Bug#758545: qutecom: FTBFS with cmake 3.0

Felix Geyer fgeyer at debian.org
Mon Aug 18 17:41:19 UTC 2014

Source: qutecom
Version: 2.2.1+dfsg1-5
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
User: cmake at packages.debian.org
Usertags: cmake-3.0


I have prepared cmake 3.0 in experimental and would like to upload it to
unstable soon.

qutecom fails to build from source with cmake 3.0 because it calls
find_package(qt4) in libs/3rdparty/qt4/CMakeLists.txt but uses Qt4 macros
in various CMakeLists.txt files that are not beneath libs/3rdparty/qt4.

I've attached a patch that calls find_package(qt4) in the root CMakeLists.txt.

The full build log is at https://people.debian.org/~fgeyer/cmake-3.0/qutecom_2.2.1+dfsg1-5_amd64.build

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