Bug#680818: yate

Jeroen Dekkers jeroen at dekkers.ch
Wed Sep 12 00:13:10 UTC 2012

At Mon, 10 Sep 2012 02:43:07 +0100,
Martín Ferrari wrote:
> The package in svn does not look in very good shape ATM. That commit
> is from July, the pending tag was not added to the bug, and the
> control file has currently many commented-out lines that should be
> removed... Dunno if waiting for maintainer before uploading is
> warranted.

As far as I know there currently isn't an active maintainer for yate
and the package is in a pretty bad shape. I did the last improvements
to the yate package and committed those to svn, but then didn't have
the time to finish it. Sorry for that, I should've have finished it or
let people know I didn't have time to finish it.

The control file only has yate-h323 commented out because it doesn't
build (see below). As this is supposed to be temporary I think
commenting it out is better than removing the lines.

At Tue, 11 Sep 2012 02:05:55 +0100,
Martín Ferrari wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Paul Chitescu <paulc at voip.null.ro> wrote:
> > I guess this has to do with the recent banishing of OpenH323 from Debian.
> >
> > Yate should work with H323Plus but it does not detect it automatically.
> It doesn't? Then the current conditional dependency on it is broken...

Building against H323Plus didn't work, so Mark Purcell disabled H.323
in the version currently in the archive, but didn't remove the build
dependency and didn't remove the yate-h323 package. Among other
improvements I removed the yate-h323 package and the build dependency,
as I didn't have the time to investigate why yate didn't build with
H323Plus and in my opinion it's better to have yate without H.323 than
no yate at all.

The package currently in subversion should build without problems. I
also did some other important fixes, but I'm not sure whether they are
important enough to be acceptable during the freeze. The changelog is at

If anyone can get yate to compile with H323Plus, then that would of
course be better than having no H.323 support, but at the moment the
fastest route to having a package without RC bugs is keeping H.323
disabled and removing the build dependency and yate-h323 package.

Kind regards,

Jeroen Dekkers

P.S. No need to mail to both the bug and pkg-voip-maintainers, the bug
mail gets send to pkg-voip-maintainers because it is the maintainer

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