Debian RT setting SRV records for $

Geert Stappers stappers at
Wed Jan 15 21:21:31 UTC 2014

Hello Debian System Administrators team member,

At do I miss
an example how to set a SRV record.

And I have been reading that no SRV record can be set
for a host.

Are  SRV records supported for

If yes, please tell. I'll reproduce and document it.

If not, please make it possible.

Geert Stappers
Debian Developer

The link to "current tickets" from
directs to page that requires an account. I don't know which account/password
to use for it, nor doesn't the webpage tell how to request an RT account,
so I could check if you allready have a request for SRV record adding.

----- Forwarded message from Jonas Smedegaard <dr at> -----

Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 19:02:35 +0100
From: Jonas Smedegaard <dr at>
To: pkg-voip-maintainers at
Subject: Re: Debian SIP service status
User-Agent: alot/0.3.5
Message-ID: <20140112180235.16650.71704 at>

Quoting Daniel Pocock (2014-01-12 18:19:58)
> Just to clarify, I do not currently imagine the DSA running anything 
> more than this (e.g. they will not run Asterisk), those types of 
> things should be run privately by DDs who want those features.  Once 
> the SIP proxy is running, I will then chat to DSA about a basic XMPP 
> service, but that will also be fairly basic.

I recently played a bit with but 
apparently it supports only A and CNAME records currently.  Perhaps DSA 
(or whoever administrates could be persuaded to extend that.  
If too complex for them to handle SRV, then perhaps sensible to support 
NS, allowing to redelegate the detailed setup to other nameservers.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

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Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven
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