[iaxmodem REMOVED from testing]

Bernhard Schmidt berni at debian.org
Tue Feb 27 14:47:01 UTC 2018

On 27.02.2018 14:01, Joerg Dorchain wrote:

Hi Jörg,

>>> Just need to tell the detail on how I am supposed to bring in
>>> fixes for official builds.
>> Are you familiar with Packaging for Debian?
> Let's say more than average ;-) Once I made an attempt to become
> debian developer, but that somehow slept in as the mentor got
> into a busy period and I did not look much further.

Feel free to restart this process, although I know this can take a long

>> Since you already are a member of the Debian pkg-voip Salsa Team you can
>> start at https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-voip-team/iaxmodem .
> This is GitLab?! Great, I love that tool ;-) Do you already use
> the continuous integration chain?

Not yet, but feel free to dive into it. I think there are already shared
runners on salsa.

>> As soon as you have something that can be tested and uploaded feel free
>> to shout on this list, I'm sure someone can sponsor the upload then.
> Well, I just uploaded the fix for the FTBS bug as a first try.
> Least I can say, it builds a package (modulo missing gpg keys for
> signing)

Okay ...

If you want to take over this is (at the first glance) the things you
need to do:

- add yourself to uploaders in d/control
- again change the Vcs URI in d/control to salsa
- think about packaging the new upstream
- check for newer Standards-Version
- decide how to deal with your own #857906


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