yahoo! just a note

Debian testing watch james410 at
Sun Aug 13 02:18:33 UTC 2017


I just wished to let you  know  how  much I  appreciate all you're doing for  me personally, and I'd like to share  with you something  important, please read it here

Speak to you later, Debian testing watch

From: belle-sip [mailto:belle-sip at]
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 9:18 PM
To: james410 at
Subject: A lot.

Not sure how much superstition you are willing to  believe  when  it comes  to rolling and other game  mechanics.  BUT, a method I have seen others swear  by and recently picked  up myself is the window shopping method. 

Roll the PEM until you get a gold egg then immediately switch and  roll the REM. Someone posted yesterday they were 4/4 for gold  and I've gone 2/2 since  I tried it. Could be  coincidence but it'd be worth a shot with  your current luck.

Edit: lol at the  downvotes  I said this was superstition and the "window method" isn't something new  to the  subreddit. I was contributing to  OP  in hopes  of ways to  improve his luck. I never said it was  a garauntee.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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