Allow asterisk to build on bookworm without bookwork-backports (systemd-dev dependency)

Matthias Urlichs matthias at
Wed Dec 11 10:11:19 GMT 2024

On 10.12.24 23:08, Martin Rampersad via Pkg-voip-maintainers wrote:
> I am trying to compile asterisk for bookworm

Welcome to the club.

My own package sources are at 
(tag: smurf/stable/22.1.0-3), or you can get the resulting build via

deb stable main

(Signature at (https 
also works but I don't see the point)

I need this for my employer, so I pledge to watch+rebuild for new 
Upstream point releases at the very least.

That's the good news. The bad news is that I'm probably way too 
opinionated to co-maintain the package for Debian in its current form — 
anything I touch is based on an upstream git tag, does not have the 
concept of a source tarball (please don't even mention "pristine-tar"), 
and debian/patches has been applied and then deleted. Also, no security 
patch cherry-picking if there's an upstream point release with the fix.

-- mit freundlichen Grüßen
-- Matthias Urlichs

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