Bug#921266: Could this simple typo be the reason: "ream" <-> "realm"?

Alf alf.debianfan at gmx.de
Tue Mar 12 10:41:54 GMT 2019

Hi Bernhard

Am 11.03.19 um 00:11 schrieb Bernhard Schmidt:
> Control: severity -1 important Control: tags -1 moreinfo
> Hi Alf,
> First of all, thanks a lot for your report.
> Based on your feedback of only affecting t-online.de configurations
> and also happening in the official Flatpak version (thus not being
> Debian specific) I'm downgrading the severity again.

Sorry, you might have got something wrong:

I never said that it only affects Telekom - I can only check and confirm
that it fails with that SIP-provider because it is the only one I have
access to!

I have been running Linphone since Wheezy and Jessie and now in Stretch
without any problems with Telekom as SIP-Provider. And Telekom is by far
the most popular SIP-provider here in Germany. Aren't there any
people/users to just check functionalty with other SIP-providers?

Without Linphone I'll be unable to use Buster on my Laptop as a
softphone, because also from remote I use my local internet connection
for SIP via OpenVPN.

Additionally the only common in Debian-version and official
flatpak-version is that it fails with segfailt in libc6.
Addresses and output (IP SP, message) are different.
In Debian-version  they are absolutely constant, no matter if using GUI
or CLI in debian-version.

> The ream <-> realm typo is just a typo as far as I can tell. It
> actually comes from here:
> https://github.com/BelledonneCommunications/belle-sip/blob/master/src/provider.c#L234
>  There have been quite a few commits to that file since it has been
> released
> https://github.com/BelledonneCommunications/belle-sip/commits/master/src/provider.c
>  Release 1.6.3 which is imported in Debian has been tagged on
> 21.7.2017, so there are quite a few commits to check on. And the
> totally screwed up handling of the codebase by upstream, with dozens
> of interdependent libraries that need to be upgraded in lockstep and
> have not seen tagged release for almost two years, does not make it
> any easier.
> You could try the daily snapshot of the official flatpak, which
> should be available here
> flatpak --user install --from 
> https://www.linphone.org/snapshots/flatpak-testing-repo/linphone.flatpakref
>  [totally untested, I don't use flatpak]

I tried to setup the daily build, but it totally fails despite some 2GB
of environment to fulfill all dependencies. Flatpak really is not an
option to run such applications. In case it does not get fixed in
Buster, I would prefer to run Stretch with version 3.6.1 in a VM.

Regards, Alf

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