Upgrade sflphone-[daemon,kde,gnome] to version 1.4.0
Emmanuel Lepage
emmanuel.lepage at savoirfairelinux.com
Thu Sep 11 21:25:44 UTC 2014
I am one of the sflphone (a SIP and IAX2 client) developer. Our packages in Debian unstable is currently version 1.3.0. This package have multiple major issue including freezes and crash on launch. This is even more severe with recent updates to our dependencies. Those issues are often reported to our mailing list, proving the need for actions. Some of these issues have been patched either by us or third parties in the Ubuntu patchset but don't seem to have found their way back into Debian. I would like to know if it would be possible to add me to the packaging group so I can solve this. Also, SFLphone 1.4.1 will be released next week and is part of a long term support release while 1.3.* are not. I would like to upload the new version. According to empirical evidences from errors.ubuntu.com, 1.4.0 is already much more stable, 1.4.1 is even more. Once the video support is disable (this is the default for 1.3.0 packages and will stay that way for the foreseeable future) 1.4.0 is mostly a bug fix release of 1.3.0.
My new alioth account is "elv13-guest". What is the way forward?
* Please CC me in the reply, I have yet to subscribe to this list.
Best regards,
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