[ANN] SFLphone 1.3.0 released

Tristan Matthews tristan.matthews at savoirfairelinux.com
Tue Jan 14 23:08:53 UTC 2014

(with apologies for cross-posting):

Hi all,

We just released SFLphone 1.3.0. This is a major milestone as it
provides a lot of bug fixes and the new features and enhancements
described below.
Official announcement:
Download instructions: http://sflphone.org/download/stable-release.
Debian packages are already available, and we will provide RPM
packages in a few days.

# Changelog

### Common

  * Presence subscription and publishing support
  * Video multiparty conferencing [EXPERIMENTAL]
  * Multichannel audio support [EXPERIMENTAL]
  * Additional Flac and OGG/Vorbis ringtone support
  * Improved NAT support
  * Improved audio quality, noise suppression and automatic gain
  * Bug fixes
  * New volume controls for PulseAudio
  * New mute DTMF option
### libqtsflphone
  * API version 2.0
  * Qt5 support
  * Full Model/View support (19 new models)
  * New phone number statistics API
  * Full QML / QtScript compatibility
  * Improved performance
    * Now support up to 15000 contacts and 10000 history entries
  * Faster load time
  * Now provide complete DBus API abstraction
  * Bug fixes
### KDE client
  * Smart autocompletion [EXPERIMENTAL]
  * Call using the right account
  * Fast lookup
  * Call using contact information
  * Gather information from 11 sources to provide accurate results
  * Improved Akonadi integration
  * Support live contact list update
  * Usability improvements
  * Highlight missed calls in history
  * New "flat design" Contact/History/Bookmark widgets
  * More reliable canvas notifications
  * Improved account setting dialog
  * DTMF feedback
  * Network issue detection
  * Presence integration in contact, bookmarks and history views
  * Status publishing support in the statusbar
  * Dial tone support
  * Translation updates
  * Bug fixes
### Gnome client
  * New buddy list window
  * Improved video support
  * Add ringtone preview
  * Translation updates
### Statistics
    **Issues fixed:** 994
    **Bug fixed:** 310
    **KDE related issues fixed:** 148
    **KDE related bug fixed:** 49
    **Daemon diff size:** 19523 lines
    **Gnome client diff size:** 3792 lines
    **KDE client diff size:** 47582 lines
- the SFLphone team

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