Bug#742783: init script kills all asterisk processes on a machine

Jeremy Lainé jeremy.laine at m4x.org
Sat Mar 29 14:33:01 UTC 2014

On 03/27/2014 01:15 PM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> Package: asterisk
> Version: 1:11.7.0~dfsg-1
> The "stop" method in the init script contains these two lines:
>          start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo
> --retry=0/2/TERM/2/KILL/5 --exec $DAEMON
>          start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo
> --retry=0/2/TERM/2/KILL/5 --exec $CANARY
> If somebody is running multiple instances of Asterisk, this will kill
> all of them even if they only meant to kill one of them

What other asterisk processes are you thinking of ?

If the answer is "asterisk instances other than the one packaged by Asterisk", it feels a
bit out-of-scope.

> Would you consider removing these from the init script or could you
> elaborate on why they are necessary?

If you suggest a patch, I'd definitely be willing to try it!


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