Bug#978616: mediastreamer2: doesn't build correct libraries with cmake?

Gianfranco Costamagna locutusofborg at debian.org
Thu Dec 31 14:25:28 GMT 2020

On Wed, 30 Dec 2020 17:18:41 +0100 Bernhard Schmidt <berni at birkenwald.de> wrote:
> Dear Gianfranco,
> Thanks for filing this bug report. I’m away for the next couple of days and could not check, but wouldn’t just patching the pkgconfig file (your second option) be a lot easier? Upstream merged both libraries and they probably just forgot to change the pkgconfig file as well.
> In the end linphone upstream does not seem to care much about other programs using their library. 

I did my assumption based on this:

[2.9.0] - 2013-05-27
Split the libmediastreamer library in two libraries: libmediastreamer_base and libmediastreamer_voip. For VoIP support, both libraries must be linked to the executable.

So I thought that upstream was moving from 1 library into 2 different libs.
If upstream moved from 2 to 1, patching the pkgconfig file is indeed the right (and upstreamable) thing to do.

But according to git log, you seems to be right:

commit 50c9633712a57910612c4c58d237fbe5652843dd
Author: Ghislain MARY <ghislain.mary at belledonne-communications.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 15 10:51:37 2018 +0200

    Build a single mediastreamer library (instead of mediastreamer_base and mediastreamer_voip) and a single mediastreamer2 framework for iOS.

So, ok for the easier approach!

Description: Fix pkgconfig linkage
Author: Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofborg at debian.org>
Last-Update: 2020-12-31

--- mediastreamer2-4.4.21.orig/mediastreamer.pc.in
+++ mediastreamer2-4.4.21/mediastreamer.pc.in
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ Name: mediastreamer
 Description: A mediastreaming library for telephony applications
 Requires: ortp bctoolbox
-Libs: -L at libdir@ -lmediastreamer_base -lmediastreamer_voip
+Libs: -L at libdir@ -lmediastreamer
 Cflags: -I at includedir@ @MS_PUBLIC_CFLAGS@

This one should do the trick.
I'll upstream it in a pull request shortly!


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