Bug#921266: linphone: Segfault and crash with "error 4 in libc-2.28.so" on password entry

Alf alf.debianfan at gmx.de
Fri Apr 12 21:10:00 BST 2019

Am 10.04.19 um 19:43 schrieb Bernhard Übelacker:
> Control: reassign 921266 libbellesip0 1.6.3-4
> Control: affects 921266 linphone
> Control: tags 921266 + upstream patch

> (gdb) list provider.c:1032,1050
> 1032
> 1033    static void authorization_context_fill_from_auth(authorization_context_t* auth_context,belle_sip_header_www_authenticate_t* authenticate,belle_sip_uri_t *from_uri) {
> 1034            authorization_context_set_realm(auth_context,belle_sip_header_www_authenticate_get_realm(authenticate));
> 1035 >>>>>>>>>  if (auth_context->nonce && strcmp(belle_sip_header_www_authenticate_get_nonce(authenticate),auth_context->nonce)!=0) {
> 1036                    /*new nonce, resetting nounce_count*/
> 1037                    auth_context->nonce_count=0;
> 1038            }

Thanks for your help Bernhard!

I am prepared to test your patch as soon as I get a binary of the
patched lib.

I just got aware of another detail regarding Telekom/t-online:
Some time ago (1 - 2 years) the internet access has been switched to so
called "BNG" (broadband network gateway). With that the authentication
no longer needs a password, it is tied to "the pair of wires" = the
physical port on the DSL access multiplexer.
So a password is actually obsolete, every string or even none as a
password does allow registration. The only parameter needed is the phone
number which should be registered (I got 4). I tested with twinkle (in
Buster and Stretch) and linphone 3.6.1 in Stretch.

Kind regards,

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