Updated OpenStack Users List

Iris Davey iris.davey at anycontactsolution.com
Mon Mar 5 15:16:13 UTC 2018

Hi there,

I would like get in touch with you regarding our fresh updated OpenStack users list for marketing or email campaign?

We are global database provider with 100% accuracy. We provide complete in-depth information on the telecom and other products company uses.

List contains: Name, Company's Name, Phone Number, Job Title, Email address, Complete Mailing address, Company revenue, size, Web address etc.

We also have other technology users like: Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Microsoft Azure, Linode, Green Cloud Technologies, Rackspace Managed Cloud, Compute Engine, CloudStack, Vultr and so on.

Please let me know your thoughts and your criteria we will provide you with more information. And if you aren't the right person to discuss this mail you can freely forward this mail to right person in your organization.

Iris Davey
Senior Marketing Analytics

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