Move biboumi from VoIP to XMPP team?

Jonas Smedegaard jonas at
Fri Feb 2 10:37:13 UTC 2018

Hi Martin,

Quoting W. Martin Borgert (2018-02-01 20:26:58)
> as a happy user of the biboumi package, I wonder whether biboumi would 
> formally better placed in the XMPP team than in the VoIP team. Not, 
> that it matters much. Just because biboumi is an XMPP component and is 
> not related to VoIP, so far as I know.

We (Vasudev and I) placed Biboumi in the VoIP team because it was 
arguably somewhat related to that, and I was already involved there so 
it would not involved tuning into the unique rules/policies/habits of 
yet another team.

If, as you say, it doesn't matter much, then how does it matter little - 
and what would it involve (if you know)?

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

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