bcmatroska2_5.0.37-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

Dennis Filder d.filder at web.de
Sat Jun 18 16:22:39 BST 2022

On Sat, Jun 18, 2022 at 09:01:42AM +0000, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

> please mention all copyright holder and their licenses in your debian/copyright.

I will fix that.

> Does this software really needs embedded copies of compression libraries?

The problem is that bcmatroska2 uses a rather idiosyncratic build
system called Coremake which I don't fully understand.  Coremake was
the brainchild of one of the Matroska developers, but hasn't been
maintained since ~2011 and is very thinly documented and also heavily
geared towards Microsoft Windows.  All of that makes me quite
reluctant to sink more effort into dealing with it while more pressing
issues continue to exist elsewhere in Linphone.

My plan was to first get a working bcmatroska2 into Debian (so that
Linphone users can record their calls and I can keep working on other
things) and then later figure out a way to dynamically link against
the system version of zlib, bzip2 and possibly lzo2.  But I cannot say
yet whether that is even possible.

If you insist I can look into this right now, but cutting me some
slack here would really help.


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