[Git][pkg-voip-team/asterisk][debian/latest] 3 commits: New upstream version 20.0.0~~rc2~dfsg+~cs6.12.40431414

Jonas Smedegaard (@js) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Oct 8 09:59:20 BST 2022

Jonas Smedegaard pushed to branch debian/latest at Debian VoIP Packaging Team / asterisk

0d2cd678 by Jonas Smedegaard at 2022-10-08T10:01:15+02:00
New upstream version 20.0.0~~rc2~dfsg+~cs6.12.40431414
- - - - -
ef37b4bd by Jonas Smedegaard at 2022-10-08T10:02:03+02:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/20.0.0__rc2_dfsg+_cs6.12.40431414'

Update to upstream version '20.0.0~~rc2~dfsg+~cs6.12.40431414'
with Debian dir 58f9c03450f4ee189b31c682644d4a95faa57132
- - - - -
7cf6ff92 by Jonas Smedegaard at 2022-10-08T10:08:07+02:00
prepare for release: update changelog and copyright hints

- - - - -

12 changed files:

- .version
- ChangeLog
- − asterisk-20.0.0-rc1-summary.html
- − asterisk-20.0.0-rc1-summary.txt
- + asterisk-20.0.0-rc2-summary.html
- + asterisk-20.0.0-rc2-summary.txt
- debian/changelog
- debian/copyright_hints
- main/test.c
- res/res_geolocation/geoloc_config.c
- res/res_pjsip_geolocation.c
- tests/test_crypto.c


@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -1,3 +1,40 @@
+2022-09-28 12:55 +0000  Asterisk Development Team <asteriskteam at digium.com>
+	* asterisk 20.0.0-rc2 Released.
+2022-09-19 12:35 +0000 [e7dd8f5bcb]  Naveen Albert <asterisk at phreaknet.org>
+	* res_pjsip_geolocation: Change some notices to debugs.
+	  If geolocation is not in use for an endpoint, the NOTICE
+	  log level is currently spammed with messages about this,
+	  even though nothing is wrong and these messages provide
+	  no real value. These log messages are therefore changed
+	  to debugs.
+	  ASTERISK-30241 #close
+	  Change-Id: I656b355d812f67cc0f0fdf09b00b0e1458598bb4
+	  (cherry picked from commit 8afb313a4307dbff8849b036703775d8770d21a9)
+2022-09-16 09:58 +0000 [ab9d57a3dd]  George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com>
+	* res_crypto: Memory issues and uninitialized variable errors
+	  ASTERISK-30235
+	  Change-Id: Ia1e326e7b52cd06fd5e6c9009e3e63193c92f6cd
+2022-09-16 08:43 +0000 [45f1fd30a7]  George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com>
+	* res_geolocation: Fix issues exposed by compiling with -O2
+	  Fixed "may be used uninitialized" errors in geoloc_config.c.
+	  ASTERISK-30234
+	  Change-Id: I1ea336bf7abbc16fa59b75720f0db8f1d960b3d4
 2022-09-14 14:50 +0000  Asterisk Development Team <asteriskteam at digium.com>
 	* asterisk 20.0.0-rc1 Released.

asterisk-20.0.0-rc1-summary.html deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

asterisk-20.0.0-rc1-summary.txt deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><title>Release Summary - asterisk-20.0.0-rc2</title><h1 align="center"><a name="top">Release Summary</a></h1><h3 align="center">asterisk-20.0.0-rc2</h3><h3 align="center">Date: 2022-09-28</h3><h3 align="center"><asteriskteam at digium.com></h3><hr><h2 align="center">Table of Contents</h2><ol>
+<li><a href="#summary">Summary</a></li>
+<li><a href="#contributors">Contributors</a></li>
+<li><a href="#closed_issues">Closed Issues</a></li>
+<li><a href="#diffstat">Diffstat</a></li>
+</ol><hr><a name="summary"><h2 align="center">Summary</h2></a><center><a href="#top">[Back to Top]</a></center><p>This is the first release of a major new version of Asterisk. For a list of new features that have been included with this release, please see the CHANGES file inside the source package. Since this is a new major release, users are encouraged to do extended testing before upgrading to this version in a production environment.</p><p>The data in this summary reflects changes that have been made since the previous release, asterisk-20.0.0-rc1.</p><hr><a name="contributors"><h2 align="center">Contributors</h2></a><center><a href="#top">[Back to Top]</a></center><p>This table lists the people who have submitted code, those that have tested patches, as well as those that reported issues on the issue tracker that were resolved in this release. For coders, the number is how many of their patches (of any size) were committed into this release. For testers, the number is the number of times their name was listed as assisting with testing a patch. Finally, for reporters, the number is the number of issues that they reported that were affected by commits that went into this release.</p><table width="100%" border="0">
+<tr><th width="33%">Coders</th><th width="33%">Testers</th><th width="33%">Reporters</th></tr>
+<tr valign="top"><td width="33%">2 George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com><br/>1 Naveen Albert <asterisk at phreaknet.org><br/></td><td width="33%"><td width="33%">2 George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com><br/>1 N A <mail at interlinked.x10host.com><br/></td></tr>
+</table><hr><a name="closed_issues"><h2 align="center">Closed Issues</h2></a><center><a href="#top">[Back to Top]</a></center><p>This is a list of all issues from the issue tracker that were closed by changes that went into this release.</p><h3>Bug</h3><h4>Category: Resources/res_crypto</h4><a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-30235">ASTERISK-30235</a>: res_crypto and tests:  Memory issues and and uninitialized variable error<br/>Reported by: George Joseph<ul>
+<li><a href="https://code.asterisk.org/code/changelog/asterisk?cs=ab9d57a3dd6aa77725598874e094ee29fd0497ef">[ab9d57a3dd]</a> George Joseph -- res_crypto: Memory issues and uninitialized variable errors</li>
+</ul><br><h4>Category: Resources/res_geolocation</h4><a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-30234">ASTERISK-30234</a>: res_geolocation: ...may be used uninitialized error in geoloc_config.c<br/>Reported by: George Joseph<ul>
+<li><a href="https://code.asterisk.org/code/changelog/asterisk?cs=45f1fd30a7a5f55882829da114c17b1d4a854eee">[45f1fd30a7]</a> George Joseph -- res_geolocation: Fix issues exposed by compiling with -O2</li>
+</ul><br><h3>Improvement</h3><h4>Category: Resources/res_pjsip_geolocation</h4><a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-30241">ASTERISK-30241</a>: res_pjsip_gelocation: Downgrade some NOTICE scope trace debugs to DEBUG level<br/>Reported by: N A<ul>
+<li><a href="https://code.asterisk.org/code/changelog/asterisk?cs=e7dd8f5bcb7ffa2a3a88d67c53ad8306f8f88f88">[e7dd8f5bcb]</a> Naveen Albert -- res_pjsip_geolocation: Change some notices to debugs.</li>
+</ul><br><hr><a name="diffstat"><h2 align="center">Diffstat Results</h2></a><center><a href="#top">[Back to Top]</a></center><p>This is a summary of the changes to the source code that went into this release that was generated using the diffstat utility.</p><pre>main/test.c                         |   11 +++++++----
+res/res_geolocation/geoloc_config.c |    2 +-
+res/res_pjsip_geolocation.c         |   16 ++++++++--------
+3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)</pre><br></html>
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+                                Release Summary
+                              asterisk-20.0.0-rc2
+                                Date: 2022-09-28
+                           <asteriskteam at digium.com>
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                               Table of Contents
+    1. Summary
+    2. Contributors
+    3. Closed Issues
+    4. Diffstat
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                    Summary
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This is the first release of a major new version of Asterisk. For a list
+   of new features that have been included with this release, please see the
+   CHANGES file inside the source package. Since this is a new major release,
+   users are encouraged to do extended testing before upgrading to this
+   version in a production environment.
+   The data in this summary reflects changes that have been made since the
+   previous release, asterisk-20.0.0-rc1.
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                  Contributors
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This table lists the people who have submitted code, those that have
+   tested patches, as well as those that reported issues on the issue tracker
+   that were resolved in this release. For coders, the number is how many of
+   their patches (of any size) were committed into this release. For testers,
+   the number is the number of times their name was listed as assisting with
+   testing a patch. Finally, for reporters, the number is the number of
+   issues that they reported that were affected by commits that went into
+   this release.
+   Coders                   Testers                  Reporters                
+   2 George Joseph                                   2 George Joseph          
+   1 Naveen Albert                                   1 N A                    
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                 Closed Issues
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This is a list of all issues from the issue tracker that were closed by
+   changes that went into this release.
+  Bug
+    Category: Resources/res_crypto
+   ASTERISK-30235: res_crypto and tests: Memory issues and and uninitialized
+   variable error
+   Reported by: George Joseph
+     * [ab9d57a3dd] George Joseph -- res_crypto: Memory issues and
+       uninitialized variable errors
+    Category: Resources/res_geolocation
+   ASTERISK-30234: res_geolocation: ...may be used uninitialized error in
+   geoloc_config.c
+   Reported by: George Joseph
+     * [45f1fd30a7] George Joseph -- res_geolocation: Fix issues exposed by
+       compiling with -O2
+  Improvement
+    Category: Resources/res_pjsip_geolocation
+   ASTERISK-30241: res_pjsip_gelocation: Downgrade some NOTICE scope trace
+   debugs to DEBUG level
+   Reported by: N A
+     * [e7dd8f5bcb] Naveen Albert -- res_pjsip_geolocation: Change some
+       notices to debugs.
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                Diffstat Results
+                                 [Back to Top]
+   This is a summary of the changes to the source code that went into this
+   release that was generated using the diffstat utility.
+ main/test.c                         |   11 +++++++----
+ res/res_geolocation/geoloc_config.c |    2 +-
+ res/res_pjsip_geolocation.c         |   16 ++++++++--------
+ 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+asterisk (1:20.0.0~~rc2~dfsg+~cs6.12.40431414-1) experimental; urgency=medium
+  [ upstream ]
+  * new pre-release
+ -- Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>  Sat, 08 Oct 2022 10:07:27 +0200
 asterisk (1:20.0.0~~rc1~dfsg+~cs6.12.40431414-1) experimental; urgency=medium
   [ upstream ]

@@ -914,8 +914,8 @@ Files: BSDmakefile
- asterisk-20.0.0-rc1-summary.html
- asterisk-20.0.0-rc1-summary.txt
+ asterisk-20.0.0-rc2-summary.html
+ asterisk-20.0.0-rc2-summary.txt

@@ -316,9 +316,13 @@ void ast_test_set_result(struct ast_test *test, enum ast_test_result_state state
 void ast_test_capture_free(struct ast_test_capture *capture)
 	if (capture) {
-		free(capture->outbuf);
+		/*
+		 * Need to use ast_std_free because this memory wasn't
+		 * allocated by the astmm functions.
+		 */
+		ast_std_free(capture->outbuf);
 		capture->outbuf = NULL;
-		free(capture->errbuf);
+		ast_std_free(capture->errbuf);
 		capture->errbuf = NULL;
 	capture->pid = -1;
@@ -330,6 +334,7 @@ int ast_test_capture_command(struct ast_test_capture *capture, const char *file,
 	int fd0[2] = { -1, -1 }, fd1[2] = { -1, -1 }, fd2[2] = { -1, -1 };
 	pid_t pid = -1;
 	int status = 0;
+	FILE *cmd = NULL, *out = NULL, *err = NULL;
 	memset(capture, 0, sizeof(*capture));
 	capture->pid = capture->exitcode = -1;
@@ -379,8 +384,6 @@ int ast_test_capture_command(struct ast_test_capture *capture, const char *file,
 	} else {
-		FILE *cmd = NULL, *out = NULL, *err = NULL;
 		char buf[BUFSIZ];
 		int wstatus, n, nfds;
 		fd_set readfds, writefds;

@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ static int geoloc_profile_apply_handler(const struct ast_sorcery *sorcery, void
 	struct ast_geoloc_location *location;
 	const char *id = ast_sorcery_object_get_id(profile);
 	enum ast_geoloc_validate_result result;
-	enum ast_geoloc_format format;
+	enum ast_geoloc_format format = AST_GEOLOC_FORMAT_NONE;
 	int rc = 0;
 	if (!ast_strlen_zero(profile->location_reference)) {

@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ static int handle_incoming_request(struct ast_sip_session *session, struct pjsip
 	char *geoloc_routing_hdr_value = NULL;
 	char *geoloc_uri = NULL;
 	int rc = 0;
-	RAII_VAR(struct ast_str *, buf, ast_str_create(1024), ast_free);
+	RAII_VAR(struct ast_str *, buf, NULL, ast_free);
 	pjsip_generic_string_hdr *geoloc_hdr = NULL;
 	pjsip_generic_string_hdr *geoloc_routing_hdr = NULL;
 	SCOPE_ENTER(3, "%s\n", session_name);
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ static int handle_incoming_request(struct ast_sip_session *session, struct pjsip
 				"Done.\n", session_name,
 		} else {
-			SCOPE_EXIT_LOG_RTN_VALUE(0, LOG_NOTICE, "%s: Endpoint has no geoloc_incoming_call_profile. "
+			SCOPE_EXIT_RTN_VALUE(0, "%s: Endpoint has no geoloc_incoming_call_profile. "
 				"Done.\n", session_name);
@@ -209,6 +209,11 @@ static int handle_incoming_request(struct ast_sip_session *session, struct pjsip
+	buf = ast_str_create(1024);
+	if (!buf) {
+		SCOPE_EXIT_LOG_RTN_VALUE(0, LOG_WARNING, "%s: Unable to allocate buf\n", session_name);
+	}
 	if (config_profile->precedence != AST_GEOLOC_PRECED_DISCARD_CONFIG) {
 		config_eprofile = ast_geoloc_eprofile_create_from_profile(config_profile);
 		if (!config_eprofile) {
@@ -469,7 +474,7 @@ static void handle_outgoing_request(struct ast_sip_session *session, struct pjsi
 	RAII_VAR(struct ast_geoloc_eprofile *, config_eprofile, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
 	RAII_VAR(struct ast_geoloc_eprofile *, incoming_eprofile, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
 	struct ast_geoloc_eprofile *final_eprofile = NULL;
-	RAII_VAR(struct ast_str *, buf, ast_str_create(1024), ast_free);
+	RAII_VAR(struct ast_str *, buf, NULL, ast_free);
 	struct ast_datastore *ds = NULL;  /* The channel cleans up ds */
 	pjsip_msg_body *orig_body = NULL;
 	pjsip_generic_string_hdr *geoloc_hdr = NULL;
@@ -478,11 +483,6 @@ static void handle_outgoing_request(struct ast_sip_session *session, struct pjsi
 	const char *uri;
 	SCOPE_ENTER(3, "%s\n", session_name);
-	if (!buf) {
-		SCOPE_EXIT_LOG_RTN(LOG_WARNING, "%s: Unable to allocate buf\n",
-			session_name);
-	}
 	if (!endpoint) {
 		SCOPE_EXIT_LOG_RTN(LOG_WARNING, "%s: Session has no endpoint.  Skipping.\n",
@@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ static void handle_outgoing_request(struct ast_sip_session *session, struct pjsi
 	if (ast_strlen_zero(endpoint->geoloc_outgoing_call_profile)) {
-			SCOPE_EXIT_LOG_RTN(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: Endpoint has no geoloc_outgoing_call_profile. "
-				"Skipping.\n", session_name);
+		SCOPE_EXIT_RTN("%s: Endpoint has no geoloc_outgoing_call_profile. Skipping.\n",
+			session_name);
 	config_profile = ast_geoloc_get_profile(endpoint->geoloc_outgoing_call_profile);
@@ -578,6 +578,11 @@ static void handle_outgoing_request(struct ast_sip_session *session, struct pjsi
+	buf = ast_str_create(1024);
+	if (!buf) {
+		SCOPE_EXIT_LOG_RTN(LOG_WARNING, "%s: Unable to allocate buf\n", session_name);
+	}
 	if (final_eprofile->format == AST_GEOLOC_FORMAT_URI) {
 		uri = ast_geoloc_eprofile_to_uri(final_eprofile, channel, &buf, session_name);
 		if (!uri) {

@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ static const char *old_key_dir = NULL;
 static char *hexstring(const unsigned char *data, unsigned datalen)
-	char *buf = alloca(datalen * 2 + 1);
+	char *buf = ast_malloc(datalen * 2 + 1);
 	unsigned n;
 	for (n = 0; n < datalen; ++n) {
@@ -532,6 +532,7 @@ AST_TEST_DEFINE(crypto_aes_encrypt)
 	res = AST_TEST_PASS;
+	ast_free(args[KEY]);
 	return res;
@@ -610,6 +611,7 @@ AST_TEST_DEFINE(crypto_aes_decrypt)
 	res = AST_TEST_PASS;
+	ast_free(args[KEY]);
 	return res;

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-voip-team/asterisk/-/compare/d9af95586dc6329b531fd84164945eba1da8514e...7cf6ff92771074c9937e131042c7b5c338f5af0d

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-voip-team/asterisk/-/compare/d9af95586dc6329b531fd84164945eba1da8514e...7cf6ff92771074c9937e131042c7b5c338f5af0d
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