Bug#822172: Acknowledgement (pjproject: please package examples)

ydirson at free.fr ydirson at free.fr
Thu Apr 21 21:10:52 UTC 2016

pygui does not seem uptodate (importing pjsua2 while the package builds pjsua).

I was able to build vidgui (which is referenced from official wiki at
http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/Video_Users_Guide) by:
* building the package from source first (else qmake complains not to find toplevel build.mak,
  not sure how that can be handled in the package (providing a prebuilt binary would not help
  to experiment by changing the code).  Copying the toplevel *.mak to the example dir and
  editing the example's include ?
* even then I had to rereun the ld command after adding -lSDL2 -lX11

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