On yate's fate

Guillem Jover guillem at debian.org
Fri Aug 18 10:36:14 UTC 2017


On Thu, 2017-08-10 at 18:09:07 +0300, Paul Chitescu wrote:
> We didn't made a release in quite some time but a new one is coming soon.

Ah, that would be very nice, as it might put people at ease regarding
its upstream status!

> It would make sense to also package YateBTS even if only partly VoIP.

I guess you could file an RFP bug, <https://wiki.debian.org/RFP> so
that others might see there's interest in getting this packaged.

I think I'll file one for Yate itself in the coming days.

> While we can provide help and fixes related to the code we have little
> experience regarding Debian packaging.

Checking whether the bugs that were the reason for this package getting
removed from Debian, have been fixed would make it way easier for
someone to pick up from where the package was left and try to package
the new version.

Here's the full list of bugs filed when the package was removed, the
most relevant ones are any with serious/grave/critical severity:



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