Bug#755643: Re: Bug#755643: mumble-django: Please ensure it works with Django 1.7

Raphael Hertzog hertzog at debian.org
Sat Sep 27 19:25:39 UTC 2014


On Fri, 26 Sep 2014, Michael Ziegler wrote:
> I'm sorry for the delay. Using "./manage.py runserver" the new version I
> packaged in svn works fine and is theoretically ready to be uploaded,
> but there seems to be something wrong with the Apache config because I
> ran into some obscure bug when testing it.

If the problem is with Apache, it's probably not introduced with Django
1.7. Are you sure that the Apache problem is not related to Apache 2.4 and
that the current package doesn't already suffer from it?

Did the apache config change between 2.10 and 2.11?

If the current package already has the problem, then it's not a regression
and uploading the new version now doesn't forbid you to fix the problem in
a few days... and doesn't put users in a worst situation than currently.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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