Bug#957037: biboumi: ftbfs with GCC-10

Michel Le Bihan michel at lebihan.pl
Sun Dec 20 15:06:27 GMT 2020

A quick summary of the differences between both repos:

1. Source is imported differently. I tried to import source the same
way it was done previously.

2. Aluaces package might be missing man pages. Upstream is now using
Sphinx instead of Pandoc. I added a patch to build man and updated
control. They put doc/*.rst in examples and I put it in doc. I also
moved the new example config to `/etc/biboumi/biboumi.cfg` since most
packages install example config directly in their final location in

3. I updated copyright hints.

4. My release is marked NMU.

Michel Le Bihan

Le dimanche 20 décembre 2020 à 15:30 +0100, Jonas Smedegaard a écrit :
> Quoting Vasudev Kamath (2020-12-15 09:35:35)
> > 
> > Hi Alberto,
> > 
> > > I have checked that current upstream (9.0) builds flawlessly, and
> > > made my release available at 
> > > https://salsa.debian.org/aluaces-guest/biboumi .
> > 
> > That is great.
> > 
> > > Can I be sponsored so we can upload to at least experimental?
> > 
> > Sure, please raise a merge request against biboumi and I will try
> > to 
> > review your work and sponsor the upload for you. I would be happy
> > if 
> > you can join us in maintaining biboumi. Both me and Jonas are bit
> > busy 
> > and not getting enough time for maintaining biboumi properly.
> You are following along on this bugreport, right?
> I think it would be helpful if you could give a rough estimate on
> when 
> you expect to find time to review the package update.
> I don't mean to rush it, just suggest to be transparent about the
> delay 
> - I can imagine that Alberto and Michel must be excited to see
> progress 
> on their contributions.
> I must admit that I am a bit confused - seems we now have two
> bugfixes 
> for this issue - first from Alberto and later from Michel who also
> wants 
> to join as co-maintainer - hope you can resolve that, Vasudev :-)
>  - Jonas

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