Maintainer status for opal/ptlib

Eugen Dedu eugen.dedu at
Mon Feb 26 09:20:33 UTC 2018

On 24/02/18 23:31, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
> Hi Eugen,
> we're (yet again) trying to comb through the list of outdated packages
> in pkg-voip and-maintainers and I've come across opal/ptlib, which have
> been out of testing for RC bugs for quite a while now.
> Are you still working on these packages?

Hi Bernhard,

I have been interested in ptlib and opal packages because ekiga depends 
on them, and I have been an ekiga developer.  Now, it has been 1-2 years 
since ekiga has not been updated, because of lack of developer time, so 
I do not have any incentive to maintain ptlib, opal and ekiga.  My 
current job is more time hungry, and I do not have enough time to do all 
the things I would like to do.

So I do not work on these packages anymore, sorry.

Best regards,

Eugen Dedu
Associate Professor / Maître de conférences HDR
OMNI team leader
FEMTO-ST institute, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, CNRS
Montbéliard, France
tel. +33 3 81 99 47 75

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