Bug#704540: asterisk-mobile: can not initialize bluetooth device

Lars Cebulla lars.cebu at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 10:18:29 UTC 2013

Am 04.04.2013 09:25, schrieb Tzafrir Cohen:

> On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 08:59:57PM +0200, Lars Cebulla wrote:
>> Package: asterisk-mobile
>> Version: 1:
>> Severity: important
>> Asterisk can't connect to my mobile phone.
>> The connection gets lost after a few seconds and he tries to reconnect. But
>> that doesn't work, too...
>> lars-pc*CLI> module load chan_mobile.so
>> Loaded chan_mobile.so
>>    == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/chan_mobile.conf':   == Found
> Tried to reeproduce it, but in my case it fails here: Asterisk fails to
> connect to the adapter in question.

That's an other bug, look at #614786.

Short quickfix:

Block some bluetooth plugins by adding / completing this line

DisablePlugins = network,input,pnat,hal

to file /etc/bluetooth/main.conf

> One thing, though,
>>    == Registered channel type 'Mobile' (Bluetooth Mobile Device Channel Driver)
>>    == Registered application 'MobileStatus'
>>    == Registered application 'MobileSendSMS'
>>   Loaded chan_mobile.so => (Bluetooth Mobile Device Channel Driver)
>>      -- Bluetooth Device 6310i has connected, initializing...
>>      -- Error initializing Bluetooth device 6310i.
>>      -- Bluetooth Device 6310i has disconnected.
>>      -- Bluetooth Device 6310i has connected, initializing...
>>      -- Error initializing Bluetooth device 6310i.
>>      -- Bluetooth Device 6310i has disconnected.
>>      -- Bluetooth Device 6310i has connected, initializing...
>> cat /etc/asterisk/chan_mobile.conf:
>> [general]
>> interval=2              ; Number of seconds between trying to connect to
>> devices.
>> [adapter]
>> id=bluetooth-adapter
>> address=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX       ; just hidden for posting
>> [6310i]
>> address=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX       ; here the same
> The sample config file use different MAC addresses in the adapter and in
> the device sections. Not sure what's the second MAC address is supposed
> to be.

I'm using different addresses, too.
The first is the MAC of the adapter, the second is the MAC of my mobile phone.
Sry, the way I posted it looks like having set them to the same. My comment "here the same" meens "here it is hidden, too", not "this is the same address" ;-)

> Also: the module has some messages with debug level 1. Can you please
> enable debug logging and set debug level to 1?
>> port=13
>> context=incoming-mobile
>> adapter=bluetooth-adapter
>> group=1                         ; this phone is in channel group 1 also.

Could you please explain shortly how to enable debug level 1 ?
Then I'll check it later...

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