Bug#1033740: linphone crashed when receiving a phone call

Dennis Filder d.filder at web.de
Sat Apr 1 12:04:12 BST 2023

X-Debbugs-Cc: Marco d'Itri <md at linux.it>

I cannot reproduce this here.  BTW: That stack backtrace is missing
the actual error message which I need.

The offending line in mediastreamer2 would be this:

      s->dev = ms_strdup(card_data->pa_id_sink);

In GDB, could you try running these commands after triggering the bug
and paste the output?

  print s
  print *card_data

The output of "pactl list" could also help shed some light on the
cause.  It could be that you have a somewhat unusual pulseaudio setup.


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