[iaxmodem REMOVED from testing]

Bernhard Schmidt berni at debian.org
Sat Apr 14 21:49:11 BST 2018

On 12.04.2018 16:51, Joerg Dorchain wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 04:32:13PM +0200, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
>> You have imported the full sources into the upstream branch, gbp has
>> tagged this upstream/1.3.0. It has then been merged into master and a
>> couple of files dropped in master
>> https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-voip-team/iaxmodem/commit/2b9d324de05b993efdba69af38c0ed82ca722d08.
>> I assume these are not DFSG-clean and must not be distributed by Debian?
> These have been removed  from distribution in the debian packet
> before I touched it and even the build rules explicitly stop when
> they exist. You saw that below.
> I suspect both policy reasons (MS Vistual Stidio files) and
> architectural reasons (mmx-cpu not available everywhere).

I haven't found any license in the MSVCS files so it probably makes
sense to remove them.

>> Anyway, the git-buildpackage workflow, when you do not have the orig
>> tarball (as it is the case with my git checkout) is to make a tarball
>> out of the upstream/<upstreamversion> tarball, then put the debian/
>> content in master in the debian tarball. At build those are merged together.
>> Your upstream version (changelog) is 1.3.0~dfsg. There is no tag
>> upstream/1.3.0_dfsg, so gbp buildpackage bails out.
>> When I manually tag the upstream/1.3.0 commit as upstream/1.3.0_dfsg the
>> orig.tar.bz2 is recreated from the upstream branch, but your deletions
>> outside debian/ cannot be represented in the Debian tarball. I get
>> dpkg-source: warning: ignoring deletion of file lib/spandsp/Makefile.in,
>> use --include-removal to override
>> dpkg-source: warning: ignoring deletion of file lib/spandsp/aclocal.m4,
>> use --include-removal to override
>> dpkg-source: warning: ignoring deletion of file lib/spandsp/config-h.in,
>> use --include-removal to override
>> etc and the build fails.
> These are files created and later deleted automatically  via the
> implicit dh_autoreconf with compat level11.
> Upstream uses aclocal-1.13, which makes my local build fail, as
> I do not have that version.

No, this error message happens way before the debhelper invocation. The
files are still there in the git repository with the upstream/1.3.0 tag,
but are not present in the master branch because you deleted them.
>> Apparently you have a ~dfsg.orig.tar.*, so you must have generated it
>> somehow?
> Might be an artefact left over from my previous try with 1.3.0
> branch in the parent directory, as its creation date shows Feb 8.

Looks like.

>> If you need to repack, you usually do not import the original original
>> tarball from upstream, but the filtered one. uscan can do this for you
>> automatically if you have a machine-readable copyright file. So you
>> never have the problematic content in any branch in your git repo.
> I tried a machine readable copyright file. This obviously needs
> more tuning. The watch file has been updated before, so as long
> as the next upstream release happens before other changes, life
> should be simpler.
>> Other than that it looks good to me.
> Thanks!
> Unfortunately, for the proper upstream tar file content, I have
> no direct idea and would appriciated some help to get this fixed,
> too.

uscan (uupdate?) can feed Files-Excluded from a machine readable
copyright file into mk-origtargz to repack and exclude these files. You
can also do this manually. I have recently done that for ntp, because
the copyright is so messy that it would takes weeks to get it


You haven't uploaded yet, do you could make a 1.3.0+dfsg upstream
version with a mk-origtargz script and import that as new upstream
version. Please do this on a test repo (best a fork in your personal
namespace on salsa), since it will probably be a bit messy at first
(your new upstream release will drop files you already dropped on master).

In the end your only difference between the upstream branch and the
master branch should be within debian/.


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