VoIP at mini-DebConf, Paris next weekend

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Thu Jan 9 08:27:36 UTC 2014

I've put a proposal for a VoIP talk on the wiki for the Paris mini-DebConf


Will anybody else be there and be interested in collaborating on this
session (either in person or remotely)?

One thing that comes to mind: while I would like to set up a core SIP
proxy and TURN server as a first step for debian.org, it would also be
good to demonstrate other packages like Asterisk connecting to the proxy
but without needing to run those things on the DSA infrastructure.  This
will reassure people about the distributed nature of SIP and the fact we
can run such things without requiring DSA to support them all, it will
also provide a good opportunity to showcase features of other packages.

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