Packages for stretch

Bernhard Schmidt berni at
Tue Nov 22 09:46:21 UTC 2016


looking at
there are quite a few open tasks in packages maintained by this team.
For the long running RC bugs I think we should decide which we want to
get into Stretch (by team uploads/NMU if necessary), which need help and
which are to be dropped.

asterisk		maintained, up to date (not in Stretch due to openssl)
asterisk-chan-capi	FTBFS, old RC bugs, not in Wheezy, 18 popcon
	I cannot test this, I'd vote RM
asterisk-core-sounds	ok, might be good to update, I can take care of
asterisk-espeak		should follow asterisk into testing
asterisk-moh-opsound	ok
asterisk-prompt-es	RC bug, but should be easily fixable
asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle	ok
asterisk-prompt-fr-proformatique	ok
asterisk-prompt-it	ok
asterisk-testsuite	depends on starpy
starpy			weird case, should be in sid but isn't, maybe
	needs another upload
belle-sip		new upstream available, looks okay otherwise
bzrtp			new upstream available, looks okay otherwise
captagent		ok
coturn			ok
dahdi-firmware		ok
dahdi-linux		ok
dahdi-tools		ok
dlz-ldap-enum		ok
gnugk			old version, not updated since Jessie, waiting
	for ptlib and h323plus
h323plus		old version, not updated since Wheezy, waiting
	for ptlib
homer-api		ok
iaxmodem		not updated since Jessie
kamailio		maintained, up to date, not in Stretch due to
libasterisk-agi-perl	new upstream available
libccaudio		new upstream available
libccrtp		new upstream available
libccscript		ok
libcommoncpp2		ok
libexosip2		ok
libosip2		ok
libpri			new upstream available
libre			ok
libss7			ok
libzrtpcpp		RC bug, FTBFS with OpenSSL 1.1.0
linphone		won't be updated for Stretch, but renewed
opal			new upstream available, depends on ptlib
openam			depends on h323plus, ptlib, very low popcon
pjproject		ok
portaudio19		ok
ptlib			RC bugs, FTBFS with GCC6 and OpenSSL 1.1.0
py-asterisk		new upstream available
python-pyst		ok
radcli			ok
reconserver		ok
resipprocate		will be removed from Stretch soon, can be built
	against OpenSSL 1.0.2
ring			ok
rtpproxy		ok
siptester		ok
sipgrep			ok
sipproxd		new upstream available
sipsak			ok
sipwitch		new upstream available
sipxtapi		ok
sngrep			ok
spandsp			ok
stun			ok
stunserver		not in testing, FTBFS with OpenSSL 1.1.0, new upstream available
t38modem		ok
twinkle			ok
ucommon			ok
yate			not in testing, not maintained, numerous RC bugs

So there is a large cluster around ptlib and h323plus.

I can do QA-Uploads on a few packages, but I cannot really do more than

Best Regards,
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