Bug#690388: kamailio should use the gcc locking infrastructure instead of inline assembler

Matthias Klose doko at debian.org
Sat Oct 13 16:26:57 UTC 2012

Package: kamailio
Version: 3.3.0-1
Tags: patch

kamailio assumes armel and armhf to be non smp architectures ... funny.

Also it doesn't recognize armv7, just armv6, and then still ftbfs on armhf.
Here's a patch to build with -marm on armhf.

better use the gcc builtins or libatomics-ops to replace this home grown atomics

--- kamailio-3.3.0.orig/Makefile.defs   2012-10-10 15:52:15.000000000 +0000
+++ kamailio-3.3.0/Makefile.defs        2012-10-13 16:27:15.615261001 +0000
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@
 ifeq           ($(CC_NAME), gcc)
                                #common stuff
-                               CFLAGS=-O9 -funroll-loops -fsigned-char $(PROFILE)
+                               CFLAGS=-marm -march=armv5t -O9 -funroll-loops
-fsigned-char $(PROFILE)
                        #if gcc 4.5+ or 4.2+
 ifeq (,$(strip $(filter-out 4.2+ 4.5+,$(CC_SHORTVER))))
                                        CFLAGS+= -ftree-vectorize

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