
George Gina Lagu georgelagu98 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 00:45:13 UTC 2015

My name is George Lagu am 23 years I am from South Sudan, my parents  
were killed because of the present crisis, so me and my sister manage  
to escape with my late father consignment box containing $22, 000, 000  
  and a box full of AU gold to a hotel in Accra Ghana because  
Accra-Ghana is the safest place in Africa, we want you to be our new  
parents and beneficiary so that we can invest this wealth and also  
complete our education in your country, please let us know if you are  
willing to help so that we can send you money ($50,000) through  
western union money transfer and moneygram transfer for the processing  
of your visa and travel document, send us 5 names for the western  
union and moneygram transfer waiting for you.....George Lagu

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