 727 525

"La science peut aussi s’employer à simplifier l’outillage, à rendre
chacun capable de façonner son environnement immédiat, c’est-à-dire
capable de se charger de sens en chargeant le monde de signes" Ivan
Illich, La Convivialité(1973).

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