Bug#1008840: linphone: Recording does not work due to lack of mkv support

Rainer Dorsch rainer at bokomoko.de
Sat Apr 2 21:24:49 BST 2022

Am Samstag, 2. April 2022, 21:54:03 CEST schrieben Sie:
> X-Debbugs-CC: Rainer Dorsch <ml at bokomoko.de>
> On Sat, Apr 02, 2022 at 08:27:19PM +0200, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> > Hmm....I just configured the path for in Settings->User Interface. Can you
> > tell where I can configure the file name?
> I just looked at the code and the ".mkv" suffix is hard-coded in the
> Qt version, so currently there is no way to record in WAV despite
> Mediastreamer2 supporting it.  The command line version ("linphonec")
> still supports it with the "record" command.  I'll add this to the
> list of things to bring up once I get around to discussing bugs with
> the upstream developers.
> A work-around can be to record straight from the Pulseaudio monitor of
> an on-going call (oggenc is part of vorbis-tools):
>   pacmd list-sink-inputs # the index for Linphone was 58
>   parec --monitor-stream=58 | oggenc -o /tmp/linphone.ogg --raw -
> The volume may need to be cranked up quite high.  Working with
> Pulseaudio like this can also get somewhat finicky.

Thanks for the analysis. Do you think it would be sufficient to replace the .mkv 
with .wav in ./linphone-app/src/components/call/CallModel.cpp

void CallModel::setRecordFile (const shared_ptr<linphone::CallParams> 
&callParams) {
      .append(".mkv")     // <=== replace by .wav????

void CallModel::setRecordFile (const shared_ptr<linphone::CallParams> 
&callParams, const QString &to) {
  const QString from(

      .append(generateSavedFilename(from, to))
      .append(".mkv")     // <=== replace by .wav????

and rebuild the Debian package?

Rainer Dorsch
Beatus-Widmann-Str. 5
72138 Kirchentellinsfurt
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