Bug#804737: libre: FTBFS on i386: epoll_check missing

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Wed Nov 25 14:47:23 UTC 2015

> The i386 build of libre failed with the error

Thank you for the report!

>   - epoll_check at Base 0.4.14
>   +#MISSING: 0.4.14-2# epoll_check at Base 0.4.14

Most likely due to this ad-hoc re.mk check:

HAVE_EPOLL   := $(shell [ -f $(SYSROOT)/include/sys/epoll.h ] || \
                        [ -f $(SYSROOT)/include/$(MACHINE)/sys/epoll.h ] \
                        && echo "1")

Is epoll.h available on i386?  It is on my amd64 jessie,
at /usr/include/sys/epoll.h.

The re.mk checks are really fragile. :-(

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