Bug#685141: mumble-django: Does not work with python-django-registration 0.8
Paul van der Vlis
paul at vandervlis.nl
Fri Aug 17 10:10:43 UTC 2012
Package: mumble-django
Version: 2.7-5
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable
python-django-registration 0.8 is not completely backwards compatible with 0.7.
mumble-django depends on python-django-registration 0.7 or higher, that's not
correct because it does not work with version 0.8.
It seems that the "activation_complete.html" template is missing, which has
been renamed from registration_complete.html.
A symlink to /usr/share/mumble-
django/pyweb/templates/registration/registration_complete.html seems to fix the
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