Bug#725925: Can I get my $500 now, please? ;-)

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Tue May 27 08:45:16 UTC 2014

Jeremy Lainé dixit:

>Thanks for the patch. I am not entirely convinced it is correct
>though, as it does change what gets gets passed into
>realtime_ldap_base_ap (two arguments have been already been consumed).

Right, I had been wondering about that, too.
The other modules’ functions do not consume them at all,
they rather dereference the result of the consumer function.

>An alternative patch was suggested in the upstream issue which instead
>makes a copy of the variadic list:

That is probably a sound fix, yes.


I cannot access that, unfortunately:

│Looking up issues.asterisk.org
│Making HTTPS connection to issues.asterisk.org
│SSL callback:ok, preverify_ok=1, ssl_okay=0
│SSL callback:ok, preverify_ok=1, ssl_okay=0
│SSL callback:ok, preverify_ok=1, ssl_okay=0
│Verified connection to issues.asterisk.org (cert=*.asterisk.org)
│Certificate issued by: /C=US/O=GeoTrust, Inc./CN=RapidSSL CA
│Secure 256-bit TLSv1/SSLv3 (DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA) HTTP connection
│Sending HTTP request.
│HTTP request sent; waiting for response.
│Alert!: Unexpected network read error; connection aborted.
│Can't Access `https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-19941'
│Alert!: Unable to access document.

But judging from your description of the patch, I’d say,
go for it. Nik can probably test a fix on his server.

(A bit unfortunate for all of us, a new major version
was uploaded to sid at the time we finally got around
to debug this. I have no idea how to best handle this
(also since I don’t use Asterisk myself).)

“ah that reminds me, thanks for the stellar entertainment that you and certain
other people provide on the Debian mailing lists │ sole reason I subscribed to
them (I'm not using Debian anywhere) is the entertainment factor │ Debian does
not strike me as a place for good humour, much less German admin-style humour”

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