Bug#671815: ZRTP support.

Ian Haywood ian at haywood.id.au
Mon Jun 25 11:57:35 UTC 2012

On 25/06/12 21:29, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

> Better to first inspect how that fork of libzrtpcpp is different from 
> the original.  Ideally the linphone developers would pass their changes 
> upstream to libzrtpcpp developers, but even if that does not happen 
> (maybe for licensing reasons) it might be possible to merge the diff in 
> Debian.
I've discovered that in fact they have been uploaded to upstream, but
the newer versions of libzrtpcpp that incorporate it are hosted on
github (https://github.com/wernerd/ZRTPCPP/downloads), not on the GNU
ftp server, and have not been updated in Debian.

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