PortSIP VoIP SDK Major release V16 is ready!

PortSIP press at portsip.io
Mon Jun 18 08:20:50 BST 2018

** PortSIP VoIP SDK V16 is ready, this is a major release

PortSIP Solutions, Inc., developer of the software-based Unified Communications Solution, announces the PortSIP VoIP SDK v16 is released!

Accelerate and Simplify the Development of Voice, Video and IM PortSIP VoIP SDK (SIP SDK, Softpohne SDK) provides flexible APIs that developers can utilize to quickly implement voice, video and IM apps for Android, iOS, Windows and macOS!

** This v16 is a major release, the key highlights are:
* Rewrite the audio and video engine, improve the audio and video call quality
* Updated the iOS and Android SDK to latest version which support the newest features of iPhone and Android
* Hardware acceleration for video encode and decode
* New Xamarain sample project for Android
* Added enableEarlyMedia function
* Remove muteMicrophone, muteSpeaker functions, use the muteSession to instead of it
* Renamed setAudioQos to enableAudioQos
* Renamed setVideoQos to enableVideoQos
* Fixed some bugs
* Add the enableRport API allow us to enable/disable rport, default is enabled
* PERS rewrote for below purposes:

* Provide the Session Border Controller feature
* Provide the VoIP Anti-Blocking feature for UAE
* Support for TCP Tunnel
* Please download the PortSIP VoIP SDK here for free trial

Please download the PortSIP VoIP SDK (https://www.portsip.com/portsip-voip-sdk/) here for free trial.

You can find more details at PortSIP (https://www.portsip.com/portsip-voip-sdk/) website.
Read More → (https://www.portsip.com/2018/06/06/portsip-voip-sdk-v16-released/)

PortSIP Solutions, Inc.

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PortSIP Solutions, Inc. . UNIT 1303, 13/F, BEVERLY HOUSE, 93-107 LOCKHART ROAD, WANCHAI . Hong Kong  . Hong Kong

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PortSIP Solutions, Inc. . UNIT 1303, 13/F, BEVERLY HOUSE, 93-107 LOCKHART ROAD, WANCHAI . Hong Kong  . Hong Kong

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