Bug#1062909: sofia-sip: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition

Benjamin Drung bdrung at debian.org
Thu Feb 29 17:01:44 GMT 2024

Source: sofia-sip
Dear maintainer,

Please find attached a final version of this patch for the time_t
transition.  This patch is being uploaded to unstable.

Note that this adds a versioned build-dependency on dpkg-dev, to guard
against accidental backports with a wrong ABI.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: trixie/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 6.5.0-21-generic (SMP w/16 CPU threads; PREEMPT)
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE not set
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /usr/bin/dash
Init: unable to detect
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/changelog sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/changelog
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/changelog	2023-05-29 09:36:38.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/changelog	2024-02-29 16:59:57.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+sofia-sip (1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg-6.1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Rename libraries for 64-bit time_t transition.  Closes: #1062909
+ -- Benjamin Drung <bdrung at debian.org>  Thu, 29 Feb 2024 16:59:57 +0000
 sofia-sip (1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg-6) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Add patch to fix reported CVE-2023-32307.
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/control sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/control
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/control	2023-05-29 09:24:41.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/control	2024-02-29 16:59:56.000000000 +0000
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras <devrtz-debian at fortysixandtwo.eu>,
  Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>,
+Build-Depends: dpkg-dev (>= 1.22.5),
  debhelper-compat (= 13),
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 Architecture: any
 Section: net
- libsofia-sip-ua0 (>= ${binary:Version}),
+ libsofia-sip-ua0t64 (>= ${binary:Version}),
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@
  applications for use in scripts, testing and other uses. All
  the tools utilize the Sofia-SIP library.
-Package: libsofia-sip-ua0
+Package: libsofia-sip-ua0t64
+Provides: ${t64:Provides}
+Replaces: libsofia-sip-ua0
+Breaks: libsofia-sip-ua0 (<< ${source:Version})
 Architecture: any
 Section: libs
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@
 Architecture: any
 Section: libdevel
- libsofia-sip-ua0 (= ${binary:Version}),
+ libsofia-sip-ua0t64 (= ${binary:Version}),
@@ -81,11 +84,14 @@
  This package provides the headers and libraries needed to build
  applications against the Sofia-SIP library.
-Package: libsofia-sip-ua-glib3
+Package: libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64
+Provides: ${t64:Provides}
+Replaces: libsofia-sip-ua-glib3
+Breaks: libsofia-sip-ua-glib3 (<< ${source:Version})
 Architecture: any
 Section: libs
- libsofia-sip-ua0 (= ${binary:Version}),
+ libsofia-sip-ua0t64 (= ${binary:Version}),
@@ -105,7 +111,7 @@
- libsofia-sip-ua-glib3 (= ${binary:Version}),
+ libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64 (= ${binary:Version}),
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3.install sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3.install
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3.install	2023-05-29 09:24:41.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3.install	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3.symbols sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3.symbols
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3.symbols	2023-05-23 04:37:57.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3.symbols	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-libsofia-sip-ua-glib.so.3 libsofia-sip-ua-glib3 #MINVER#
- su_glib_prefer_gsource at Base 1.12.10
- su_glib_root_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_glib_root_gsource at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_source_create at Base 1.12.10
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.install sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.install
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.install	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.install	2023-05-29 09:24:41.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.lintian-overrides sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.lintian-overrides
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.lintian-overrides	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.lintian-overrides	2024-02-29 16:59:09.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libsofia-sip-ua-glib3
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.symbols sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.symbols
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.symbols	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64.symbols	2024-02-29 16:59:09.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+libsofia-sip-ua-glib.so.3 libsofia-sip-ua-glib3t64 #MINVER#
+ su_glib_prefer_gsource at Base 1.12.10
+ su_glib_root_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_glib_root_gsource at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_source_create at Base 1.12.10
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0.install sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0.install
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0.install	2023-05-29 09:24:41.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0.install	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0.symbols sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0.symbols
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0.symbols	2023-05-29 09:24:41.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0.symbols	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,3508 +0,0 @@
-# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 1.12.10 amd64
-libsofia-sip-ua.so.0 libsofia-sip-ua0 #MINVER#
- _bnf_table at Base 1.12.10
- _sres_default_port at Base 1.12.10
- _su_home_destroy_mutexes at Base 1.12.10
- _su_home_locker at Base 1.12.10
- _su_home_mutex_locker at Base 1.12.10
- _su_home_mutex_trylocker at Base 1.12.10
- _su_home_mutex_unlocker at Base 1.12.10
- _su_home_unlocker at Base 1.12.10
- _su_monotime at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- _su_nanotime at Base 1.12.10
- _su_time at Base 1.12.10
- any_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- auc_all_credentials at Base 1.12.10
- auc_authorization at Base 1.12.10
- auc_authorization_headers at Base 1.12.10
- auc_authorize at Base 1.12.10
- auc_challenge at Base 1.12.10
- auc_clear_credentials at Base 1.12.10
- auc_copy_credentials at Base 1.12.10
- auc_credentials at Base 1.12.10
- auc_has_authorization at Base 1.12.10
- auc_info at Base 1.12.10
- auc_register_plugin at Base 1.12.10
- auth_allow_check at Base 1.12.10
- auth_cancel_default at Base 1.12.10
- auth_challenge_basic at Base 1.12.10
- auth_challenge_digest at Base 1.12.10
- auth_check_digest at Base 1.12.10
- auth_client_copy_credentials at Base 1.12.11
- auth_client_save_credentials at Base 1.12.11
- auth_destroy_default at Base 1.12.10
- auth_digest_a1 at Base 1.12.10
- auth_digest_a1sess at Base 1.12.10
- auth_digest_challenge_free_params at Base 1.12.10
- auth_digest_challenge_get at Base 1.12.10
- auth_digest_credentials at Base 1.12.10
- auth_digest_ha1 at Base 1.12.11
- auth_digest_response at Base 1.12.10
- auth_digest_response_get at Base 1.12.10
- auth_digest_sessionkey at Base 1.12.10
- auth_generate_digest_nonce at Base 1.12.10
- auth_get_params at Base 1.12.10
- auth_info_digest at Base 1.12.10
- auth_init_default at Base 1.12.10
- auth_internal_server_error at Base 1.12.10
- auth_md5_hmac_digest at Base 1.12.10
- auth_md5_hmac_init at Base 1.12.10
- auth_method_basic at Base 1.12.10
- auth_method_digest at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_addpass at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_alloc at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_cancel at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_challenge at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_challenge_client at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_check at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_check_client at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_check_http at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_create at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_credentials at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_getpass at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_method at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_name at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_ref at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_register_plugin at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_unref at Base 1.12.10
- auth_mod_verify at Base 1.12.10
- auth_readdb at Base 1.12.10
- auth_readdb_if_needed at Base 1.12.10
- auth_scheme_basic at Base 1.12.10
- auth_scheme_delayed at Base 1.12.10
- auth_scheme_digest at Base 1.12.10
- auth_status_init at Base 1.12.10
- auth_status_init_with at Base 1.12.10
- auth_status_new at Base 1.12.10
- auth_status_ref at Base 1.12.10
- auth_status_unref at Base 1.12.10
- auth_strcmp at Base 1.12.10
- auth_struct_copy at Base 1.12.10
- auth_validate_digest_nonce at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_algorithm at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_algorithm_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_allow at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_allow_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_anonymous at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_anonymous_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_any at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_blacklist at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_blacklist_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_cache_errors at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_cache_errors_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_cache_users at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_cache_users_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_db at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_db_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_expires at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_fake at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_fake_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_forbidden at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_forbidden_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_master_key at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_master_key_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_max_ncount at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_max_ncount_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_method at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_method_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_module at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_module_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_next_expires at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_next_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_opaque at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_opaque_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_qop at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_qop_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_realm at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_realm_ref at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_remote at Base 1.12.10
- authtag_remote_ref at Base 1.12.10
- base64_d at Base 1.12.10
- base64_e at Base 1.12.10
- bm_memcasemem at Base 1.12.10
- bm_memcasemem_study at Base 1.12.10
- bm_memmem at Base 1.12.10
- bm_memmem_study at Base 1.12.10
- bool_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- count_su_block_find at Base 1.12.10
- count_su_block_find_loop at Base 1.12.10
- cstr_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- debug_print at Base 1.12.10
- details at Base 1.12.10
- end_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- filter_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- host_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- host_has_domain_invalid at Base 1.12.10
- host_ip6_reference at Base 1.12.10
- host_is_domain at Base 1.12.10
- host_is_ip4_address at Base 1.12.10
- host_is_ip6_address at Base 1.12.10
- host_is_ip6_reference at Base 1.12.10
- host_is_ip_address at Base 1.12.10
- host_is_local at Base 1.12.10
- host_is_valid at Base 1.12.10
- http_100_continue at Base 1.12.10
- http_101_switching at Base 1.12.10
- http_200_ok at Base 1.12.10
- http_201_created at Base 1.12.10
- http_202_accepted at Base 1.12.10
- http_203_non_auth_info at Base 1.12.10
- http_204_no_content at Base 1.12.10
- http_205_reset_content at Base 1.12.10
- http_206_partial_content at Base 1.12.10
- http_300_multiple_choices at Base 1.12.10
- http_301_moved_permanently at Base 1.12.10
- http_302_found at Base 1.12.10
- http_303_see_other at Base 1.12.10
- http_304_not_modified at Base 1.12.10
- http_305_use_proxy at Base 1.12.10
- http_307_temporary_redirect at Base 1.12.10
- http_400_bad_request at Base 1.12.10
- http_401_unauthorized at Base 1.12.10
- http_402_payment_required at Base 1.12.10
- http_403_forbidden at Base 1.12.10
- http_404_not_found at Base 1.12.10
- http_405_not_allowed at Base 1.12.10
- http_406_not_acceptable at Base 1.12.10
- http_407_proxy_auth at Base 1.12.10
- http_408_timeout at Base 1.12.10
- http_409_conflict at Base 1.12.10
- http_410_gone at Base 1.12.10
- http_411_no_length at Base 1.12.10
- http_412_precondition at Base 1.12.10
- http_413_entity_too_large at Base 1.12.10
- http_414_uri_too_long at Base 1.12.10
- http_415_media_type at Base 1.12.10
- http_416_requested_range at Base 1.12.10
- http_417_expectation at Base 1.12.10
- http_426_upgrade at Base 1.12.10
- http_500_internal_server at Base 1.12.10
- http_501_not_implemented at Base 1.12.10
- http_502_bad_gateway at Base 1.12.10
- http_503_no_service at Base 1.12.10
- http_504_gateway_timeout at Base 1.12.10
- http_505_http_version at Base 1.12.10
- http_accept_ranges_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_add_dup at Base 1.12.10
- http_add_format at Base 1.12.10
- http_add_make at Base 1.12.10
- http_add_tl at Base 1.12.10
- http_age_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_allow_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_authentication_info_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_authorization_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_cache_control_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_complete_response at Base 1.12.10
- http_connection_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_content_range_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_content_range_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_content_range_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_cookie_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_cookie_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_cookie_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- http_cookie_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- http_cookie_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_date_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_date_create at Base 1.12.10
- http_date_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_date_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_default_mclass at Base 1.12.10
- http_etag_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_expect_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_expires_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_extract_body at Base 1.12.10
- http_from_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_header_copy at Base 1.12.10
- http_header_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_header_dup at Base 1.12.10
- http_header_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_header_field_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_header_format at Base 1.12.10
- http_host_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_host_create at Base 1.12.10
- http_host_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_host_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_if_match_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_if_modified_since_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_if_none_match_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_if_range_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_if_range_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_if_range_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_if_unmodified_since_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_last_modified_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_location_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_location_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_location_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- http_location_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- http_location_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_max_forwards_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_mclass at Base 1.12.10
- http_message_complete at Base 1.12.10
- http_method_code at Base 1.12.10
- http_method_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_method_name at Base 1.12.10
- http_method_name_connect at Base 1.12.10
- http_method_name_delete at Base 1.12.10
- http_method_name_get at Base 1.12.10
- http_method_name_head at Base 1.12.10
- http_method_name_options at Base 1.12.10
- http_method_name_post at Base 1.12.10
- http_method_name_put at Base 1.12.10
- http_method_name_trace at Base 1.12.10
- http_pragma_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_proxy_authenticate_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_proxy_authorization_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_proxy_connection_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_query_parse at Base 1.12.10
- http_range_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_range_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_range_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- http_range_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- http_range_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_referer_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_request_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_request_complete at Base 1.12.10
- http_request_create at Base 1.12.10
- http_request_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_request_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- http_request_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- http_request_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_retry_after_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_retry_after_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_retry_after_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_server_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_set_cookie_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_set_cookie_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_set_cookie_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- http_set_cookie_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- http_set_cookie_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_status_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_status_create at Base 1.12.10
- http_status_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_status_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- http_status_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- http_status_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_status_phrase at Base 1.12.10
- http_strip_hostport at Base 1.12.10
- http_te_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_te_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_te_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- http_te_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- http_te_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_trailer_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_transfer_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_upgrade_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_url_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- http_user_agent_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_vary_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_version_0_9 at Base 1.12.10
- http_version_1_0 at Base 1.12.10
- http_version_1_1 at Base 1.12.10
- http_version_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_version_dup at Base 1.12.10
- http_version_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- http_via_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_via_d at Base 1.12.10
- http_via_e at Base 1.12.10
- http_warning_class at Base 1.12.10
- http_www_authenticate_class at Base 1.12.10
- httphdrtag_class at Base 1.12.10
- httpmsgtag_class at Base 1.12.10
- httpstrtag_class at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_charset at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_charset_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_charset_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_charset_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_encoding at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_encoding_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_encoding_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_encoding_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_language at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_language_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_language_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_language_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_ranges at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_ranges_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_ranges_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_ranges_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_accept_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_age at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_age_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_age_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_age_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_allow at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_allow_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_allow_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_allow_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_any at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_authentication_info at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_authentication_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_authentication_info_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_authentication_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_authorization at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_authorization_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_authorization_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_authorization_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_cache_control at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_cache_control_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_cache_control_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_cache_control_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_connection at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_connection_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_connection_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_connection_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_encoding at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_encoding_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_encoding_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_encoding_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_language at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_language_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_language_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_language_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_length at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_length_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_length_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_length_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_location at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_location_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_location_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_location_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_md5 at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_md5_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_md5_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_md5_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_range at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_range_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_range_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_range_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_type at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_type_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_type_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_content_type_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_cookie at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_cookie_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_cookie_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_cookie_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_date at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_date_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_date_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_date_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_error at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_error_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_error_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_error_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_etag at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_etag_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_etag_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_etag_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_expect at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_expect_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_expect_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_expect_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_expires at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_expires_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_expires_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_filter at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_from at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_from_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_from_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_from_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_header at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_header_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_header_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_header_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_host at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_host_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_host_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_host_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_http at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_http_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_match at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_match_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_match_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_match_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_modified_since at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_modified_since_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_modified_since_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_modified_since_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_none_match at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_none_match_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_none_match_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_none_match_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_range at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_range_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_range_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_range_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_unmodified_since at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_unmodified_since_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_unmodified_since_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_if_unmodified_since_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_last_modified at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_last_modified_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_last_modified_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_last_modified_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_location at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_location_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_location_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_location_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_max_forwards at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_max_forwards_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_max_forwards_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_max_forwards_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_mime_version at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_mime_version_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_mime_version_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_mime_version_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_payload at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_payload_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_payload_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_payload_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_pragma at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_pragma_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_pragma_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_pragma_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_authenticate_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_authenticate_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_authenticate_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_authorization at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_authorization_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_authorization_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_authorization_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_connection at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_connection_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_connection_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_proxy_connection_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_range at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_range_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_range_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_range_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_referer at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_referer_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_referer_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_referer_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_request at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_request_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_request_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_retry_after at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_retry_after_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_retry_after_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_retry_after_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_separator at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_separator_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_separator_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_separator_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_server at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_server_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_server_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_set_cookie at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_set_cookie_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_set_cookie_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_set_cookie_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_status at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_status_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_status_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_status_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_te at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_te_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_te_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_te_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_trailer at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_trailer_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_trailer_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_trailer_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_transfer_encoding at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_transfer_encoding_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_transfer_encoding_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_transfer_encoding_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_unknown at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_unknown_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_unknown_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_unknown_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_upgrade at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_upgrade_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_upgrade_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_upgrade_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_user_agent at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_user_agent_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_user_agent_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_user_agent_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_vary at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_vary_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_vary_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_vary_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_version at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_version_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_via at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_via_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_via_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_via_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_warning at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_warning_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_warning_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_warning_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_www_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_www_authenticate_ref at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_www_authenticate_str at Base 1.12.10
- httptag_www_authenticate_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- int_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- iptsec_log at Base 1.12.10
- max_size_su_block_find at Base 1.12.10
- max_used_su_block_find at Base 1.12.10
- memcspn at Base 1.12.10
- memspn at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_any_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_any_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_any_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_any_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_any_update at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_charset_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_charset_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_charset_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_encoding_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_encoding_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_language_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_language_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_language_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_accept_match at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- msg_accept_update at Base 1.12.10
- msg_addr at Base 1.12.10
- msg_addr_copy at Base 1.12.10
- msg_addr_zero at Base 1.12.10
- msg_addrinfo at Base 1.12.10
- msg_any_list_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_as_string at Base 1.12.10
- msg_attribute_value_scanner at Base 1.12.10
- msg_auth_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_auth_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_auth_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_auth_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_avlist_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_buf_alloc at Base 1.12.10
- msg_buf_commit at Base 1.12.10
- msg_buf_committed at Base 1.12.10
- msg_buf_committed_data at Base 1.12.10
- msg_buf_exact at Base 1.12.10
- msg_buf_external at Base 1.12.10
- msg_buf_move at Base 1.12.10
- msg_buf_set at Base 1.12.10
- msg_buf_size at Base 1.12.10
- msg_chain_head at Base 1.12.10
- msg_clear_committed at Base 1.12.10
- msg_commalist_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_comment_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_disposition_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_disposition_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_disposition_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_disposition_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_disposition_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_disposition_update at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_encoding_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_encoding_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_id_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_language_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_language_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_language_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_length_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_length_create at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_location_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_md5_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_transfer_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_type_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_type_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_type_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_type_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_content_type_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_copy at Base 1.12.10
- msg_create at Base 1.12.10
- msg_date_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_date_delta_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_date_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_default_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_default_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_delta_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_delta_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- msg_dup at Base 1.12.10
- msg_errno at Base 1.12.10
- msg_error_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_error_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_error_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_error_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_error_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_extract at Base 1.12.10
- msg_extract_errors at Base 1.12.10
- msg_extract_header at Base 1.12.10
- msg_extract_payload at Base 1.12.10
- msg_extract_separator at Base 1.12.10
- msg_find_hclass at Base 1.12.10
- msg_firstline_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_fragment_clear_chain at Base 1.12.11
- msg_generic_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_generic_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_generic_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_generic_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_get_address at Base 1.12.10
- msg_get_flags at Base 1.12.10
- msg_has_error at Base 1.12.10
- msg_hash_string at Base 1.12.10
- msg_hclass_offset at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_access at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_add at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_add_dup at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_add_dup_as at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_add_format at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_add_make at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_add_param at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_add_str at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_alloc at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_copy at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_copy_as at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_copy_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_dup at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_dup_as at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_field_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_find_item at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_find_param at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_format at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_free at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_free_all at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_insert at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_join_items at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_make at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_offset at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_parse_str at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_prepend at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_remove at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_remove_all at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_remove_item at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_remove_param at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_replace at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_replace_item at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_replace_param at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_size at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_update_params at Base 1.12.10
- msg_header_vformat at Base 1.12.10
- msg_headers_prepare at Base 1.12.10
- msg_hostport_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_iovec at Base 1.12.10
- msg_is_complete at Base 1.12.10
- msg_is_prepared at Base 1.12.10
- msg_is_streaming at Base 1.12.10
- msg_list_append_items at Base 1.12.10
- msg_list_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_list_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_list_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_list_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_list_replace_items at Base 1.12.10
- msg_make at Base 1.12.10
- msg_mark_as_complete at Base 1.12.10
- msg_maxsize at Base 1.12.10
- msg_mclass at Base 1.12.10
- msg_mclass_clone at Base 1.12.10
- msg_mclass_insert at Base 1.12.10
- msg_mclass_insert_header at Base 1.12.10
- msg_mclass_insert_with_mask at Base 1.12.10
- msg_mediatype_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_mime_version_1_0 at Base 1.12.10
- msg_mime_version_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_mime_version_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_mime_version_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_multipart_complete at Base 1.12.10
- msg_multipart_create at Base 1.12.10
- msg_multipart_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_multipart_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_multipart_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_multipart_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_multipart_mclass at Base 1.12.10
- msg_multipart_parse at Base 1.12.10
- msg_multipart_prepare at Base 1.12.10
- msg_multipart_serialize at Base 1.12.10
- msg_next at Base 1.12.10
- msg_now at Base 1.12.10
- msg_numeric_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_numeric_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_object at Base 1.12.10
- msg_object_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_params_add at Base 1.12.10
- msg_params_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- msg_params_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_params_dup at Base 1.12.10
- msg_params_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_params_find at Base 1.12.10
- msg_params_find_slot at Base 1.12.10
- msg_params_join at Base 1.12.10
- msg_params_length at Base 1.12.10
- msg_params_remove at Base 1.12.10
- msg_params_replace at Base 1.12.10
- msg_parse_next_field at Base 1.12.10
- msg_payload_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_payload_create at Base 1.12.10
- msg_payload_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_payload_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_payload_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_payload_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_payload_length at Base 1.12.10
- msg_prepare at Base 1.12.10
- msg_public at Base 1.12.10
- msg_q_value at Base 1.12.10
- msg_quoted_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_random_token at Base 1.12.10
- msg_recv_buffer at Base 1.12.10
- msg_recv_commit at Base 1.12.10
- msg_recv_iovec at Base 1.12.10
- msg_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- msg_ref_create at Base 1.12.10
- msg_ref_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- msg_separator_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_separator_create at Base 1.12.10
- msg_separator_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_separator_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_serialize at Base 1.12.10
- msg_set_address at Base 1.12.10
- msg_set_errno at Base 1.12.10
- msg_set_flags at Base 1.12.10
- msg_set_next at Base 1.12.10
- msg_set_parent at Base 1.12.10
- msg_set_streaming at Base 1.12.10
- msg_size at Base 1.12.10
- msg_streaming_size at Base 1.12.10
- msg_token_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_token_scan at Base 1.12.10
- msg_uint32_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_unknown_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_unknown_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_unknown_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_unknown_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_unknown_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_unprepare at Base 1.12.10
- msg_unquote at Base 1.12.10
- msg_unquote_dup at Base 1.12.10
- msg_unquoted_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_unref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- msg_unref_external at Base 1.12.10
- msg_warning_class at Base 1.12.10
- msg_warning_d at Base 1.12.10
- msg_warning_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- msg_warning_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msg_warning_e at Base 1.12.10
- msg_zap_flags at Base 1.12.10
- msghdrtag_dup at Base 1.12.10
- msghdrtag_scan at Base 1.12.10
- msghdrtag_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
- msghdrtag_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- msgobjtag_dup at Base 1.12.10
- msgobjtag_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
- msgobjtag_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- nea_create at Base 1.12.10
- nea_default_content_type at Base 1.12.10
- nea_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nea_emagic_get at Base 1.12.10
- nea_end at Base 1.12.10
- nea_event_create at Base 1.12.10
- nea_event_get at Base 1.12.10
- nea_event_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
- nea_event_view at Base 1.12.10
- nea_log at Base 1.12.10
- nea_server_active at Base 1.12.10
- nea_server_add_irq at Base 1.12.10
- nea_server_create at Base 1.12.10
- nea_server_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nea_server_flush at Base 1.12.10
- nea_server_free_subscribers at Base 1.12.10
- nea_server_get_subscribers at Base 1.12.10
- nea_server_non_embryonic at Base 1.12.10
- nea_server_notify at Base 1.12.10
- nea_server_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
- nea_server_update at Base 1.12.10
- nea_sub_auth at Base 1.12.10
- nea_sub_get_request at Base 1.12.10
- nea_sub_version at Base 1.12.10
- nea_subnode_get_incoming at Base 1.12.10
- nea_update at Base 1.12.10
- nea_view_content_type at Base 1.12.10
- nea_view_create at Base 1.12.10
- nea_view_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nea_view_magic at Base 1.12.10
- nea_view_set_magic at Base 1.12.10
- nea_view_version at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_any at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_dialog at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_dialog_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_eventlist at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_eventlist_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_evmagic at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_evmagic_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_expires at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_exstate at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_exstate_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_fake at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_fake_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_max_expires at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_max_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_min_expires at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_min_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_minthrottle at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_minthrottle_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_reason at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_reason_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_reliable at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_reliable_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_retry_after at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_retry_after_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_strict_3265 at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_strict_3265_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_sub at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_sub_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_throttle at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_throttle_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_version at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_version_ref at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_view at Base 1.12.10
- neatag_view_ref at Base 1.12.10
- next_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- nh_create at Base 1.12.10
- nh_create_handle at Base 1.12.10
- nh_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nh_notifier_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
- nh_validate at Base 1.12.10
- ns_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_add_tport at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_bind_tport_update at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_close_tports at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_contact at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_create at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_deinit_sigcomp at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_get_params at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_get_stats at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_init_sigcomp at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_magic at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_newtag at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_public_via at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_set_params at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_tport_is_updating at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_tports at Base 1.12.11
- nta_agent_version at Base 1.12.10
- nta_agent_via at Base 1.12.10
- nta_check_accept at Base 1.12.10
- nta_check_method at Base 1.12.10
- nta_check_required at Base 1.12.10
- nta_check_session_content at Base 1.12.10
- nta_check_session_expires at Base 1.12.10
- nta_check_supported at Base 1.12.10
- nta_compartment_decref at Base 1.12.10
- nta_compartment_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nta_compressor_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- nta_default_leg at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_bind at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_compartment at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_complete_response at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_create at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_create_response at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_cseq at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_default at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_find at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_getrequest at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_getrequest_ackcancel at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_getresponse at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_gettag at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_magic at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_method at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_method_name at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_mreply at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_received at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_set_params at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_status at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_tag at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_transport at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_treply at Base 1.12.10
- nta_incoming_url at Base 1.12.10
- nta_is_internal_msg at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_bind at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_by_call_id at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_by_dialog at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_by_replaces at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_by_uri at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_client_reroute at Base 1.12.11
- nta_leg_client_route at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_get_route at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_get_rseq at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_get_rtag at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_get_seq at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_get_tag at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_magic at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_make_replaces at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_rtag at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_server_route at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_tag at Base 1.12.10
- nta_leg_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
- nta_log at Base 1.12.10
- nta_msg_ackbye at Base 1.12.10
- nta_msg_complete at Base 1.12.10
- nta_msg_create at Base 1.12.10
- nta_msg_discard at Base 1.12.10
- nta_msg_is_internal at Base 1.12.10
- nta_msg_mreply at Base 1.12.10
- nta_msg_request_complete at Base 1.12.10
- nta_msg_treply at Base 1.12.10
- nta_msg_tsend at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_bind at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_branch at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_cancel at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_compartment at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_cseq at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_default at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_delay at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_find at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_getrequest at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_getresponse at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_magic at Base 1.12.11
- nta_outgoing_mcreate at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_method at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_method_name at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_prack at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_request_uri at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_route_uri at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_rseq at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_setrseq at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_status at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_tagged at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_tcancel at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
- nta_outgoing_transport at Base 1.12.10
- nta_reliable_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nta_reliable_mreply at Base 1.12.10
- nta_reliable_treply at Base 1.12.10
- nta_sip_is_internal at Base 1.12.10
- nta_tag_list at Base 1.12.10
- nta_tport_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
- nta_version at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_ack_branch at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_ack_branch_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_aliases at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_aliases_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_any at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_bad_req_mask at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_bad_req_mask_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_bad_resp_mask at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_bad_resp_mask_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_blacklist at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_blacklist_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_branch_key at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_branch_key_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_cancel_2543 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_cancel_2543_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_cancel_408 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_cancel_408_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_cancel_487 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_cancel_487_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_client_rport at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_client_rport_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_comp at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_comp_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_contact at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_contact_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_debug_drop_prob at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_debug_drop_prob_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_default_proxy at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_default_proxy_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_delay_sending at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_delay_sending_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_extra_100 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_extra_100_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_graylist at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_graylist_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_incomplete at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_incomplete_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_max_forwards at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_max_forwards_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_max_proceeding at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_max_proceeding_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_maxsize at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_maxsize_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_mclass at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_mclass_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_merge_482 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_merge_482_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_method at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_method_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_msg at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_msg_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_no_dialog at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_no_dialog_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_pass_100 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_pass_100_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_pass_408 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_pass_408_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_preload at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_preload_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_progress at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_progress_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_rel100 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_rel100_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_remote_cseq at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_remote_cseq_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_rseq at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_rseq_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_acked_tr at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_acked_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_bad_message at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_bad_message_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_bad_request at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_bad_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_bad_response at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_bad_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_canceled_tr at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_canceled_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_client_tr at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_client_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_dialog_tr at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_dialog_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_drop_request at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_drop_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_drop_response at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_drop_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_irq_hash at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_irq_hash_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_irq_hash_used at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_irq_hash_used_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_leg_hash at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_leg_hash_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_leg_hash_used at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_leg_hash_used_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_merged_request at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_merged_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_orq_hash at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_orq_hash_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_orq_hash_used at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_orq_hash_used_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_recv_msg at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_recv_msg_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_recv_request at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_recv_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_recv_response at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_recv_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_recv_retry at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_recv_retry_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_retry_request at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_retry_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_retry_response at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_retry_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_sent_msg at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_sent_msg_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_sent_request at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_sent_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_sent_response at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_sent_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_server_tr at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_server_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_tout_request at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_tout_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_tout_response at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_tout_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_trless_200 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_trless_200_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_trless_request at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_trless_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_trless_response at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_trless_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_trless_to_tr at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_s_trless_to_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_server_rport at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_server_rport_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sigcomp_algorithm at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sigcomp_algorithm_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sigcomp_aware at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sigcomp_aware_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sigcomp_close at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sigcomp_close_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sigcomp_options at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sigcomp_options_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sip_t1 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sip_t1_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sip_t1x64 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sip_t1x64_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sip_t2 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sip_t2_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sip_t4 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sip_t4_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sipflags at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_sipflags_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_smime at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_smime_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_stateless at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_stateless_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_tag_3261 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_tag_3261_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_target at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_target_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_tcp_rport at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_tcp_rport_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_timeout_408 at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_timeout_408_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_timer_c at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_timer_c_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_tls_rport at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_tls_rport_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_tport at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_tport_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_ua at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_ua_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_udp_mtu at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_udp_mtu_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_use_naptr at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_use_naptr_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_use_srv at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_use_srv_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_use_timestamp at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_use_timestamp_ref at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_user_via at Base 1.12.10
- ntatag_user_via_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nth_client_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nth_client_is_streaming at Base 1.12.10
- nth_client_log at Base 1.12.10
- nth_client_method at Base 1.12.10
- nth_client_request at Base 1.12.10
- nth_client_response at Base 1.12.10
- nth_client_status at Base 1.12.10
- nth_client_tags at Base 1.12.10
- nth_client_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
- nth_client_url at Base 1.12.10
- nth_engine_create at Base 1.12.10
- nth_engine_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nth_engine_get_params at Base 1.12.10
- nth_engine_get_stats at Base 1.12.10
- nth_engine_msg_create at Base 1.12.10
- nth_engine_set_params at Base 1.12.10
- nth_engine_version at Base 1.12.10
- nth_request_auth at Base 1.12.10
- nth_request_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nth_request_message at Base 1.12.10
- nth_request_method at Base 1.12.10
- nth_request_status at Base 1.12.10
- nth_request_treply at Base 1.12.10
- nth_server_log at Base 1.12.10
- nth_site_access_time at Base 1.12.10
- nth_site_bind at Base 1.12.10
- nth_site_create at Base 1.12.10
- nth_site_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nth_site_get_params at Base 1.12.10
- nth_site_get_stats at Base 1.12.10
- nth_site_magic at Base 1.12.10
- nth_site_server_version at Base 1.12.10
- nth_site_set_params at Base 1.12.10
- nth_site_url at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_any at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_auth_module at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_auth_module_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_authentication at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_authentication_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_error_msg at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_error_msg_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_expires at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_mclass at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_mclass_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_message at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_message_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_mflags at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_mflags_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_proxy at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_proxy_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_root at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_root_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_streaming at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_streaming_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_strict_host at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_strict_host_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_template at Base 1.12.10
- nthtag_template_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nua_ack at Base 1.12.10
- nua_application_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- nua_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
- nua_authorize at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_client_check_restart at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_client_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_client_response at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_client_trequest at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_client_tresponse at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_server_init at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_server_params at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_server_preprocess at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_server_report at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_server_respond at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_server_treport at Base 1.12.10
- nua_base_usage_update_params at Base 1.12.10
- nua_bye at Base 1.12.10
- nua_bye_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_bye_server_init at Base 1.12.10
- nua_bye_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_bye_server_report at Base 1.12.10
- nua_callstate_name at Base 1.12.10
- nua_cancel at Base 1.12.10
- nua_cancel_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_chat at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_bind at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_check_restart at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_create at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_init_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_next_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_orq_response at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_report at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_request_clean at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_request_complete at Base 1.12.11
- nua_client_request_in_progress at Base 1.12.11
- nua_client_request_pending at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_request_queue at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_request_remove at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_request_template at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_request_unref at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_resend_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_response at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_restart at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_restart_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_return at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_set_target at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
- nua_client_treport at Base 1.12.10
- nua_create at Base 1.12.10
- nua_current_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_default at Base 1.12.10
- nua_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nua_destroy_event at Base 1.12.10
- nua_destroy_signal at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_deinit at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_remove at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_repeat_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_store_peer_info at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_uac_route at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_uas_route at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_update_params at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_usage_add at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_usage_at at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_usage_get at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_usage_name at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_usage_refresh at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_usage_remove at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_usage_reset_refresh at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_usage_set_refresh at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_usage_set_refresh_at at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_usage_set_refresh_range at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_usage_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
- nua_dialog_zap at Base 1.12.10
- nua_event_data at Base 1.12.10
- nua_event_is_incoming_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_event_name at Base 1.12.10
- nua_extension_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_generate_instance_identifier at Base 1.12.10
- nua_get_hparams at Base 1.12.10
- nua_get_params at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_bind at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_by_call_id at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_by_replaces at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_contact_by_via at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_has_active_call at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_has_call_on_hold at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_has_events at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_has_invite at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_has_register at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_has_registrations at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_has_subscribe at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_local at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_magic at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_make_replaces at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_remote at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_save_tags at Base 1.12.10
- nua_handle_unref at Base 1.12.10
- nua_info at Base 1.12.10
- nua_info_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_info_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_internal_error at Base 1.12.10
- nua_invite at Base 1.12.10
- nua_invite_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_invite_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_log at Base 1.12.10
- nua_magic at Base 1.12.10
- nua_message at Base 1.12.10
- nua_message_server_init at Base 1.12.10
- nua_message_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_message_server_params at Base 1.12.10
- nua_method at Base 1.12.10
- nua_move_signal at Base 1.12.10
- nua_notifier at Base 1.12.10
- nua_notify at Base 1.12.10
- nua_notify_server_init at Base 1.12.10
- nua_notify_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_notify_server_preprocess at Base 1.12.10
- nua_notify_server_report at Base 1.12.10
- nua_options at Base 1.12.10
- nua_options_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_options_server_respond at Base 1.12.10
- nua_prack at Base 1.12.10
- nua_prack_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_prack_server_init at Base 1.12.10
- nua_prack_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_prack_server_report at Base 1.12.10
- nua_prack_server_respond at Base 1.12.10
- nua_publish at Base 1.12.10
- nua_publish_server_init at Base 1.12.10
- nua_publish_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_redirect at Base 1.12.10
- nua_refer at Base 1.12.10
- nua_refer_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_register at Base 1.12.10
- nua_register_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_register_usage at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_add at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_add_contact_to_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_add_contact_to_response at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_by_aor at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_contact at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_for_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_for_response at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_from_via at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_process_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_remove at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_route at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_set_aor at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_set_contact at Base 1.12.10
- nua_registration_set_ready at Base 1.12.10
- nua_respond at Base 1.12.10
- nua_save_event at Base 1.12.10
- nua_saved_event_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_server_params at Base 1.12.10
- nua_server_report at Base 1.12.10
- nua_server_request_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- nua_server_respond at Base 1.12.10
- nua_server_trespond at Base 1.12.10
- nua_set_hparams at Base 1.12.10
- nua_set_params at Base 1.12.10
- nua_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
- nua_signal at Base 1.12.10
- nua_signal_data at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_ack at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_authorize at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_bye at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_cancel at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_deinit at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_destroy_handle at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_event at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_get_contact at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_get_params at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_handle_by_call_id at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_handle_by_replaces at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_handle_make_replaces at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_incoming_handle at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_info at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_init at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_init_handle at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_init_instance at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_init_registrations at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_init_transport at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_invite at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_launch_network_change_detector at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_message at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_method at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_notifier at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_notify at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_options at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_outbound_callbacks at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_post_signal at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_prack at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_process_request at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_publish at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_refer at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_register at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_respond at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_set_defaults at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_set_from at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_set_handle_special at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_set_params at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_subscribe at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_terminate at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_tevent at Base 1.12.10
- nua_stack_update at Base 1.12.10
- nua_subscribe at Base 1.12.10
- nua_subscribe_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_substate_make at Base 1.12.10
- nua_substate_name at Base 1.12.10
- nua_tag_list at Base 1.12.10
- nua_terminate at Base 1.12.10
- nua_unpublish at Base 1.12.10
- nua_unregister at Base 1.12.10
- nua_unsubscribe at Base 1.12.10
- nua_update at Base 1.12.10
- nua_update_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_update_server_init at Base 1.12.10
- nua_update_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
- nua_update_server_report at Base 1.12.10
- nua_update_server_respond at Base 1.12.10
- nua_version at Base 1.12.10
- null_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_accept_multipart at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- nutag_accept_multipart_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- nutag_address at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_address_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_allow at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_allow_events at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_allow_events_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_allow_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_answer_recv at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_answer_recv_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_answer_sent at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_answer_sent_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_any at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_appl_event at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- nutag_appl_event_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- nutag_appl_method at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_appl_method_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_auth at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_auth_cache at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_auth_cache_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_auth_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_authtime at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_authtime_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_auto100 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- nutag_auto100_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- nutag_auto302 at Base 1.12.11
- nutag_auto302_ref at Base 1.12.11
- nutag_auto305 at Base 1.12.11
- nutag_auto305_ref at Base 1.12.11
- nutag_autoack at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_autoack_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_autoalert at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_autoalert_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_autoanswer at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_autoanswer_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_callee_caps at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_callee_caps_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_callstate at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_callstate_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_certificate_dir at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_certificate_dir_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_certificate_phrase at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_certificate_phrase_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_deferrable_timers at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- nutag_deferrable_timers_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- nutag_detect_network_updates at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_detect_network_updates_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_dialog at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_dialog_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_early_answer at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_early_answer_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_early_media at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_early_media_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_enableinvite at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_enableinvite_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_enablemessage at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_enablemessage_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_enablemessenger at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_enablemessenger_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_event at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_event_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_handle at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_handle_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_hold at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_hold_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_identity at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_identity_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_include_extra_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_include_extra_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_initial_route at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_initial_route_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_initial_route_str at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_initial_route_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_instance at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_instance_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_invite_timer at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_invite_timer_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_keepalive_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_keepalive_stream at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_keepalive_stream_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_m_display at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_m_display_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_m_features at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_m_features_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_m_params at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_m_params_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_m_username at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_m_username_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_max_retry_after at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- nutag_max_retry_after_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- nutag_max_subscriptions at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_max_subscriptions_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_media_enable at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_media_enable_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_media_features at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_media_features_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_method at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_method_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_min_se at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_min_se_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_newsub at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_newsub_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_notify_refer at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_notify_refer_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_offer_recv at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_offer_recv_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_offer_sent at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_offer_sent_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_only183_100rel at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_only183_100rel_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_outbound at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_outbound_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_outbound_set1 at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_outbound_set1_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_outbound_set2 at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_outbound_set2_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_outbound_set3 at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_outbound_set3_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_outbound_set4 at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_outbound_set4_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_path_enable at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_path_enable_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_phrase at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_phrase_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_refer_event at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_refer_event_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_refer_expires at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_refer_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_refer_pause at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_refer_pause_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_refer_with_id at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_refer_with_id_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_refresh_without_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_refresh_without_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_registrar at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_registrar_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_retry_count at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_retry_count_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_service_route_enable at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_service_route_enable_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_session_refresher at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_session_refresher_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_session_timer at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_session_timer_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_shutdown_events at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_shutdown_events_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_sips_url at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_sips_url_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_enable at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_enable_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_key_encryption at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_key_encryption_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_message_digest at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_message_digest_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_message_encryption at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_message_encryption_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_opt at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_opt_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_protection_mode at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_protection_mode_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_signature at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_smime_signature_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_soa_name at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_soa_name_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_soa_session at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_soa_session_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_status at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_status_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_sub_expires at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_sub_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_substate at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_substate_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_supported at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_supported_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_uicc at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_uicc_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_update_refresh at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_update_refresh_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_url at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_url_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_use_dialog at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_use_dialog_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_user_agent at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_user_agent_ref at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_with at Base 1.12.10
- nutag_with_ref at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_content_type at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_dialog_contact at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_dialog_gruu at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_get_contacts at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_gruuize at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_new at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_peer_info at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_process_request at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_register_response at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_set_contact at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_set_options at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_set_proxy at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_start_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_start_registering at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_stop_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_targeted_request at Base 1.12.10
- outbound_unref at Base 1.12.10
- outgoing_naptr_tport at Base 1.12.11
- ptr_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- ref_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- scan_domain at Base 1.12.10
- scan_host at Base 1.12.10
- scan_ip4_address at Base 1.12.10
- scan_ip6_address at Base 1.12.10
- scan_ip6_reference at Base 1.12.10
- scan_ip_address at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_attribute_append at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_attribute_by_mode at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_attribute_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_attribute_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_attribute_find2 at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_attribute_find at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_attribute_mapped_find at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_attribute_mode at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_attribute_remove at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_attribute_replace at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_bandwidth_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_bandwidth_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_connection_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_connection_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_connection_is_inaddr_any at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_key_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_key_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_list_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_list_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_connections at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_count at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_count_with at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_dup_all at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_has_rtp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_match at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_match_with at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_transport at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_type at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_media_uses_rtp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_message at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_message_size at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_origin_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_origin_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_parse at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_parser_free at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_parser_home at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_parsing_error at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_print at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_printer_free at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_printing_error at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_repeat_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_repeat_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_rtpmap_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_rtpmap_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_rtpmap_find_matching at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_rtpmap_match at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_rtpmap_well_known at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_sanity_check at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_session at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_session_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_session_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_session_dup_without_media at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_struct_align_ at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_time_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_time_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_zone_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- sdp_zone_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdptag_any at Base 1.12.10
- sdptag_session at Base 1.12.10
- sdptag_session_class at Base 1.12.10
- sdptag_session_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sdptag_session_ref at Base 1.12.10
- sdptag_session_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
- sdptag_session_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- send_stun_error at Base 1.12.10
- server_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- sip_100_Trying at Base 1.12.10
- sip_180_Ringing at Base 1.12.10
- sip_181_Call_is_being_forwarded at Base 1.12.10
- sip_182_Queued at Base 1.12.10
- sip_183_Session_progress at Base 1.12.10
- sip_200_OK at Base 1.12.10
- sip_202_Accepted at Base 1.12.10
- sip_300_Multiple_choices at Base 1.12.10
- sip_301_Moved_permanently at Base 1.12.10
- sip_302_Moved_temporarily at Base 1.12.10
- sip_305_Use_proxy at Base 1.12.10
- sip_380_Alternative_service at Base 1.12.10
- sip_400_Bad_request at Base 1.12.10
- sip_401_Unauthorized at Base 1.12.10
- sip_402_Payment_required at Base 1.12.10
- sip_403_Forbidden at Base 1.12.10
- sip_404_Not_found at Base 1.12.10
- sip_405_Method_not_allowed at Base 1.12.10
- sip_406_Not_acceptable at Base 1.12.10
- sip_407_Proxy_auth_required at Base 1.12.10
- sip_408_Request_timeout at Base 1.12.10
- sip_409_Conflict at Base 1.12.10
- sip_410_Gone at Base 1.12.10
- sip_411_Length_required at Base 1.12.10
- sip_412_Precondition_failed at Base 1.12.10
- sip_413_Request_too_large at Base 1.12.10
- sip_414_Request_uri_too_long at Base 1.12.10
- sip_415_Unsupported_media at Base 1.12.10
- sip_416_Unsupported_uri at Base 1.12.10
- sip_417_Resource_priority at Base 1.12.10
- sip_420_Bad_extension at Base 1.12.10
- sip_421_Extension_required at Base 1.12.10
- sip_422_Session_timer at Base 1.12.10
- sip_423_Interval_too_brief at Base 1.12.10
- sip_480_Temporarily_unavailable at Base 1.12.10
- sip_481_No_transaction at Base 1.12.10
- sip_482_Loop_detected at Base 1.12.10
- sip_483_Too_many_hops at Base 1.12.10
- sip_484_Address_incomplete at Base 1.12.10
- sip_485_Ambiguous at Base 1.12.10
- sip_486_Busy_here at Base 1.12.10
- sip_487_Request_terminated at Base 1.12.10
- sip_488_Not_acceptable at Base 1.12.10
- sip_489_Bad_event at Base 1.12.10
- sip_490_Request_updated at Base 1.12.10
- sip_491_Request_pending at Base 1.12.10
- sip_493_Undecipherable at Base 1.12.10
- sip_494_Secagree_required at Base 1.12.10
- sip_500_Internal_server_error at Base 1.12.10
- sip_501_Not_implemented at Base 1.12.10
- sip_502_Bad_gateway at Base 1.12.10
- sip_503_Service_unavailable at Base 1.12.10
- sip_504_Gateway_time_out at Base 1.12.10
- sip_505_Version_not_supported at Base 1.12.10
- sip_513_Message_too_large at Base 1.12.10
- sip_580_Precondition at Base 1.12.10
- sip_600_Busy_everywhere at Base 1.12.10
- sip_603_Decline at Base 1.12.10
- sip_604_Does_not_exist_anywhere at Base 1.12.10
- sip_606_Not_acceptable at Base 1.12.10
- sip_687_Dialog_terminated at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_contact_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_contact_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_contact_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_encoding_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_encoding_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_language_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_language_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_accept_language_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_add_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sip_add_dup_as at Base 1.12.10
- sip_add_make at Base 1.12.10
- sip_add_tagis at Base 1.12.10
- sip_add_tl at Base 1.12.10
- sip_addr_match at Base 1.12.10
- sip_alert_info_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_alert_info_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_alert_info_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_allow_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_allow_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_allow_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_allow_events_add at Base 1.12.10
- sip_allow_events_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_allow_events_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_allow_events_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_any_route_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_any_route_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- sip_any_route_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- sip_any_route_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_aor_strip at Base 1.12.10
- sip_authentication_info_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_authentication_info_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_authentication_info_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_authorization_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_authorization_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_authorization_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_call_id_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_call_id_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_call_id_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_call_id_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_call_info_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_call_info_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_call_info_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_caller_prefs_add_param at Base 1.12.10
- sip_complete_message at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_accept at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_add_param at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_create_from_via at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_create_from_via_with_transport at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_expires at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_immunize at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_is_immune at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_reject at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_score at Base 1.12.10
- sip_contact_string_from_via at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_disposition_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_disposition_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_disposition_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_encoding_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_encoding_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_language_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_language_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_language_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_length_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_length_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_length_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_length_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_type_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_type_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_content_type_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_cseq_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_cseq_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_cseq_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_cseq_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_date_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_date_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_date_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_date_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_default_mclass at Base 1.12.10
- sip_error_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_error_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_error_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_error_info_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_error_info_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_error_info_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_etag_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_etag_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_etag_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_event_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_event_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_event_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_expires_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_expires_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_expires_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_expires_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_extend_mclass at Base 1.12.10
- sip_extensions at Base 1.12.10
- sip_extract_body at Base 1.12.10
- sip_from_add_param at Base 1.12.10
- sip_from_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_from_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_from_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_from_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_from_tag at Base 1.12.10
- sip_has_feature at Base 1.12.10
- sip_has_supported at Base 1.12.10
- sip_has_unsupported2 at Base 1.12.10
- sip_has_unsupported at Base 1.12.10
- sip_has_unsupported_any at Base 1.12.10
- sip_header_as_string at Base 1.12.10
- sip_header_copy at Base 1.12.10
- sip_header_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_header_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sip_header_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_header_field_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_header_field_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_header_format at Base 1.12.10
- sip_header_size at Base 1.12.10
- sip_headers_as_url_query at Base 1.12.10
- sip_if_match_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_if_match_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_if_match_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_in_reply_to_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_in_reply_to_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_in_reply_to_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_is_allowed at Base 1.12.10
- sip_is_callerpref at Base 1.12.10
- sip_max_forwards_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_max_forwards_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_max_forwards_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_mclass at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_code at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_ack at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_bye at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_cancel at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_info at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_invite at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_message at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_notify at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_options at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_prack at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_publish at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_refer at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_register at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_subscribe at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_name_update at Base 1.12.10
- sip_method_names at Base 1.12.10
- sip_mime_version_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_mime_version_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_mime_version_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_min_expires_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_min_expires_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_min_expires_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_min_se_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_min_se_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_min_se_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_name_addr_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_name_addr_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sip_name_addr_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_name_addr_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- sip_now at Base 1.12.10
- sip_organization_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_organization_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_organization_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_p_asserted_identity_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_p_asserted_identity_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_p_asserted_identity_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_p_preferred_identity_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_p_preferred_identity_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_p_preferred_identity_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_parser_version at Base 1.12.10
- sip_path_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_path_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_path_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_payload_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_payload_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_payload_serialize at Base 1.12.10
- sip_prefs_match at Base 1.12.10
- sip_prefs_matching at Base 1.12.10
- sip_prefs_parse at Base 1.12.10
- sip_priority_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_priority_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_priority_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_privacy_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_privacy_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_privacy_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- sip_privacy_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- sip_privacy_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_authenticate_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_authenticate_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_authenticate_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_authentication_info_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_authentication_info_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_authentication_info_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_authorization_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_authorization_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_authorization_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_require_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_require_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_proxy_require_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_q_value at Base 1.12.10
- sip_rack_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_rack_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_rack_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_reason_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_reason_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_reason_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_record_route_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_record_route_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_record_route_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_record_route_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_refer_sub_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_refer_sub_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_refer_sub_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_refer_to_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_refer_to_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_refer_to_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_referred_by_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_referred_by_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_referred_by_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_reject_contact_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_reject_contact_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_reject_contact_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_remote_party_id_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_remote_party_id_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_remote_party_id_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
- sip_remote_party_id_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- sip_remote_party_id_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_replaces_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_replaces_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_replaces_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_reply_to_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_reply_to_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_reply_to_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_request_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_request_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_request_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_request_disposition_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_request_disposition_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_request_disposition_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_request_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_require_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_require_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_require_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_response_terminates_dialog at Base 1.12.10
- sip_retry_after_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_retry_after_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_retry_after_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_fix at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_fixdup at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_fixdup_as at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_follow at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_is_loose at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_pop at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_remove at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_reverse at Base 1.12.10
- sip_route_reverse_as at Base 1.12.10
- sip_rseq_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_rseq_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_rseq_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_sanity_check at Base 1.12.10
- sip_security_client_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_security_client_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_security_client_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_security_client_select at Base 1.12.10
- sip_security_server_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_security_server_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_security_server_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_security_verify_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_security_verify_compare at Base 1.12.10
- sip_security_verify_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_security_verify_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_separator_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_separator_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_server_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_server_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_server_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_service_route_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_service_route_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_service_route_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_session_expires_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_session_expires_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_session_expires_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_status_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_status_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_status_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_status_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_status_phrase at Base 1.12.10
- sip_subject_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_subject_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_subject_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_subscription_state_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_subscription_state_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_subscription_state_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_supported_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_supported_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_supported_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_tag_list at Base 1.12.10
- sip_tag_str_list at Base 1.12.10
- sip_timestamp_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_timestamp_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_timestamp_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_to_add_param at Base 1.12.10
- sip_to_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_to_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_to_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_to_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_to_tag at Base 1.12.10
- sip_transport_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_transport_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sip_transport_has_tls at Base 1.12.10
- sip_transport_sctp at Base 1.12.10
- sip_transport_tcp at Base 1.12.10
- sip_transport_tls at Base 1.12.10
- sip_transport_udp at Base 1.12.10
- sip_transport_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- sip_unknown_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_unknown_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_unknown_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_unsupported_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_unsupported_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_unsupported_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_update_default_mclass at Base 1.12.10
- sip_url_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sip_url_query_as_taglist at Base 1.12.10
- sip_user_agent_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_user_agent_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_user_agent_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_version_2_0 at Base 1.12.10
- sip_version_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_version_dup at Base 1.12.10
- sip_version_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- sip_via_add_param at Base 1.12.10
- sip_via_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_via_create at Base 1.12.10
- sip_via_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_via_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_via_port at Base 1.12.10
- sip_via_remove at Base 1.12.10
- sip_warning_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_warning_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_warning_e at Base 1.12.10
- sip_word_at_word_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_www_authenticate_class at Base 1.12.10
- sip_www_authenticate_d at Base 1.12.10
- sip_www_authenticate_e at Base 1.12.10
- sipexthdrtag_class at Base 1.12.10
- siphdrtag_class at Base 1.12.10
- sipmsgtag_class at Base 1.12.10
- sipstrtag_class at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_contact at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_contact_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_contact_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_contact_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_encoding at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_encoding_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_encoding_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_encoding_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_language at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_language_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_language_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_language_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_accept_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_alert_info at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_alert_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_alert_info_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_alert_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_allow at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_allow_events at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_allow_events_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_allow_events_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_allow_events_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_allow_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_allow_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_allow_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_any at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_authentication_info at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_authentication_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_authentication_info_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_authentication_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_authorization at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_authorization_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_authorization_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_authorization_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_call_id at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_call_id_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_call_id_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_call_id_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_call_info at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_call_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_call_info_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_call_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_contact at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_contact_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_contact_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_contact_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_disposition at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_disposition_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_disposition_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_disposition_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_encoding at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_encoding_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_encoding_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_encoding_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_language at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_language_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_language_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_language_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_length at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_length_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_length_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_length_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_type at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_type_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_type_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_content_type_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_cseq at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_cseq_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_cseq_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_cseq_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_date at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_date_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_date_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_date_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_end at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_end_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_error at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_error_info at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_error_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_error_info_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_error_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_error_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_error_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_error_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_etag at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_etag_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_etag_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_etag_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_event at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_event_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_event_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_event_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_expires at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_expires_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_expires_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_filter at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_from at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_from_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_from_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_from_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_header at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_header_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_header_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_header_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_if_match at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_if_match_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_if_match_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_if_match_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_in_reply_to at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_in_reply_to_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_in_reply_to_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_in_reply_to_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_max_forwards at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_max_forwards_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_max_forwards_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_max_forwards_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_mime_version at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_mime_version_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_mime_version_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_mime_version_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_min_expires at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_min_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_min_expires_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_min_expires_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_min_se at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_min_se_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_min_se_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_min_se_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_organization at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_organization_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_organization_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_organization_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_p_asserted_identity at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_p_asserted_identity_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_p_asserted_identity_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_p_asserted_identity_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_p_preferred_identity at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_p_preferred_identity_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_p_preferred_identity_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_p_preferred_identity_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_path at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_path_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_path_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_path_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_payload at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_payload_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_payload_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_payload_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_priority at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_priority_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_priority_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_priority_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_privacy at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_privacy_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_privacy_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_privacy_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authenticate_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authenticate_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authenticate_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authentication_info at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authentication_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authentication_info_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authentication_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authorization at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authorization_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authorization_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_authorization_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_require at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_require_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_require_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_proxy_require_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_rack at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_rack_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_rack_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_rack_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reason at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reason_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reason_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reason_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_record_route at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_record_route_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_record_route_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_record_route_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_refer_sub at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_refer_sub_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_refer_sub_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_refer_sub_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_refer_to at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_refer_to_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_refer_to_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_refer_to_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_referred_by at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_referred_by_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_referred_by_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_referred_by_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reject_contact at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reject_contact_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reject_contact_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reject_contact_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_remote_party_id at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_remote_party_id_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_remote_party_id_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_remote_party_id_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_replaces at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_replaces_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_replaces_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_replaces_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reply_to at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reply_to_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reply_to_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_reply_to_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_request at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_request_disposition at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_request_disposition_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_request_disposition_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_request_disposition_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_request_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_request_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_require at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_require_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_require_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_require_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_retry_after at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_retry_after_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_retry_after_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_retry_after_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_route at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_route_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_route_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_route_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_rseq at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_rseq_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_rseq_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_rseq_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_client at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_client_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_client_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_client_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_server at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_server_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_server_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_verify at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_verify_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_verify_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_security_verify_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_separator at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_separator_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_separator_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_separator_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_server at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_server_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_server_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_service_route at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_service_route_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_service_route_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_service_route_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_session_expires at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_session_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_session_expires_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_session_expires_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_sip at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_sip_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_status at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_status_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_status_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_status_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_subject at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_subject_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_subject_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_subject_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_subscription_state at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_subscription_state_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_subscription_state_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_subscription_state_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_supported at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_supported_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_supported_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_supported_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_timestamp at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_timestamp_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_timestamp_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_timestamp_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_to at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_to_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_to_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_to_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_unknown at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_unknown_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_unknown_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_unknown_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_unsupported at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_unsupported_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_unsupported_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_unsupported_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_user_agent at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_user_agent_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_user_agent_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_user_agent_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_via at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_via_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_via_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_via_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_warning at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_warning_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_warning_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_warning_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_www_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_www_authenticate_ref at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_www_authenticate_str at Base 1.12.10
- siptag_www_authenticate_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- size_su_block_find at Base 1.12.10
- size_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- skip_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- sl_allow_log at Base 1.12.10
- sl_allow_print at Base 1.12.10
- sl_contact_log at Base 1.12.10
- sl_contact_print at Base 1.12.10
- sl_fread_payload at Base 1.12.10
- sl_from_log at Base 1.12.10
- sl_from_print at Base 1.12.10
- sl_header_log at Base 1.12.10
- sl_header_print at Base 1.12.10
- sl_message_log at Base 1.12.10
- sl_payload_log at Base 1.12.10
- sl_payload_print at Base 1.12.10
- sl_read_payload at Base 1.12.10
- sl_sip_log at Base 1.12.10
- sl_to_log at Base 1.12.10
- sl_to_print at Base 1.12.10
- sl_via_log at Base 1.12.10
- sl_via_print at Base 1.12.10
- soa_activate at Base 1.12.10
- soa_add at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_activate at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_deactivate at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_deinit at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_generate_answer at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_generate_offer at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_get_paramlist at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_get_params at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_init at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_media_features at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_process_answer at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_process_reject at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_remote_sip_features at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_set_capability_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_set_params at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_set_remote_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_set_user_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_sip_require at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_sip_supported at Base 1.12.10
- soa_base_terminate at Base 1.12.10
- soa_check_sdp_connection at Base 1.12.11
- soa_clear_remote_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_clone at Base 1.12.10
- soa_create at Base 1.12.10
- soa_deactivate at Base 1.12.10
- soa_default_actions at Base 1.12.10
- soa_description_dup at Base 1.12.10
- soa_description_free at Base 1.12.10
- soa_description_set at Base 1.12.10
- soa_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- soa_error_as_sip_reason at Base 1.12.10
- soa_error_as_sip_response at Base 1.12.10
- soa_find at Base 1.12.10
- soa_generate_answer at Base 1.12.10
- soa_generate_offer at Base 1.12.10
- soa_get_capability_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_get_local_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_get_paramlist at Base 1.12.10
- soa_get_params at Base 1.12.10
- soa_get_remote_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_get_remote_version at Base 1.12.10
- soa_get_user_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_get_user_version at Base 1.12.10
- soa_get_warning at Base 1.12.10
- soa_has_received_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_init_offer_answer at Base 1.12.10
- soa_init_sdp_connection at Base 1.12.10
- soa_init_sdp_connection_with_session at Base 1.12.11
- soa_init_sdp_origin at Base 1.12.10
- soa_init_sdp_origin_with_session at Base 1.12.11
- soa_is_audio_active at Base 1.12.10
- soa_is_chat_active at Base 1.12.10
- soa_is_complete at Base 1.12.10
- soa_is_delayed_offer at Base 1.12.11
- soa_is_image_active at Base 1.12.10
- soa_is_remote_audio_active at Base 1.12.10
- soa_is_remote_chat_active at Base 1.12.10
- soa_is_remote_image_active at Base 1.12.10
- soa_is_remote_video_active at Base 1.12.10
- soa_is_video_active at Base 1.12.10
- soa_log at Base 1.12.10
- soa_media_features at Base 1.12.10
- soa_process_answer at Base 1.12.10
- soa_process_reject at Base 1.12.10
- soa_remote_sip_features at Base 1.12.10
- soa_sdp_upgrade_is_needed at Base 1.12.10
- soa_session_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soa_session_unref at Base 1.12.10
- soa_set_activity at Base 1.12.10
- soa_set_capability_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_set_params at Base 1.12.10
- soa_set_remote_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_set_status at Base 1.12.10
- soa_set_user_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soa_set_warning at Base 1.12.10
- soa_sip_require at Base 1.12.10
- soa_sip_supported at Base 1.12.10
- soa_tag_filter at Base 1.12.10
- soa_tag_list at Base 1.12.10
- soa_tag_namespace at Base 1.12.10
- soa_terminate at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_active_audio at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_active_audio_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_active_chat at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_active_chat_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_active_image at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_active_image_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_active_video at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_active_video_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_address at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_address_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_af at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_af_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_any at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_audio_aux at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_audio_aux_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_caps_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_caps_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_caps_sdp_str at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_caps_sdp_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_delayed_offer_enable at Base 1.12.11
- soatag_delayed_offer_enable_ref at Base 1.12.11
- soatag_hold at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_hold_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_local_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_local_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_local_sdp_str at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_local_sdp_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_ordered_user at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_ordered_user_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_remote_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_remote_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_remote_sdp_str at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_remote_sdp_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_reuse_rejected at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_reuse_rejected_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_rtp_mismatch at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_rtp_mismatch_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_rtp_select at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_rtp_select_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_rtp_sort at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_rtp_sort_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_srtp_confidentiality at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_srtp_confidentiality_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_srtp_enable at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_srtp_enable_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_srtp_integrity at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_srtp_integrity_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_user_o_line at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- soatag_user_o_line_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- soatag_user_sdp at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_user_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_user_sdp_str at Base 1.12.10
- soatag_user_sdp_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
- socket_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_sip_has_dtls at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_sip_has_ipv6 at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_sip_has_sctp at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_sip_has_sigcomp at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_sip_has_smime at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_sip_has_stun at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_sip_has_tls at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_sip_has_tls_sctp at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_sip_has_turn at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_sip_has_upnp at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_sip_name_version at Base 1.12.10
- sofia_su_uniqueid_destructor at Base 1.12.11
- sofia_tport_type_sctp_dummy at Base 1.12.11
- span_domain at Base 1.12.10
- span_host at Base 1.12.10
- span_ip4_address at Base 1.12.10
- span_ip6_address at Base 1.12.10
- span_ip6_reference at Base 1.12.10
- span_ip_address at Base 1.12.10
- sres_blocking_query at Base 1.12.10
- sres_blocking_query_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
- sres_blocking_search at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cache_alloc_record at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cache_clean at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cache_copy_answers at Base 1.12.11
- sres_cache_free_answers at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cache_free_one at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cache_free_record at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cache_get at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cache_new at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cache_ref at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cache_set_srv_priority at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cache_store at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cache_unref at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cached_answers at Base 1.12.10
- sres_cached_answers_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
- sres_filter_answers at Base 1.12.10
- sres_free_answer at Base 1.12.10
- sres_free_answers at Base 1.12.10
- sres_is_blocking at Base 1.12.10
- sres_query at Base 1.12.10
- sres_query_bind at Base 1.12.10
- sres_query_make at Base 1.12.10
- sres_query_make_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
- sres_query_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
- sres_record_compare at Base 1.12.10
- sres_record_status at Base 1.12.11
- sres_record_type at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_copy at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_create at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_error at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_get_async at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_get_userdata at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_new at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_new_with_cache at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_new_with_cache_va at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_receive at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_ref at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_root_socket at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_set_async at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_set_timer_cb at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_set_userdata at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_sockets at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_timer at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_unref at Base 1.12.10
- sres_resolver_update at Base 1.12.10
- sres_search at Base 1.12.10
- sres_search_cached_answers at Base 1.12.10
- sres_set_cached_srv_priority at Base 1.12.10
- sres_sip_cancel_resolver at Base 1.12.11
- sres_sip_error at Base 1.12.11
- sres_sip_new at Base 1.12.11
- sres_sip_next at Base 1.12.11
- sres_sip_next_step at Base 1.12.11
- sres_sip_ref at Base 1.12.11
- sres_sip_results at Base 1.12.11
- sres_sip_unref at Base 1.12.11
- sres_sort_answers at Base 1.12.10
- sresolv_log at Base 1.12.10
- srestag_any at Base 1.12.10
- srestag_cache at Base 1.12.10
- srestag_cache_ref at Base 1.12.10
- srestag_resolv_conf at Base 1.12.10
- srestag_resolv_conf_ref at Base 1.12.10
- str0casecmp at Base 1.12.10
- str0cmp at Base 1.12.10
- str0ncasecmp at Base 1.12.10
- str0ncmp at Base 1.12.10
- str_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- strncspn at Base 1.12.10
- strnspn at Base 1.12.10
- stun_400_Bad_request at Base 1.12.10
- stun_401_Unauthorized at Base 1.12.10
- stun_420_Unknown_attribute at Base 1.12.10
- stun_430_Stale_credentials at Base 1.12.10
- stun_431_Integrity_check_failure at Base 1.12.10
- stun_432_Missing_username at Base 1.12.10
- stun_433_Use_tls at Base 1.12.10
- stun_500_Server_error at Base 1.12.10
- stun_600_Global_failure at Base 1.12.10
- stun_add_response_address at Base 1.12.10
- stun_atoaddr at Base 1.12.10
- stun_attr_phrase at Base 1.12.10
- stun_bind at Base 1.12.10
- stun_copy_buffer at Base 1.12.10
- stun_determine_ip_address at Base 1.12.10
- stun_discovery_get_address at Base 1.12.10
- stun_discovery_get_socket at Base 1.12.10
- stun_discovery_release_socket at Base 1.12.10
- stun_dns_lookup at Base 1.12.10
- stun_dns_lookup_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- stun_dns_lookup_stp_addr at Base 1.12.10
- stun_dns_lookup_tcp_addr at Base 1.12.10
- stun_dns_lookup_udp_addr at Base 1.12.10
- stun_encode_address at Base 1.12.10
- stun_encode_buffer at Base 1.12.10
- stun_encode_error_code at Base 1.12.10
- stun_encode_message at Base 1.12.10
- stun_encode_message_integrity at Base 1.12.10
- stun_encode_type_len at Base 1.12.10
- stun_encode_uint32 at Base 1.12.10
- stun_free_buffer at Base 1.12.10
- stun_free_message at Base 1.12.10
- stun_free_message_data at Base 1.12.11
- stun_get_attr at Base 1.12.10
- stun_handle_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- stun_handle_init at Base 1.12.10
- stun_init_buffer at Base 1.12.10
- stun_init_message at Base 1.12.10
- stun_is_requested at Base 1.12.10
- stun_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
- stun_keepalive_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- stun_lifetime at Base 1.12.10
- stun_log at Base 1.12.10
- stun_make_binding_req at Base 1.12.10
- stun_make_sharedsecret_req at Base 1.12.10
- stun_message_length at Base 1.12.10
- stun_mini_add_socket at Base 1.12.10
- stun_mini_create at Base 1.12.10
- stun_mini_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- stun_mini_remove_socket at Base 1.12.10
- stun_mini_request at Base 1.12.10
- stun_msg_is_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
- stun_nattype at Base 1.12.10
- stun_nattype_str at Base 1.12.10
- stun_obtain_shared_secret at Base 1.12.10
- stun_parse_attr_address at Base 1.12.10
- stun_parse_attr_buffer at Base 1.12.10
- stun_parse_attr_error_code at Base 1.12.10
- stun_parse_attr_uint32 at Base 1.12.10
- stun_parse_attr_unknown_attributes at Base 1.12.10
- stun_parse_attribute at Base 1.12.10
- stun_parse_message at Base 1.12.10
- stun_process_binding_response at Base 1.12.10
- stun_process_error_response at Base 1.12.10
- stun_process_message at Base 1.12.10
- stun_process_request at Base 1.12.10
- stun_process_response at Base 1.12.10
- stun_request_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- stun_response_phrase at Base 1.12.10
- stun_root at Base 1.12.10
- stun_send_message at Base 1.12.10
- stun_server_address at Base 1.12.10
- stun_set_uname_pwd at Base 1.12.10
- stun_str_state at Base 1.12.10
- stun_tag_list at Base 1.12.10
- stun_test_lifetime at Base 1.12.10
- stun_test_nattype at Base 1.12.10
- stun_validate_message_integrity at Base 1.12.10
- stun_version at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_action at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_action_ref at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_any at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_change_ip at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_change_ip_ref at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_change_port at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_change_port_ref at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_domain at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_domain_ref at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_integrity at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_integrity_ref at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_register_events at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_register_events_ref at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_require_integrity at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_require_integrity_ref at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_server at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_socket at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_socket_ref at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_timeout at Base 1.12.10
- stuntag_timeout_ref at Base 1.12.10
- su_alloc at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_add_prepoll at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_break at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_decref at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_deferrable at Base 1.12.11
- su_base_port_deinit at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_getmsgs at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_getmsgs_from at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_gsource at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_incref at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_init at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_is_running at Base 1.12.11
- su_base_port_lock at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_max_defer at Base 1.12.11
- su_base_port_multishot at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_remove_prepoll at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_run at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_send at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_stamp64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- su_base_port_stamp64_offset at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- su_base_port_start_shared at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_step at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_thread at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_timers at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_unlock at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_wait at Base 1.12.10
- su_base_port_waiting at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- su_block_find_collision at Base 1.12.10
- su_block_find_collision_size at Base 1.12.10
- su_block_find_collision_used at Base 1.12.10
- su_canonize_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
- su_casematch at Base 1.12.11
- su_casenmatch at Base 1.12.11
- su_clone_forget at Base 1.12.10
- su_clone_pause at Base 1.12.10
- su_clone_resume at Base 1.12.10
- su_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
- su_clone_stop at Base 1.12.10
- su_clone_task at Base 1.12.10
- su_clone_wait at Base 1.12.10
- su_close at Base 1.12.10
- su_cmp_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
- su_copylocalinfo at Base 1.12.10
- su_counter at Base 1.12.10
- su_default_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
- su_default_port_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_deinit at Base 1.12.10
- su_devpoll_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
- su_devpoll_port_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_duration64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- su_duration at Base 1.12.10
- su_epoll_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
- su_epoll_port_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_epoll_port_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- su_free at Base 1.12.10
- su_freeaddrinfo at Base 1.12.10
- su_freelocalinfo at Base 1.12.10
- su_gai_strerror at Base 1.12.10
- su_getaddrinfo at Base 1.12.10
- su_getlocalinfo at Base 1.12.10
- su_getlocalip at Base 1.12.10
- su_getmsgsize at Base 1.12.10
- su_getnameinfo at Base 1.12.10
- su_getsocktype at Base 1.12.10
- su_gli_strerror at Base 1.12.10
- su_guid_generate at Base 1.12.10
- su_guid_sprintf at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_auto at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_check at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_check_alloc at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_clone at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_deinit at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_desctructor at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_destructor at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_get_stats at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_has_parent at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_init at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_init_stats at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_is_threadsafe at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_lock at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_move at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_mutex_lock at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_mutex_unlock at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_new at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_parent at Base 1.12.11
- su_home_preload at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_ref at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_refcount at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_stat_add at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_threadsafe at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_trylock at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_unlock at Base 1.12.10
- su_home_unref at Base 1.12.10
- su_in_home at Base 1.12.10
- su_init at Base 1.12.10
- su_kqueue_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
- su_kqueue_port_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_llog at Base 1.12.10
- su_log at Base 1.12.10
- su_log_default at Base 1.12.10
- su_log_global at Base 1.12.10
- su_log_init at Base 1.12.10
- su_log_redirect at Base 1.12.10
- su_log_set_level at Base 1.12.10
- su_log_soft_set_level at Base 1.12.10
- su_match_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
- su_md5_deinit at Base 1.12.10
- su_md5_digest at Base 1.12.10
- su_md5_hexdigest at Base 1.12.10
- su_md5_init at Base 1.12.10
- su_md5_iupdate at Base 1.12.10
- su_md5_str0update at Base 1.12.10
- su_md5_stri0update at Base 1.12.10
- su_md5_striupdate at Base 1.12.10
- su_md5_strupdate at Base 1.12.10
- su_md5_update at Base 1.12.10
- su_memcspn at Base 1.12.11
- su_memspn at Base 1.12.11
- su_monotime at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_data at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_deinitializer at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_delivery_report at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_from at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_new at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_remove_refs at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_reply at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_report at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_save at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_send at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_send_to at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_size at Base 1.12.10
- su_msg_to at Base 1.12.10
- su_nanocounter at Base 1.12.10
- su_nanotime at Base 1.12.10
- su_node_identifier at Base 1.12.10
- su_now64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- su_now at Base 1.12.10
- su_ntp_fraq at Base 1.12.10
- su_ntp_hi at Base 1.12.10
- su_ntp_hilo at Base 1.12.10
- su_ntp_lo at Base 1.12.10
- su_ntp_mw at Base 1.12.10
- su_ntp_now at Base 1.12.10
- su_ntp_sec at Base 1.12.10
- su_perror2 at Base 1.12.10
- su_perror at Base 1.12.10
- su_poll_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
- su_poll_port_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_poll_port_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- su_port_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_port_execute at Base 1.12.10
- su_port_name at Base 1.12.10
- su_port_prefer at Base 1.12.10
- su_port_wait at Base 1.12.10
- su_pthread_port_deinit at Base 1.12.10
- su_pthread_port_execute at Base 1.12.10
- su_pthread_port_init at Base 1.12.10
- su_pthread_port_lock at Base 1.12.10
- su_pthread_port_thread at Base 1.12.10
- su_pthread_port_unlock at Base 1.12.10
- su_pthread_port_wait at Base 1.12.10
- su_pthreaded_port_start at Base 1.12.10
- su_randint at Base 1.12.10
- su_randmem at Base 1.12.10
- su_random64 at Base 1.12.11
- su_random at Base 1.12.10
- su_realloc at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_add_network_changed at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_add_prepoll at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_break at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_clone at Base 1.12.11
- su_root_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_create_with_port at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_deregister at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_eventmask at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_get_max_defer at Base 1.12.11
- su_root_gsource at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_has_thread at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_magic at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_multishot at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_name at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_obtain at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_parent at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_register at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_release at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_remove_network_changed at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_remove_prepoll at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_run at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_set_magic at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_set_max_defer at Base 1.12.11
- su_root_size_hint at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_sleep at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_stamp64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- su_root_stamp64_offset at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- su_root_step at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_task at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_threading at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_unregister at Base 1.12.10
- su_root_yield at Base 1.12.10
- su_salloc at Base 1.12.10
- su_select_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
- su_select_port_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_select_port_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- su_setblocking at Base 1.12.10
- su_setreuseaddr at Base 1.12.10
- su_slprintf at Base 1.12.10
- su_slvprintf at Base 1.12.10
- su_smoothsort at Base 1.12.10
- su_sockaddr_scope at Base 1.12.10
- su_socket at Base 1.12.10
- su_socket_blocking at Base 1.12.10
- su_socket_close_on_exec at Base 1.12.10
- su_socket_port_deinit at Base 1.12.10
- su_socket_port_init at Base 1.12.10
- su_socket_port_wakeup at Base 1.12.11
- su_soerror at Base 1.12.10
- su_sprintf at Base 1.12.10
- su_stamp64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- su_strcasecmp at Base 1.12.11
- su_strcasestr at Base 1.12.11
- su_strcat at Base 1.12.10
- su_strcat_all at Base 1.12.10
- su_strcmp at Base 1.12.11
- su_strdup at Base 1.12.10
- su_strerror at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_append at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_copy at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_create_with at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_create_with_dup at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_dup at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_dup_append at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_dup_split at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_free_array at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_get_array at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_item at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_join at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_len at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_remove at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_set_item at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_split at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_vcreate_with at Base 1.12.10
- su_strlst_vcreate_with_dup at Base 1.12.10
- su_strmatch at Base 1.12.11
- su_strncasecmp at Base 1.12.11
- su_strncmp at Base 1.12.11
- su_strncspn at Base 1.12.11
- su_strndup at Base 1.12.10
- su_strnmatch at Base 1.12.11
- su_strnspn at Base 1.12.11
- su_task_attach at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_copy at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_deferrable at Base 1.12.11
- su_task_deinit at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_execute at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_init at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_is_running at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_move at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_new at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_null at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_root at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_timers at Base 1.12.10
- su_task_wakeup at Base 1.12.11
- su_time64_add at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- su_time64_to_time at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- su_time at Base 1.12.10
- su_time_add at Base 1.12.10
- su_time_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- su_time_dadd at Base 1.12.10
- su_time_diff at Base 1.12.10
- su_time_ms at Base 1.12.10
- su_time_print at Base 1.12.10
- su_time_to_time64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
- su_timer_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_timer_deferrable at Base 1.12.11
- su_timer_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- su_timer_expire at Base 1.12.10
- su_timer_is_set at Base 1.12.11
- su_timer_latest at Base 1.12.11
- su_timer_next_expires at Base 1.12.10
- su_timer_reset at Base 1.12.10
- su_timer_reset_all at Base 1.12.10
- su_timer_root at Base 1.12.10
- su_timer_run at Base 1.12.10
- su_timer_set at Base 1.12.10
- su_timer_set_at at Base 1.12.10
- su_timer_set_for_ever at Base 1.12.10
- su_timer_set_interval at Base 1.12.10
- su_vector_append at Base 1.12.10
- su_vector_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_vector_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- su_vector_empty at Base 1.12.10
- su_vector_free_array at Base 1.12.10
- su_vector_get_array at Base 1.12.10
- su_vector_insert at Base 1.12.10
- su_vector_is_empty at Base 1.12.10
- su_vector_item at Base 1.12.10
- su_vector_len at Base 1.12.10
- su_vector_remove at Base 1.12.10
- su_vllog at Base 1.12.10
- su_vrecv at Base 1.12.10
- su_vsend at Base 1.12.10
- su_vsprintf at Base 1.12.10
- su_wait at Base 1.12.10
- su_wait_create at Base 1.12.10
- su_wait_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- su_wait_events at Base 1.12.10
- su_wait_init at Base 1.12.10
- su_wait_mask at Base 1.12.10
- su_zalloc at Base 1.12.10
- t_bool_ref_set at Base 1.12.10
- t_bool_scan at Base 1.12.10
- t_bool_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
- t_end_filter at Base 1.12.10
- t_filter at Base 1.12.10
- t_int_ref_set at Base 1.12.10
- t_int_scan at Base 1.12.10
- t_int_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
- t_null_filter at Base 1.12.10
- t_ptr_ref_set at Base 1.12.10
- t_ptr_scan at Base 1.12.10
- t_ptr_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
- t_scan at Base 1.12.10
- t_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
- t_socket_ref_set at Base 1.12.10
- t_socket_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
- t_str_dup at Base 1.12.10
- t_str_scan at Base 1.12.10
- t_str_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
- t_str_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- t_uint_ref_set at Base 1.12.10
- t_uint_scan at Base 1.12.10
- t_uint_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
- tag_any at Base 1.12.10
- tag_filter at Base 1.12.10
- tag_next at Base 1.12.10
- tag_null at Base 1.12.10
- tag_skip at Base 1.12.10
- tl_adup at Base 1.12.10
- tl_afilter at Base 1.12.10
- tl_dup at Base 1.12.10
- tl_filter at Base 1.12.10
- tl_filtered_tlist at Base 1.12.10
- tl_find at Base 1.12.10
- tl_find_last at Base 1.12.10
- tl_free at Base 1.12.10
- tl_gets at Base 1.12.10
- tl_len at Base 1.12.10
- tl_list at Base 1.12.10
- tl_llist at Base 1.12.10
- tl_move at Base 1.12.10
- tl_next at Base 1.12.10
- tl_print at Base 1.12.10
- tl_tfilter at Base 1.12.10
- tl_tgets at Base 1.12.10
- tl_tlist at Base 1.12.10
- tl_tmove at Base 1.12.10
- tl_tremove at Base 1.12.10
- tl_vfree at Base 1.12.10
- tl_vlen at Base 1.12.10
- tl_vlist2 at Base 1.12.10
- tl_vlist at Base 1.12.10
- tl_vllen at Base 1.12.10
- tl_vllist at Base 1.12.10
- tl_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- tls_connect at Base 1.12.11
- tls_events at Base 1.12.10
- tls_free at Base 1.12.10
- tls_get_socket at Base 1.12.10
- tls_init_master at Base 1.12.10
- tls_init_secondary at Base 1.12.11
- tls_pending at Base 1.12.10
- tls_read at Base 1.12.10
- tls_read_buffer at Base 1.12.10
- tls_version at Base 1.12.10
- tls_want_read at Base 1.12.10
- tls_want_write at Base 1.12.10
- tls_write at Base 1.12.10
- token64_e at Base 1.12.10
- tport_accept at Base 1.12.10
- tport_alloc_secondary at Base 1.12.10
- tport_base_connect at Base 1.12.10
- tport_base_deliver at Base 1.12.10
- tport_base_timer at Base 1.12.10
- tport_bind_socket at Base 1.12.10
- tport_by_addrinfo at Base 1.12.10
- tport_by_name at Base 1.12.10
- tport_by_protocol at Base 1.12.10
- tport_can_recv_sigcomp at Base 1.12.10
- tport_can_send_sigcomp at Base 1.12.10
- tport_canonize_comp at Base 1.12.10
- tport_close at Base 1.12.10
- tport_comp_name at Base 1.12.10
- tport_comp_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- tport_continue at Base 1.12.10
- tport_convert_addr at Base 1.12.10
- tport_decref at Base 1.12.10
- tport_deinit_compressor at Base 1.12.10
- tport_deinit_stun_server at Base 1.12.10
- tport_deliver at Base 1.12.10
- tport_delivered_by at Base 1.12.10
- tport_delivered_from at Base 1.12.10
- tport_delivered_from_subjects at Base 1.12.11
- tport_delivered_with_comp at Base 1.12.10
- tport_destroy at Base 1.12.10
- tport_dump_iovec at Base 1.12.10
- tport_error_event at Base 1.12.10
- tport_error_report at Base 1.12.10
- tport_flush at Base 1.12.10
- tport_get_address at Base 1.12.10
- tport_get_params at Base 1.12.10
- tport_get_udvm_slot at Base 1.12.10
- tport_getaddrinfo at Base 1.12.10
- tport_has_been_updated at Base 1.12.10
- tport_has_compression at Base 1.12.10
- tport_has_ip4 at Base 1.12.10
- tport_has_ip6 at Base 1.12.10
- tport_has_queued at Base 1.12.10
- tport_has_sigcomp_assigned at Base 1.12.10
- tport_has_tls at Base 1.12.10
- tport_hostport at Base 1.12.10
- tport_http_connect_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- tport_hup_event at Base 1.12.10
- tport_ident at Base 1.12.10
- tport_incref at Base 1.12.10
- tport_init_compressor at Base 1.12.10
- tport_init_stun_server at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_clear_to_send at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_closed at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_connected at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_dgram at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_master at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_primary at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_public at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_registered at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_reliable at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_secondary at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_stream at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_tcp at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_udp at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_updating at Base 1.12.10
- tport_is_verified at Base 1.12.11
- tport_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
- tport_keepalive_timer at Base 1.12.10
- tport_log at Base 1.12.10
- tport_log_msg at Base 1.12.10
- tport_magic at Base 1.12.10
- tport_msg_alloc at Base 1.12.10
- tport_name at Base 1.12.10
- tport_name_by_url at Base 1.12.10
- tport_name_dup at Base 1.12.10
- tport_name_is_resolved at Base 1.12.10
- tport_next at Base 1.12.10
- tport_next_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
- tport_next_recv_timeout at Base 1.12.10
- tport_open_log at Base 1.12.10
- tport_parent at Base 1.12.10
- tport_peer_address at Base 1.12.10
- tport_pend at Base 1.12.10
- tport_plug_in_compress at Base 1.12.10
- tport_plug_in_stun_server at Base 1.12.10
- tport_prepare_and_send at Base 1.12.10
- tport_primaries at Base 1.12.10
- tport_primary_by_name at Base 1.12.10
- tport_queuelen at Base 1.12.10
- tport_recv_bytes at Base 1.12.10
- tport_recv_comp_dgram at Base 1.12.10
- tport_recv_dgram at Base 1.12.10
- tport_recv_error_report at Base 1.12.10
- tport_recv_event at Base 1.12.10
- tport_recv_iovec at Base 1.12.10
- tport_recv_message at Base 1.12.10
- tport_recv_stream at Base 1.12.10
- tport_recv_stun_dgram at Base 1.12.10
- tport_recv_timeout_timer at Base 1.12.10
- tport_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tport_register_secondary at Base 1.12.11
- tport_register_type at Base 1.12.10
- tport_release at Base 1.12.10
- tport_secondary at Base 1.12.10
- tport_send_comp at Base 1.12.10
- tport_send_dgram at Base 1.12.10
- tport_send_event at Base 1.12.10
- tport_send_msg at Base 1.12.10
- tport_send_queue at Base 1.12.10
- tport_send_stream at Base 1.12.10
- tport_sent_bytes at Base 1.12.10
- tport_sent_message at Base 1.12.10
- tport_set_compression at Base 1.12.10
- tport_set_magic at Base 1.12.10
- tport_set_params at Base 1.12.10
- tport_set_secondary_timer at Base 1.12.10
- tport_set_tos at Base 1.12.10
- tport_setname at Base 1.12.11
- tport_shutdown0 at Base 1.12.10
- tport_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
- tport_sigcomp_accept at Base 1.12.10
- tport_sigcomp_accept_incomplete at Base 1.12.10
- tport_sigcomp_assign at Base 1.12.10
- tport_sigcomp_assign_if_needed at Base 1.12.10
- tport_sigcomp_name at Base 1.12.10
- tport_sigcomp_option at Base 1.12.10
- tport_stall at Base 1.12.10
- tport_stamp at Base 1.12.10
- tport_stream_init_primary at Base 1.12.10
- tport_stun_server_add_socket at Base 1.12.10
- tport_stun_server_remove_socket at Base 1.12.10
- tport_stun_server_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- tport_stun_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- tport_subject_search at Base 1.12.11
- tport_tags at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tbind at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tcp_client_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tcp_init_client at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tcp_init_primary at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tcp_init_secondary at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tcp_next_timer at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tcp_ping at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tcp_pong at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tcp_timer at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tcp_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tls_client_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tls_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tqsend at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tqueue at Base 1.12.10
- tport_tsend at Base 1.12.10
- tport_udp_client_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- tport_udp_error at Base 1.12.10
- tport_udp_init_primary at Base 1.12.10
- tport_udp_vtable at Base 1.12.10
- tport_unref at Base 1.12.10
- tport_vtable_by_name at Base 1.12.10
- tport_vtables at Base 1.12.10
- tport_wakeup at Base 1.12.11
- tport_zap_secondary at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_any at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_certificate at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_certificate_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_close_after at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_close_after_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_compartment at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_compartment_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_connect at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_connect_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_debug_drop at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_debug_drop_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_dump at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_dump_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_fresh at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_fresh_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_http_connect at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_http_connect_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_ident at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_ident_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_idle at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_idle_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_keepalive_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_log at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_log_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_mtu at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_mtu_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_pingpong at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_pingpong_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_pong2ping at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_pong2ping_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_public at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_public_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_queuesize at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_queuesize_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_reuse at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_reuse_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_sdwn_after at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_sdwn_after_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_sdwn_error at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_sdwn_error_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_server at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_sigcomp_lifetime at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_sigcomp_lifetime_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_stun_server at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_stun_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_thrprqsize at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_thrprqsize_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_thrpsize at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_thrpsize_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_timeout at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_timeout_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_tls_passphrase at Base 1.12.11
- tptag_tls_passphrase_ref at Base 1.12.11
- tptag_tls_verify_date at Base 1.12.11
- tptag_tls_verify_date_ref at Base 1.12.11
- tptag_tls_verify_depth at Base 1.12.11
- tptag_tls_verify_depth_ref at Base 1.12.11
- tptag_tls_verify_peer at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_tls_verify_peer_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_tls_verify_policy at Base 1.12.11
- tptag_tls_verify_policy_ref at Base 1.12.11
- tptag_tls_verify_subjects at Base 1.12.11
- tptag_tls_verify_subjects_ref at Base 1.12.11
- tptag_tls_version at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_tls_version_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_tos at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_tos_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_trusted at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_trusted_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_udp_rmem at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_udp_rmem_ref at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_udp_wmem at Base 1.12.10
- tptag_udp_wmem_ref at Base 1.12.10
- uint_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- url_as_string at Base 1.12.10
- url_cmp at Base 1.12.10
- url_cmp_all at Base 1.12.10
- url_d at Base 1.12.10
- url_digest at Base 1.12.10
- url_dup at Base 1.12.10
- url_e at Base 1.12.10
- url_escape at Base 1.12.10
- url_esclen at Base 1.12.10
- url_format at Base 1.12.10
- url_has_param at Base 1.12.10
- url_have_param at Base 1.12.10
- url_have_transport at Base 1.12.10
- url_hdup at Base 1.12.10
- url_init at Base 1.12.10
- url_is_string at Base 1.12.10
- url_len at Base 1.12.10
- url_make at Base 1.12.10
- url_param at Base 1.12.10
- url_param_add at Base 1.12.10
- url_port at Base 1.12.10
- url_port_default at Base 1.12.10
- url_query_as_header_string at Base 1.12.10
- url_reserved_p at Base 1.12.10
- url_sanitize at Base 1.12.10
- url_scheme at Base 1.12.10
- url_string_p at Base 1.12.10
- url_strip_param_string at Base 1.12.10
- url_strip_transport at Base 1.12.10
- url_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
- url_tport_default at Base 1.12.10
- url_unescape at Base 1.12.10
- url_unescape_to at Base 1.12.10
- url_update at Base 1.12.10
- url_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- urltag_any at Base 1.12.10
- urltag_dup at Base 1.12.10
- urltag_scan at Base 1.12.10
- urltag_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
- urltag_url at Base 1.12.10
- urltag_url_ref at Base 1.12.10
- urltag_xtra at Base 1.12.10
- used_su_block_find at Base 1.12.10
- usize_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.install sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.install
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.install	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.install	2023-05-29 09:24:41.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.lintian-overrides sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.lintian-overrides
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.lintian-overrides	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.lintian-overrides	2024-02-29 16:59:09.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+libsofia-sip-ua0t64: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libsofia-sip-ua0
diff -Nru sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.symbols sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.symbols
--- sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.symbols	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ sofia-sip-1.12.11+20110422.1+1e14eea~dfsg/debian/libsofia-sip-ua0t64.symbols	2024-02-29 16:59:09.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3508 @@
+# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 1.12.10 amd64
+libsofia-sip-ua.so.0 libsofia-sip-ua0t64 #MINVER#
+ _bnf_table at Base 1.12.10
+ _sres_default_port at Base 1.12.10
+ _su_home_destroy_mutexes at Base 1.12.10
+ _su_home_locker at Base 1.12.10
+ _su_home_mutex_locker at Base 1.12.10
+ _su_home_mutex_trylocker at Base 1.12.10
+ _su_home_mutex_unlocker at Base 1.12.10
+ _su_home_unlocker at Base 1.12.10
+ _su_monotime at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ _su_nanotime at Base 1.12.10
+ _su_time at Base 1.12.10
+ any_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ auc_all_credentials at Base 1.12.10
+ auc_authorization at Base 1.12.10
+ auc_authorization_headers at Base 1.12.10
+ auc_authorize at Base 1.12.10
+ auc_challenge at Base 1.12.10
+ auc_clear_credentials at Base 1.12.10
+ auc_copy_credentials at Base 1.12.10
+ auc_credentials at Base 1.12.10
+ auc_has_authorization at Base 1.12.10
+ auc_info at Base 1.12.10
+ auc_register_plugin at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_allow_check at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_cancel_default at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_challenge_basic at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_challenge_digest at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_check_digest at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_client_copy_credentials at Base 1.12.11
+ auth_client_save_credentials at Base 1.12.11
+ auth_destroy_default at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_digest_a1 at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_digest_a1sess at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_digest_challenge_free_params at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_digest_challenge_get at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_digest_credentials at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_digest_ha1 at Base 1.12.11
+ auth_digest_response at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_digest_response_get at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_digest_sessionkey at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_generate_digest_nonce at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_get_params at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_info_digest at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_init_default at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_internal_server_error at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_md5_hmac_digest at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_md5_hmac_init at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_method_basic at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_method_digest at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_addpass at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_alloc at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_cancel at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_challenge at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_challenge_client at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_check at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_check_client at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_check_http at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_create at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_credentials at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_getpass at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_method at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_name at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_register_plugin at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_unref at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_mod_verify at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_readdb at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_readdb_if_needed at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_scheme_basic at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_scheme_delayed at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_scheme_digest at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_status_init at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_status_init_with at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_status_new at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_status_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_status_unref at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_strcmp at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_struct_copy at Base 1.12.10
+ auth_validate_digest_nonce at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_algorithm at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_algorithm_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_allow at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_allow_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_anonymous at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_anonymous_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_blacklist at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_blacklist_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_cache_errors at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_cache_errors_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_cache_users at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_cache_users_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_db at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_db_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_fake at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_fake_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_forbidden at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_forbidden_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_master_key at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_master_key_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_max_ncount at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_max_ncount_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_method at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_method_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_module at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_module_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_next_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_next_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_opaque at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_opaque_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_qop at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_qop_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_realm at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_realm_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_remote at Base 1.12.10
+ authtag_remote_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ base64_d at Base 1.12.10
+ base64_e at Base 1.12.10
+ bm_memcasemem at Base 1.12.10
+ bm_memcasemem_study at Base 1.12.10
+ bm_memmem at Base 1.12.10
+ bm_memmem_study at Base 1.12.10
+ bool_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ count_su_block_find at Base 1.12.10
+ count_su_block_find_loop at Base 1.12.10
+ cstr_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ debug_print at Base 1.12.10
+ details at Base 1.12.10
+ end_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ filter_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ host_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ host_has_domain_invalid at Base 1.12.10
+ host_ip6_reference at Base 1.12.10
+ host_is_domain at Base 1.12.10
+ host_is_ip4_address at Base 1.12.10
+ host_is_ip6_address at Base 1.12.10
+ host_is_ip6_reference at Base 1.12.10
+ host_is_ip_address at Base 1.12.10
+ host_is_local at Base 1.12.10
+ host_is_valid at Base 1.12.10
+ http_100_continue at Base 1.12.10
+ http_101_switching at Base 1.12.10
+ http_200_ok at Base 1.12.10
+ http_201_created at Base 1.12.10
+ http_202_accepted at Base 1.12.10
+ http_203_non_auth_info at Base 1.12.10
+ http_204_no_content at Base 1.12.10
+ http_205_reset_content at Base 1.12.10
+ http_206_partial_content at Base 1.12.10
+ http_300_multiple_choices at Base 1.12.10
+ http_301_moved_permanently at Base 1.12.10
+ http_302_found at Base 1.12.10
+ http_303_see_other at Base 1.12.10
+ http_304_not_modified at Base 1.12.10
+ http_305_use_proxy at Base 1.12.10
+ http_307_temporary_redirect at Base 1.12.10
+ http_400_bad_request at Base 1.12.10
+ http_401_unauthorized at Base 1.12.10
+ http_402_payment_required at Base 1.12.10
+ http_403_forbidden at Base 1.12.10
+ http_404_not_found at Base 1.12.10
+ http_405_not_allowed at Base 1.12.10
+ http_406_not_acceptable at Base 1.12.10
+ http_407_proxy_auth at Base 1.12.10
+ http_408_timeout at Base 1.12.10
+ http_409_conflict at Base 1.12.10
+ http_410_gone at Base 1.12.10
+ http_411_no_length at Base 1.12.10
+ http_412_precondition at Base 1.12.10
+ http_413_entity_too_large at Base 1.12.10
+ http_414_uri_too_long at Base 1.12.10
+ http_415_media_type at Base 1.12.10
+ http_416_requested_range at Base 1.12.10
+ http_417_expectation at Base 1.12.10
+ http_426_upgrade at Base 1.12.10
+ http_500_internal_server at Base 1.12.10
+ http_501_not_implemented at Base 1.12.10
+ http_502_bad_gateway at Base 1.12.10
+ http_503_no_service at Base 1.12.10
+ http_504_gateway_timeout at Base 1.12.10
+ http_505_http_version at Base 1.12.10
+ http_accept_ranges_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_add_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ http_add_format at Base 1.12.10
+ http_add_make at Base 1.12.10
+ http_add_tl at Base 1.12.10
+ http_age_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_allow_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_authentication_info_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_authorization_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_cache_control_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_complete_response at Base 1.12.10
+ http_connection_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_content_range_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_content_range_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_content_range_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_cookie_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_cookie_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_cookie_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ http_cookie_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ http_cookie_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_date_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_date_create at Base 1.12.10
+ http_date_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_date_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_default_mclass at Base 1.12.10
+ http_etag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_expect_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_expires_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_extract_body at Base 1.12.10
+ http_from_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_header_copy at Base 1.12.10
+ http_header_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_header_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ http_header_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_header_field_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_header_format at Base 1.12.10
+ http_host_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_host_create at Base 1.12.10
+ http_host_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_host_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_if_match_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_if_modified_since_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_if_none_match_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_if_range_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_if_range_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_if_range_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_if_unmodified_since_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_last_modified_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_location_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_location_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_location_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ http_location_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ http_location_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_max_forwards_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_mclass at Base 1.12.10
+ http_message_complete at Base 1.12.10
+ http_method_code at Base 1.12.10
+ http_method_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_method_name at Base 1.12.10
+ http_method_name_connect at Base 1.12.10
+ http_method_name_delete at Base 1.12.10
+ http_method_name_get at Base 1.12.10
+ http_method_name_head at Base 1.12.10
+ http_method_name_options at Base 1.12.10
+ http_method_name_post at Base 1.12.10
+ http_method_name_put at Base 1.12.10
+ http_method_name_trace at Base 1.12.10
+ http_pragma_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_proxy_authenticate_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_proxy_authorization_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_proxy_connection_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_query_parse at Base 1.12.10
+ http_range_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_range_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_range_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ http_range_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ http_range_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_referer_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_request_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_request_complete at Base 1.12.10
+ http_request_create at Base 1.12.10
+ http_request_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_request_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ http_request_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ http_request_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_retry_after_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_retry_after_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_retry_after_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_server_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_set_cookie_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_set_cookie_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_set_cookie_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ http_set_cookie_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ http_set_cookie_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_status_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_status_create at Base 1.12.10
+ http_status_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_status_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ http_status_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ http_status_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_status_phrase at Base 1.12.10
+ http_strip_hostport at Base 1.12.10
+ http_te_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_te_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_te_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ http_te_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ http_te_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_trailer_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_transfer_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_upgrade_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_url_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ http_user_agent_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_vary_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_version_0_9 at Base 1.12.10
+ http_version_1_0 at Base 1.12.10
+ http_version_1_1 at Base 1.12.10
+ http_version_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_version_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ http_version_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ http_via_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_via_d at Base 1.12.10
+ http_via_e at Base 1.12.10
+ http_warning_class at Base 1.12.10
+ http_www_authenticate_class at Base 1.12.10
+ httphdrtag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ httpmsgtag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ httpstrtag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_charset at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_charset_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_charset_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_charset_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_encoding at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_encoding_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_encoding_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_encoding_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_language at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_language_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_language_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_language_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_ranges at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_ranges_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_ranges_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_ranges_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_accept_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_age at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_age_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_age_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_age_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_allow at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_allow_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_allow_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_allow_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_authentication_info at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_authentication_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_authentication_info_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_authentication_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_authorization at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_authorization_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_authorization_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_authorization_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_cache_control at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_cache_control_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_cache_control_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_cache_control_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_connection at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_connection_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_connection_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_connection_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_encoding at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_encoding_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_encoding_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_encoding_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_language at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_language_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_language_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_language_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_length at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_length_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_length_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_length_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_location at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_location_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_location_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_location_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_md5 at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_md5_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_md5_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_md5_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_range at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_range_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_range_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_range_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_type at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_type_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_type_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_content_type_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_cookie at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_cookie_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_cookie_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_cookie_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_date at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_date_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_date_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_date_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_error at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_error_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_error_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_error_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_etag at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_etag_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_etag_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_etag_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_expect at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_expect_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_expect_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_expect_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_expires_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_expires_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_filter at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_from at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_from_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_from_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_from_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_header at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_header_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_header_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_header_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_host at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_host_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_host_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_host_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_http at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_http_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_match at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_match_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_match_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_match_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_modified_since at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_modified_since_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_modified_since_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_modified_since_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_none_match at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_none_match_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_none_match_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_none_match_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_range at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_range_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_range_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_range_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_unmodified_since at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_unmodified_since_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_unmodified_since_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_if_unmodified_since_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_last_modified at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_last_modified_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_last_modified_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_last_modified_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_location at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_location_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_location_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_location_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_max_forwards at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_max_forwards_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_max_forwards_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_max_forwards_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_mime_version at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_mime_version_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_mime_version_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_mime_version_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_payload at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_payload_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_payload_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_payload_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_pragma at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_pragma_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_pragma_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_pragma_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_authenticate_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_authenticate_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_authenticate_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_authorization at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_authorization_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_authorization_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_authorization_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_connection at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_connection_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_connection_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_proxy_connection_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_range at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_range_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_range_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_range_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_referer at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_referer_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_referer_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_referer_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_request at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_request_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_request_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_retry_after at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_retry_after_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_retry_after_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_retry_after_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_separator at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_separator_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_separator_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_separator_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_server at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_server_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_server_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_set_cookie at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_set_cookie_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_set_cookie_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_set_cookie_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_status at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_status_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_status_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_status_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_te at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_te_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_te_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_te_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_trailer at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_trailer_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_trailer_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_trailer_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_transfer_encoding at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_transfer_encoding_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_transfer_encoding_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_transfer_encoding_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_unknown at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_unknown_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_unknown_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_unknown_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_upgrade at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_upgrade_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_upgrade_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_upgrade_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_user_agent at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_user_agent_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_user_agent_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_user_agent_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_vary at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_vary_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_vary_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_vary_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_version at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_version_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_via at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_via_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_via_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_via_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_warning at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_warning_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_warning_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_warning_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_www_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_www_authenticate_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_www_authenticate_str at Base 1.12.10
+ httptag_www_authenticate_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ int_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ iptsec_log at Base 1.12.10
+ max_size_su_block_find at Base 1.12.10
+ max_used_su_block_find at Base 1.12.10
+ memcspn at Base 1.12.10
+ memspn at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_any_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_any_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_any_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_any_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_any_update at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_charset_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_charset_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_charset_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_encoding_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_encoding_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_language_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_language_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_language_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_accept_match at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ msg_accept_update at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_addr at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_addr_copy at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_addr_zero at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_addrinfo at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_any_list_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_as_string at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_attribute_value_scanner at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_auth_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_auth_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_auth_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_auth_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_avlist_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_buf_alloc at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_buf_commit at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_buf_committed at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_buf_committed_data at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_buf_exact at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_buf_external at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_buf_move at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_buf_set at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_buf_size at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_chain_head at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_clear_committed at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_commalist_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_comment_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_disposition_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_disposition_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_disposition_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_disposition_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_disposition_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_disposition_update at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_encoding_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_encoding_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_id_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_language_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_language_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_language_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_length_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_length_create at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_location_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_md5_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_transfer_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_type_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_type_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_type_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_type_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_content_type_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_copy at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_create at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_date_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_date_delta_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_date_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_default_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_default_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_delta_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_delta_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_errno at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_error_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_error_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_error_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_error_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_error_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_extract at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_extract_errors at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_extract_header at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_extract_payload at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_extract_separator at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_find_hclass at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_firstline_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_fragment_clear_chain at Base 1.12.11
+ msg_generic_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_generic_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_generic_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_generic_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_get_address at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_get_flags at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_has_error at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_hash_string at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_hclass_offset at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_access at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_add at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_add_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_add_dup_as at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_add_format at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_add_make at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_add_param at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_add_str at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_alloc at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_copy at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_copy_as at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_copy_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_dup_as at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_field_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_find_item at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_find_param at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_format at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_free at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_free_all at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_insert at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_join_items at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_make at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_offset at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_parse_str at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_prepend at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_remove at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_remove_all at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_remove_item at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_remove_param at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_replace at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_replace_item at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_replace_param at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_size at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_update_params at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_header_vformat at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_headers_prepare at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_hostport_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_iovec at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_is_complete at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_is_prepared at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_is_streaming at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_list_append_items at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_list_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_list_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_list_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_list_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_list_replace_items at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_make at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_mark_as_complete at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_maxsize at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_mclass at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_mclass_clone at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_mclass_insert at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_mclass_insert_header at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_mclass_insert_with_mask at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_mediatype_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_mime_version_1_0 at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_mime_version_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_mime_version_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_mime_version_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_multipart_complete at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_multipart_create at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_multipart_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_multipart_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_multipart_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_multipart_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_multipart_mclass at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_multipart_parse at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_multipart_prepare at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_multipart_serialize at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_next at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_now at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_numeric_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_numeric_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_object at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_object_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_params_add at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_params_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_params_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_params_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_params_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_params_find at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_params_find_slot at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_params_join at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_params_length at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_params_remove at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_params_replace at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_parse_next_field at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_payload_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_payload_create at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_payload_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_payload_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_payload_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_payload_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_payload_length at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_prepare at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_public at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_q_value at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_quoted_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_random_token at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_recv_buffer at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_recv_commit at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_recv_iovec at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ msg_ref_create at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_ref_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_separator_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_separator_create at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_separator_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_separator_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_serialize at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_set_address at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_set_errno at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_set_flags at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_set_next at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_set_parent at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_set_streaming at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_size at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_streaming_size at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_token_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_token_scan at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_uint32_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_unknown_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_unknown_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_unknown_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_unknown_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_unknown_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_unprepare at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_unquote at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_unquote_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_unquoted_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_unref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ msg_unref_external at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_warning_class at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_warning_d at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_warning_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_warning_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_warning_e at Base 1.12.10
+ msg_zap_flags at Base 1.12.10
+ msghdrtag_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ msghdrtag_scan at Base 1.12.10
+ msghdrtag_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ msghdrtag_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ msgobjtag_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ msgobjtag_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ msgobjtag_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_default_content_type at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_emagic_get at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_end at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_event_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_event_get at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_event_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_event_view at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_log at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_server_active at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_server_add_irq at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_server_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_server_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_server_flush at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_server_free_subscribers at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_server_get_subscribers at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_server_non_embryonic at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_server_notify at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_server_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_server_update at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_sub_auth at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_sub_get_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_sub_version at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_subnode_get_incoming at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_update at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_view_content_type at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_view_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_view_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_view_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_view_set_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ nea_view_version at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_dialog at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_dialog_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_eventlist at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_eventlist_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_evmagic at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_evmagic_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_exstate at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_exstate_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_fake at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_fake_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_max_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_max_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_min_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_min_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_minthrottle at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_minthrottle_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_reason at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_reason_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_reliable at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_reliable_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_retry_after at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_retry_after_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_strict_3265 at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_strict_3265_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_sub at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_sub_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_throttle at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_throttle_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_version at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_version_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_view at Base 1.12.10
+ neatag_view_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ next_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ nh_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nh_create_handle at Base 1.12.10
+ nh_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nh_notifier_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
+ nh_validate at Base 1.12.10
+ ns_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_add_tport at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_bind_tport_update at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_close_tports at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_contact at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_deinit_sigcomp at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_get_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_get_stats at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_init_sigcomp at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_newtag at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_public_via at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_set_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_tport_is_updating at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_tports at Base 1.12.11
+ nta_agent_version at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_agent_via at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_check_accept at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_check_method at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_check_required at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_check_session_content at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_check_session_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_check_supported at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_compartment_decref at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_compartment_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_compressor_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_default_leg at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_bind at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_compartment at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_complete_response at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_create_response at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_cseq at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_default at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_find at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_getrequest at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_getrequest_ackcancel at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_getresponse at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_gettag at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_method at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_method_name at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_mreply at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_received at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_set_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_status at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_tag at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_transport at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_treply at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_incoming_url at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_is_internal_msg at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_bind at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_by_call_id at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_by_dialog at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_by_replaces at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_by_uri at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_client_reroute at Base 1.12.11
+ nta_leg_client_route at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_get_route at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_get_rseq at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_get_rtag at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_get_seq at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_get_tag at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_make_replaces at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_rtag at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_server_route at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_tag at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_leg_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_log at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_msg_ackbye at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_msg_complete at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_msg_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_msg_discard at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_msg_is_internal at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_msg_mreply at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_msg_request_complete at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_msg_treply at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_msg_tsend at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_bind at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_branch at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_cancel at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_compartment at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_cseq at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_default at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_delay at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_find at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_getrequest at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_getresponse at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_magic at Base 1.12.11
+ nta_outgoing_mcreate at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_method at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_method_name at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_prack at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_request_uri at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_route_uri at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_rseq at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_setrseq at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_status at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_tagged at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_tcancel at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_outgoing_transport at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_reliable_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_reliable_mreply at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_reliable_treply at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_sip_is_internal at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_tag_list at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_tport_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
+ nta_version at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_ack_branch at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_ack_branch_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_aliases at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_aliases_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_bad_req_mask at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_bad_req_mask_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_bad_resp_mask at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_bad_resp_mask_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_blacklist at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_blacklist_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_branch_key at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_branch_key_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_cancel_2543 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_cancel_2543_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_cancel_408 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_cancel_408_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_cancel_487 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_cancel_487_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_client_rport at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_client_rport_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_comp at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_comp_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_contact at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_contact_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_debug_drop_prob at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_debug_drop_prob_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_default_proxy at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_default_proxy_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_delay_sending at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_delay_sending_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_extra_100 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_extra_100_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_graylist at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_graylist_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_incomplete at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_incomplete_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_max_forwards at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_max_forwards_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_max_proceeding at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_max_proceeding_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_maxsize at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_maxsize_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_mclass at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_mclass_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_merge_482 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_merge_482_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_method at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_method_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_msg at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_msg_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_no_dialog at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_no_dialog_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_pass_100 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_pass_100_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_pass_408 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_pass_408_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_preload at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_preload_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_progress at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_progress_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_rel100 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_rel100_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_remote_cseq at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_remote_cseq_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_rseq at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_rseq_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_acked_tr at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_acked_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_bad_message at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_bad_message_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_bad_request at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_bad_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_bad_response at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_bad_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_canceled_tr at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_canceled_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_client_tr at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_client_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_dialog_tr at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_dialog_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_drop_request at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_drop_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_drop_response at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_drop_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_irq_hash at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_irq_hash_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_irq_hash_used at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_irq_hash_used_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_leg_hash at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_leg_hash_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_leg_hash_used at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_leg_hash_used_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_merged_request at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_merged_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_orq_hash at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_orq_hash_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_orq_hash_used at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_orq_hash_used_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_recv_msg at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_recv_msg_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_recv_request at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_recv_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_recv_response at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_recv_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_recv_retry at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_recv_retry_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_retry_request at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_retry_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_retry_response at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_retry_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_sent_msg at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_sent_msg_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_sent_request at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_sent_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_sent_response at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_sent_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_server_tr at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_server_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_tout_request at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_tout_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_tout_response at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_tout_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_trless_200 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_trless_200_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_trless_request at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_trless_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_trless_response at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_trless_response_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_trless_to_tr at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_s_trless_to_tr_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_server_rport at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_server_rport_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sigcomp_algorithm at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sigcomp_algorithm_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sigcomp_aware at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sigcomp_aware_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sigcomp_close at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sigcomp_close_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sigcomp_options at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sigcomp_options_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sip_t1 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sip_t1_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sip_t1x64 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sip_t1x64_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sip_t2 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sip_t2_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sip_t4 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sip_t4_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sipflags at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_sipflags_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_smime at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_smime_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_stateless at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_stateless_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_tag_3261 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_tag_3261_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_target at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_target_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_tcp_rport at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_tcp_rport_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_timeout_408 at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_timeout_408_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_timer_c at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_timer_c_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_tls_rport at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_tls_rport_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_tport at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_tport_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_ua at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_ua_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_udp_mtu at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_udp_mtu_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_use_naptr at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_use_naptr_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_use_srv at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_use_srv_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_use_timestamp at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_use_timestamp_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_user_via at Base 1.12.10
+ ntatag_user_via_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_client_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_client_is_streaming at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_client_log at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_client_method at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_client_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_client_response at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_client_status at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_client_tags at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_client_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_client_url at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_engine_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_engine_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_engine_get_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_engine_get_stats at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_engine_msg_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_engine_set_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_engine_version at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_request_auth at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_request_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_request_message at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_request_method at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_request_status at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_request_treply at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_server_log at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_site_access_time at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_site_bind at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_site_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_site_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_site_get_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_site_get_stats at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_site_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_site_server_version at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_site_set_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nth_site_url at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_auth_module at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_auth_module_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_authentication at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_authentication_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_error_msg at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_error_msg_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_mclass at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_mclass_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_message at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_message_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_mflags at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_mflags_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_proxy at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_proxy_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_root at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_root_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_streaming at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_streaming_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_strict_host at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_strict_host_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_template at Base 1.12.10
+ nthtag_template_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_ack at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_application_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_authorize at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_client_check_restart at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_client_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_client_response at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_client_trequest at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_client_tresponse at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_server_init at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_server_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_server_preprocess at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_server_report at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_server_respond at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_server_treport at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_base_usage_update_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_bye at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_bye_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_bye_server_init at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_bye_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_bye_server_report at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_callstate_name at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_cancel at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_cancel_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_chat at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_bind at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_check_restart at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_init_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_next_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_orq_response at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_report at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_request_clean at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_request_complete at Base 1.12.11
+ nua_client_request_in_progress at Base 1.12.11
+ nua_client_request_pending at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_request_queue at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_request_remove at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_request_template at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_request_unref at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_resend_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_response at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_restart at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_restart_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_return at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_set_target at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_client_treport at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_create at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_current_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_default at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_destroy_event at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_destroy_signal at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_deinit at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_remove at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_repeat_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_store_peer_info at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_uac_route at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_uas_route at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_update_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_usage_add at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_usage_at at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_usage_get at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_usage_name at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_usage_refresh at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_usage_remove at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_usage_reset_refresh at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_usage_set_refresh at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_usage_set_refresh_at at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_usage_set_refresh_range at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_usage_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_dialog_zap at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_event_data at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_event_is_incoming_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_event_name at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_extension_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_generate_instance_identifier at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_get_hparams at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_get_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_bind at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_by_call_id at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_by_replaces at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_contact_by_via at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_has_active_call at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_has_call_on_hold at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_has_events at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_has_invite at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_has_register at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_has_registrations at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_has_subscribe at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_local at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_make_replaces at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_remote at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_save_tags at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_handle_unref at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_info at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_info_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_info_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_internal_error at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_invite at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_invite_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_invite_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_log at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_message at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_message_server_init at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_message_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_message_server_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_method at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_move_signal at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_notifier at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_notify at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_notify_server_init at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_notify_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_notify_server_preprocess at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_notify_server_report at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_options at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_options_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_options_server_respond at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_prack at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_prack_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_prack_server_init at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_prack_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_prack_server_report at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_prack_server_respond at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_publish at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_publish_server_init at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_publish_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_redirect at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_refer at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_refer_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_register at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_register_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_register_usage at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_add at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_add_contact_to_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_add_contact_to_response at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_by_aor at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_contact at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_for_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_for_response at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_from_via at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_process_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_remove at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_route at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_set_aor at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_set_contact at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_registration_set_ready at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_respond at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_save_event at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_saved_event_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_server_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_server_report at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_server_request_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_server_respond at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_server_trespond at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_set_hparams at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_set_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_signal at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_signal_data at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_ack at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_authorize at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_bye at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_cancel at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_deinit at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_destroy_handle at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_event at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_get_contact at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_get_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_handle_by_call_id at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_handle_by_replaces at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_handle_make_replaces at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_incoming_handle at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_info at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_init at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_init_handle at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_init_instance at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_init_registrations at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_init_transport at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_invite at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_launch_network_change_detector at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_message at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_method at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_notifier at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_notify at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_options at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_outbound_callbacks at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_post_signal at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_prack at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_process_request at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_publish at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_refer at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_register at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_respond at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_set_defaults at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_set_from at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_set_handle_special at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_set_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_subscribe at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_terminate at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_tevent at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_stack_update at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_subscribe at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_subscribe_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_substate_make at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_substate_name at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_tag_list at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_terminate at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_unpublish at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_unregister at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_unsubscribe at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_update at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_update_client_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_update_server_init at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_update_server_methods at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_update_server_report at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_update_server_respond at Base 1.12.10
+ nua_version at Base 1.12.10
+ null_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_accept_multipart at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ nutag_accept_multipart_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ nutag_address at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_address_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_allow at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_allow_events at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_allow_events_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_allow_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_answer_recv at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_answer_recv_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_answer_sent at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_answer_sent_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_appl_event at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ nutag_appl_event_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ nutag_appl_method at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_appl_method_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_auth at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_auth_cache at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_auth_cache_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_auth_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_authtime at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_authtime_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_auto100 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ nutag_auto100_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ nutag_auto302 at Base 1.12.11
+ nutag_auto302_ref at Base 1.12.11
+ nutag_auto305 at Base 1.12.11
+ nutag_auto305_ref at Base 1.12.11
+ nutag_autoack at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_autoack_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_autoalert at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_autoalert_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_autoanswer at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_autoanswer_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_callee_caps at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_callee_caps_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_callstate at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_callstate_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_certificate_dir at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_certificate_dir_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_certificate_phrase at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_certificate_phrase_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_deferrable_timers at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ nutag_deferrable_timers_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ nutag_detect_network_updates at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_detect_network_updates_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_dialog at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_dialog_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_early_answer at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_early_answer_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_early_media at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_early_media_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_enableinvite at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_enableinvite_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_enablemessage at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_enablemessage_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_enablemessenger at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_enablemessenger_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_event at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_event_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_handle at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_handle_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_hold at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_hold_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_identity at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_identity_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_include_extra_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_include_extra_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_initial_route at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_initial_route_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_initial_route_str at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_initial_route_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_instance at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_instance_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_invite_timer at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_invite_timer_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_keepalive_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_keepalive_stream at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_keepalive_stream_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_m_display at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_m_display_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_m_features at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_m_features_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_m_params at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_m_params_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_m_username at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_m_username_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_max_retry_after at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ nutag_max_retry_after_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ nutag_max_subscriptions at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_max_subscriptions_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_media_enable at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_media_enable_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_media_features at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_media_features_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_method at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_method_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_min_se at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_min_se_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_newsub at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_newsub_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_notify_refer at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_notify_refer_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_offer_recv at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_offer_recv_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_offer_sent at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_offer_sent_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_only183_100rel at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_only183_100rel_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_outbound at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_outbound_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_outbound_set1 at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_outbound_set1_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_outbound_set2 at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_outbound_set2_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_outbound_set3 at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_outbound_set3_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_outbound_set4 at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_outbound_set4_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_path_enable at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_path_enable_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_phrase at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_phrase_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_refer_event at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_refer_event_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_refer_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_refer_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_refer_pause at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_refer_pause_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_refer_with_id at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_refer_with_id_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_refresh_without_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_refresh_without_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_registrar at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_registrar_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_retry_count at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_retry_count_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_service_route_enable at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_service_route_enable_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_session_refresher at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_session_refresher_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_session_timer at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_session_timer_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_shutdown_events at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_shutdown_events_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_sips_url at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_sips_url_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_enable at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_enable_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_key_encryption at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_key_encryption_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_message_digest at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_message_digest_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_message_encryption at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_message_encryption_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_opt at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_opt_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_protection_mode at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_protection_mode_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_signature at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_smime_signature_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_soa_name at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_soa_name_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_soa_session at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_soa_session_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_status at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_status_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_sub_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_sub_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_substate at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_substate_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_supported at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_supported_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_uicc at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_uicc_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_update_refresh at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_update_refresh_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_url at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_url_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_use_dialog at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_use_dialog_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_user_agent at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_user_agent_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_with at Base 1.12.10
+ nutag_with_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_content_type at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_dialog_contact at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_dialog_gruu at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_get_contacts at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_gruuize at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_new at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_peer_info at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_process_request at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_register_response at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_set_contact at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_set_options at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_set_proxy at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_start_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_start_registering at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_stop_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_targeted_request at Base 1.12.10
+ outbound_unref at Base 1.12.10
+ outgoing_naptr_tport at Base 1.12.11
+ ptr_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ ref_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ scan_domain at Base 1.12.10
+ scan_host at Base 1.12.10
+ scan_ip4_address at Base 1.12.10
+ scan_ip6_address at Base 1.12.10
+ scan_ip6_reference at Base 1.12.10
+ scan_ip_address at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_attribute_append at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_attribute_by_mode at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_attribute_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_attribute_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_attribute_find2 at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_attribute_find at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_attribute_mapped_find at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_attribute_mode at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_attribute_remove at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_attribute_replace at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_bandwidth_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_bandwidth_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_connection_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_connection_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_connection_is_inaddr_any at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_key_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_key_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_list_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_list_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_connections at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_count at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_count_with at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_dup_all at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_has_rtp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_match at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_match_with at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_transport at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_type at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_media_uses_rtp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_message at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_message_size at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_origin_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_origin_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_parse at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_parser_free at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_parser_home at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_parsing_error at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_print at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_printer_free at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_printing_error at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_repeat_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_repeat_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_rtpmap_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_rtpmap_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_rtpmap_find_matching at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_rtpmap_match at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_rtpmap_well_known at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_sanity_check at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_session at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_session_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_session_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_session_dup_without_media at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_struct_align_ at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_time_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_time_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_zone_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ sdp_zone_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdptag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ sdptag_session at Base 1.12.10
+ sdptag_session_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sdptag_session_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sdptag_session_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ sdptag_session_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ sdptag_session_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ send_stun_error at Base 1.12.10
+ server_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_100_Trying at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_180_Ringing at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_181_Call_is_being_forwarded at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_182_Queued at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_183_Session_progress at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_200_OK at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_202_Accepted at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_300_Multiple_choices at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_301_Moved_permanently at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_302_Moved_temporarily at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_305_Use_proxy at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_380_Alternative_service at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_400_Bad_request at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_401_Unauthorized at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_402_Payment_required at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_403_Forbidden at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_404_Not_found at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_405_Method_not_allowed at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_406_Not_acceptable at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_407_Proxy_auth_required at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_408_Request_timeout at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_409_Conflict at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_410_Gone at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_411_Length_required at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_412_Precondition_failed at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_413_Request_too_large at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_414_Request_uri_too_long at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_415_Unsupported_media at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_416_Unsupported_uri at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_417_Resource_priority at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_420_Bad_extension at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_421_Extension_required at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_422_Session_timer at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_423_Interval_too_brief at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_480_Temporarily_unavailable at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_481_No_transaction at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_482_Loop_detected at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_483_Too_many_hops at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_484_Address_incomplete at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_485_Ambiguous at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_486_Busy_here at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_487_Request_terminated at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_488_Not_acceptable at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_489_Bad_event at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_490_Request_updated at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_491_Request_pending at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_493_Undecipherable at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_494_Secagree_required at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_500_Internal_server_error at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_501_Not_implemented at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_502_Bad_gateway at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_503_Service_unavailable at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_504_Gateway_time_out at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_505_Version_not_supported at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_513_Message_too_large at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_580_Precondition at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_600_Busy_everywhere at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_603_Decline at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_604_Does_not_exist_anywhere at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_606_Not_acceptable at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_687_Dialog_terminated at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_contact_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_contact_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_contact_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_encoding_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_encoding_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_language_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_language_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_accept_language_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_add_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_add_dup_as at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_add_make at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_add_tagis at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_add_tl at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_addr_match at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_alert_info_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_alert_info_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_alert_info_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_allow_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_allow_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_allow_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_allow_events_add at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_allow_events_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_allow_events_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_allow_events_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_any_route_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_any_route_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_any_route_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_any_route_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_aor_strip at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_authentication_info_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_authentication_info_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_authentication_info_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_authorization_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_authorization_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_authorization_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_call_id_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_call_id_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_call_id_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_call_id_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_call_info_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_call_info_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_call_info_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_caller_prefs_add_param at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_complete_message at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_accept at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_add_param at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_create_from_via at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_create_from_via_with_transport at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_immunize at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_is_immune at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_reject at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_score at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_contact_string_from_via at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_disposition_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_disposition_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_disposition_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_encoding_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_encoding_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_encoding_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_language_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_language_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_language_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_length_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_length_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_length_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_length_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_type_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_type_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_content_type_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_cseq_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_cseq_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_cseq_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_cseq_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_date_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_date_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_date_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_date_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_default_mclass at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_error_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_error_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_error_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_error_info_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_error_info_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_error_info_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_etag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_etag_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_etag_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_event_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_event_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_event_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_expires_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_expires_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_expires_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_expires_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_extend_mclass at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_extensions at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_extract_body at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_from_add_param at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_from_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_from_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_from_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_from_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_from_tag at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_has_feature at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_has_supported at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_has_unsupported2 at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_has_unsupported at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_has_unsupported_any at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_header_as_string at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_header_copy at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_header_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_header_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_header_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_header_field_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_header_field_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_header_format at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_header_size at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_headers_as_url_query at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_if_match_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_if_match_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_if_match_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_in_reply_to_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_in_reply_to_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_in_reply_to_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_is_allowed at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_is_callerpref at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_max_forwards_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_max_forwards_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_max_forwards_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_mclass at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_code at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_ack at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_bye at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_cancel at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_info at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_invite at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_message at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_notify at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_options at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_prack at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_publish at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_refer at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_register at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_subscribe at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_name_update at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_method_names at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_mime_version_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_mime_version_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_mime_version_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_min_expires_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_min_expires_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_min_expires_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_min_se_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_min_se_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_min_se_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_name_addr_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_name_addr_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_name_addr_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_name_addr_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_now at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_organization_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_organization_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_organization_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_p_asserted_identity_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_p_asserted_identity_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_p_asserted_identity_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_p_preferred_identity_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_p_preferred_identity_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_p_preferred_identity_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_parser_version at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_path_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_path_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_path_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_payload_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_payload_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_payload_serialize at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_prefs_match at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_prefs_matching at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_prefs_parse at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_priority_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_priority_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_priority_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_privacy_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_privacy_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_privacy_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_privacy_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_privacy_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_authenticate_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_authenticate_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_authenticate_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_authentication_info_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_authentication_info_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_authentication_info_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_authorization_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_authorization_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_authorization_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_require_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_require_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_proxy_require_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_q_value at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_rack_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_rack_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_rack_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_reason_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_reason_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_reason_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_record_route_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_record_route_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_record_route_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_record_route_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_refer_sub_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_refer_sub_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_refer_sub_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_refer_to_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_refer_to_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_refer_to_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_referred_by_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_referred_by_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_referred_by_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_reject_contact_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_reject_contact_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_reject_contact_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_remote_party_id_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_remote_party_id_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_remote_party_id_dup_one at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_remote_party_id_dup_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_remote_party_id_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_replaces_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_replaces_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_replaces_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_reply_to_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_reply_to_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_reply_to_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_request_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_request_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_request_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_request_disposition_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_request_disposition_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_request_disposition_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_request_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_require_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_require_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_require_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_response_terminates_dialog at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_retry_after_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_retry_after_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_retry_after_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_fix at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_fixdup at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_fixdup_as at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_follow at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_is_loose at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_pop at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_remove at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_reverse at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_route_reverse_as at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_rseq_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_rseq_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_rseq_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_sanity_check at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_security_client_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_security_client_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_security_client_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_security_client_select at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_security_server_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_security_server_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_security_server_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_security_verify_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_security_verify_compare at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_security_verify_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_security_verify_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_separator_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_separator_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_server_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_server_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_server_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_service_route_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_service_route_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_service_route_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_session_expires_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_session_expires_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_session_expires_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_status_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_status_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_status_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_status_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_status_phrase at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_subject_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_subject_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_subject_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_subscription_state_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_subscription_state_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_subscription_state_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_supported_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_supported_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_supported_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_tag_list at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_tag_str_list at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_timestamp_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_timestamp_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_timestamp_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_to_add_param at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_to_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_to_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_to_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_to_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_to_tag at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_transport_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_transport_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_transport_has_tls at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_transport_sctp at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_transport_tcp at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_transport_tls at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_transport_udp at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_transport_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_unknown_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_unknown_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_unknown_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_unsupported_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_unsupported_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_unsupported_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_update_default_mclass at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_url_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_url_query_as_taglist at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_user_agent_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_user_agent_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_user_agent_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_version_2_0 at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_version_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_version_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_version_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_via_add_param at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_via_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_via_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_via_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_via_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_via_port at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_via_remove at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_warning_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_warning_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_warning_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_word_at_word_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_www_authenticate_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_www_authenticate_d at Base 1.12.10
+ sip_www_authenticate_e at Base 1.12.10
+ sipexthdrtag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ siphdrtag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sipmsgtag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sipstrtag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_contact at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_contact_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_contact_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_contact_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_encoding at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_encoding_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_encoding_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_encoding_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_language at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_language_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_language_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_language_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_accept_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_alert_info at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_alert_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_alert_info_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_alert_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_allow at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_allow_events at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_allow_events_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_allow_events_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_allow_events_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_allow_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_allow_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_allow_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_authentication_info at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_authentication_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_authentication_info_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_authentication_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_authorization at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_authorization_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_authorization_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_authorization_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_call_id at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_call_id_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_call_id_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_call_id_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_call_info at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_call_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_call_info_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_call_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_contact at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_contact_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_contact_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_contact_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_disposition at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_disposition_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_disposition_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_disposition_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_encoding at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_encoding_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_encoding_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_encoding_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_language at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_language_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_language_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_language_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_length at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_length_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_length_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_length_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_type at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_type_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_type_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_content_type_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_cseq at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_cseq_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_cseq_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_cseq_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_date at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_date_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_date_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_date_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_end at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_end_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_error at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_error_info at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_error_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_error_info_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_error_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_error_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_error_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_error_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_etag at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_etag_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_etag_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_etag_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_event at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_event_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_event_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_event_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_expires_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_expires_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_filter at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_from at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_from_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_from_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_from_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_header at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_header_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_header_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_header_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_if_match at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_if_match_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_if_match_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_if_match_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_in_reply_to at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_in_reply_to_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_in_reply_to_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_in_reply_to_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_max_forwards at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_max_forwards_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_max_forwards_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_max_forwards_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_mime_version at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_mime_version_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_mime_version_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_mime_version_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_min_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_min_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_min_expires_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_min_expires_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_min_se at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_min_se_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_min_se_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_min_se_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_organization at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_organization_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_organization_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_organization_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_p_asserted_identity at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_p_asserted_identity_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_p_asserted_identity_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_p_asserted_identity_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_p_preferred_identity at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_p_preferred_identity_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_p_preferred_identity_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_p_preferred_identity_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_path at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_path_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_path_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_path_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_payload at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_payload_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_payload_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_payload_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_priority at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_priority_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_priority_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_priority_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_privacy at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_privacy_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_privacy_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_privacy_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authenticate_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authenticate_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authenticate_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authentication_info at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authentication_info_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authentication_info_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authentication_info_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authorization at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authorization_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authorization_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_authorization_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_require at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_require_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_require_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_proxy_require_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_rack at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_rack_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_rack_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_rack_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reason at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reason_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reason_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reason_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_record_route at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_record_route_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_record_route_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_record_route_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_refer_sub at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_refer_sub_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_refer_sub_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_refer_sub_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_refer_to at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_refer_to_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_refer_to_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_refer_to_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_referred_by at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_referred_by_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_referred_by_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_referred_by_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reject_contact at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reject_contact_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reject_contact_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reject_contact_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_remote_party_id at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_remote_party_id_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_remote_party_id_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_remote_party_id_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_replaces at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_replaces_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_replaces_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_replaces_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reply_to at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reply_to_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reply_to_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_reply_to_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_request at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_request_disposition at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_request_disposition_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_request_disposition_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_request_disposition_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_request_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_request_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_request_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_require at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_require_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_require_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_require_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_retry_after at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_retry_after_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_retry_after_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_retry_after_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_route at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_route_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_route_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_route_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_rseq at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_rseq_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_rseq_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_rseq_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_client at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_client_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_client_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_client_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_server at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_server_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_server_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_verify at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_verify_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_verify_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_security_verify_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_separator at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_separator_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_separator_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_separator_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_server at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_server_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_server_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_service_route at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_service_route_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_service_route_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_service_route_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_session_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_session_expires_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_session_expires_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_session_expires_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_sip at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_sip_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_status at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_status_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_status_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_status_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_subject at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_subject_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_subject_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_subject_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_subscription_state at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_subscription_state_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_subscription_state_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_subscription_state_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_supported at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_supported_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_supported_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_supported_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_timestamp at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_timestamp_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_timestamp_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_timestamp_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_to at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_to_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_to_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_to_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_unknown at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_unknown_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_unknown_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_unknown_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_unsupported at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_unsupported_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_unsupported_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_unsupported_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_user_agent at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_user_agent_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_user_agent_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_user_agent_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_via at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_via_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_via_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_via_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_warning at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_warning_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_warning_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_warning_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_www_authenticate at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_www_authenticate_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_www_authenticate_str at Base 1.12.10
+ siptag_www_authenticate_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ size_su_block_find at Base 1.12.10
+ size_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ skip_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_allow_log at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_allow_print at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_contact_log at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_contact_print at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_fread_payload at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_from_log at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_from_print at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_header_log at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_header_print at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_message_log at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_payload_log at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_payload_print at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_read_payload at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_sip_log at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_to_log at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_to_print at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_via_log at Base 1.12.10
+ sl_via_print at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_activate at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_add at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_activate at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_deactivate at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_deinit at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_generate_answer at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_generate_offer at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_get_paramlist at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_get_params at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_init at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_media_features at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_process_answer at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_process_reject at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_remote_sip_features at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_set_capability_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_set_params at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_set_remote_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_set_user_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_sip_require at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_sip_supported at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_base_terminate at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_check_sdp_connection at Base 1.12.11
+ soa_clear_remote_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_clone at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_create at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_deactivate at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_default_actions at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_description_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_description_free at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_description_set at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_error_as_sip_reason at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_error_as_sip_response at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_find at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_generate_answer at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_generate_offer at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_get_capability_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_get_local_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_get_paramlist at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_get_params at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_get_remote_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_get_remote_version at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_get_user_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_get_user_version at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_get_warning at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_has_received_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_init_offer_answer at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_init_sdp_connection at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_init_sdp_connection_with_session at Base 1.12.11
+ soa_init_sdp_origin at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_init_sdp_origin_with_session at Base 1.12.11
+ soa_is_audio_active at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_is_chat_active at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_is_complete at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_is_delayed_offer at Base 1.12.11
+ soa_is_image_active at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_is_remote_audio_active at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_is_remote_chat_active at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_is_remote_image_active at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_is_remote_video_active at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_is_video_active at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_log at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_media_features at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_process_answer at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_process_reject at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_remote_sip_features at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_sdp_upgrade_is_needed at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_session_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_session_unref at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_set_activity at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_set_capability_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_set_params at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_set_remote_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_set_status at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_set_user_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_set_warning at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_sip_require at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_sip_supported at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_tag_filter at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_tag_list at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_tag_namespace at Base 1.12.10
+ soa_terminate at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_active_audio at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_active_audio_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_active_chat at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_active_chat_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_active_image at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_active_image_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_active_video at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_active_video_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_address at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_address_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_af at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_af_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_audio_aux at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_audio_aux_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_caps_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_caps_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_caps_sdp_str at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_caps_sdp_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_delayed_offer_enable at Base 1.12.11
+ soatag_delayed_offer_enable_ref at Base 1.12.11
+ soatag_hold at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_hold_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_local_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_local_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_local_sdp_str at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_local_sdp_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_ordered_user at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_ordered_user_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_remote_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_remote_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_remote_sdp_str at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_remote_sdp_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_reuse_rejected at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_reuse_rejected_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_rtp_mismatch at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_rtp_mismatch_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_rtp_select at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_rtp_select_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_rtp_sort at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_rtp_sort_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_srtp_confidentiality at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_srtp_confidentiality_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_srtp_enable at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_srtp_enable_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_srtp_integrity at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_srtp_integrity_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_user_o_line at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ soatag_user_o_line_ref at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ soatag_user_sdp at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_user_sdp_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_user_sdp_str at Base 1.12.10
+ soatag_user_sdp_str_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ socket_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_sip_has_dtls at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_sip_has_ipv6 at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_sip_has_sctp at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_sip_has_sigcomp at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_sip_has_smime at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_sip_has_stun at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_sip_has_tls at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_sip_has_tls_sctp at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_sip_has_turn at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_sip_has_upnp at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_sip_name_version at Base 1.12.10
+ sofia_su_uniqueid_destructor at Base 1.12.11
+ sofia_tport_type_sctp_dummy at Base 1.12.11
+ span_domain at Base 1.12.10
+ span_host at Base 1.12.10
+ span_ip4_address at Base 1.12.10
+ span_ip6_address at Base 1.12.10
+ span_ip6_reference at Base 1.12.10
+ span_ip_address at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_blocking_query at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_blocking_query_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_blocking_search at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cache_alloc_record at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cache_clean at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cache_copy_answers at Base 1.12.11
+ sres_cache_free_answers at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cache_free_one at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cache_free_record at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cache_get at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cache_new at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cache_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cache_set_srv_priority at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cache_store at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cache_unref at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cached_answers at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_cached_answers_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_filter_answers at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_free_answer at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_free_answers at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_is_blocking at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_query at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_query_bind at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_query_make at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_query_make_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_query_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_record_compare at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_record_status at Base 1.12.11
+ sres_record_type at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_copy at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_create at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_error at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_get_async at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_get_userdata at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_new at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_new_with_cache at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_new_with_cache_va at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_receive at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_root_socket at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_set_async at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_set_timer_cb at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_set_userdata at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_sockets at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_timer at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_unref at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_resolver_update at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_search at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_search_cached_answers at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_set_cached_srv_priority at Base 1.12.10
+ sres_sip_cancel_resolver at Base 1.12.11
+ sres_sip_error at Base 1.12.11
+ sres_sip_new at Base 1.12.11
+ sres_sip_next at Base 1.12.11
+ sres_sip_next_step at Base 1.12.11
+ sres_sip_ref at Base 1.12.11
+ sres_sip_results at Base 1.12.11
+ sres_sip_unref at Base 1.12.11
+ sres_sort_answers at Base 1.12.10
+ sresolv_log at Base 1.12.10
+ srestag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ srestag_cache at Base 1.12.10
+ srestag_cache_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ srestag_resolv_conf at Base 1.12.10
+ srestag_resolv_conf_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ str0casecmp at Base 1.12.10
+ str0cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ str0ncasecmp at Base 1.12.10
+ str0ncmp at Base 1.12.10
+ str_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ strncspn at Base 1.12.10
+ strnspn at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_400_Bad_request at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_401_Unauthorized at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_420_Unknown_attribute at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_430_Stale_credentials at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_431_Integrity_check_failure at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_432_Missing_username at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_433_Use_tls at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_500_Server_error at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_600_Global_failure at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_add_response_address at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_atoaddr at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_attr_phrase at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_bind at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_copy_buffer at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_determine_ip_address at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_discovery_get_address at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_discovery_get_socket at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_discovery_release_socket at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_dns_lookup at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_dns_lookup_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_dns_lookup_stp_addr at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_dns_lookup_tcp_addr at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_dns_lookup_udp_addr at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_encode_address at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_encode_buffer at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_encode_error_code at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_encode_message at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_encode_message_integrity at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_encode_type_len at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_encode_uint32 at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_free_buffer at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_free_message at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_free_message_data at Base 1.12.11
+ stun_get_attr at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_handle_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_handle_init at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_init_buffer at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_init_message at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_is_requested at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_keepalive_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_lifetime at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_log at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_make_binding_req at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_make_sharedsecret_req at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_message_length at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_mini_add_socket at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_mini_create at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_mini_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_mini_remove_socket at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_mini_request at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_msg_is_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_nattype at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_nattype_str at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_obtain_shared_secret at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_parse_attr_address at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_parse_attr_buffer at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_parse_attr_error_code at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_parse_attr_uint32 at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_parse_attr_unknown_attributes at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_parse_attribute at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_parse_message at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_process_binding_response at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_process_error_response at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_process_message at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_process_request at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_process_response at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_request_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_response_phrase at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_root at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_send_message at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_server_address at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_set_uname_pwd at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_str_state at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_tag_list at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_test_lifetime at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_test_nattype at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_validate_message_integrity at Base 1.12.10
+ stun_version at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_action at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_action_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_change_ip at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_change_ip_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_change_port at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_change_port_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_domain at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_domain_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_integrity at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_integrity_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_register_events at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_register_events_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_require_integrity at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_require_integrity_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_server at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_socket at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_socket_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_timeout at Base 1.12.10
+ stuntag_timeout_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ su_alloc at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_add_prepoll at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_break at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_decref at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_deferrable at Base 1.12.11
+ su_base_port_deinit at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_getmsgs at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_getmsgs_from at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_gsource at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_incref at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_init at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_is_running at Base 1.12.11
+ su_base_port_lock at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_max_defer at Base 1.12.11
+ su_base_port_multishot at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_remove_prepoll at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_run at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_send at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_stamp64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ su_base_port_stamp64_offset at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ su_base_port_start_shared at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_step at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_thread at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_timers at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_unlock at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_wait at Base 1.12.10
+ su_base_port_waiting at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ su_block_find_collision at Base 1.12.10
+ su_block_find_collision_size at Base 1.12.10
+ su_block_find_collision_used at Base 1.12.10
+ su_canonize_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
+ su_casematch at Base 1.12.11
+ su_casenmatch at Base 1.12.11
+ su_clone_forget at Base 1.12.10
+ su_clone_pause at Base 1.12.10
+ su_clone_resume at Base 1.12.10
+ su_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
+ su_clone_stop at Base 1.12.10
+ su_clone_task at Base 1.12.10
+ su_clone_wait at Base 1.12.10
+ su_close at Base 1.12.10
+ su_cmp_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
+ su_copylocalinfo at Base 1.12.10
+ su_counter at Base 1.12.10
+ su_default_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
+ su_default_port_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_deinit at Base 1.12.10
+ su_devpoll_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
+ su_devpoll_port_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_duration64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ su_duration at Base 1.12.10
+ su_epoll_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
+ su_epoll_port_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_epoll_port_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ su_free at Base 1.12.10
+ su_freeaddrinfo at Base 1.12.10
+ su_freelocalinfo at Base 1.12.10
+ su_gai_strerror at Base 1.12.10
+ su_getaddrinfo at Base 1.12.10
+ su_getlocalinfo at Base 1.12.10
+ su_getlocalip at Base 1.12.10
+ su_getmsgsize at Base 1.12.10
+ su_getnameinfo at Base 1.12.10
+ su_getsocktype at Base 1.12.10
+ su_gli_strerror at Base 1.12.10
+ su_guid_generate at Base 1.12.10
+ su_guid_sprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_auto at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_check at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_check_alloc at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_clone at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_deinit at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_desctructor at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_destructor at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_get_stats at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_has_parent at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_init at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_init_stats at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_is_threadsafe at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_lock at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_move at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_mutex_lock at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_mutex_unlock at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_new at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_parent at Base 1.12.11
+ su_home_preload at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_refcount at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_stat_add at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_threadsafe at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_trylock at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_unlock at Base 1.12.10
+ su_home_unref at Base 1.12.10
+ su_in_home at Base 1.12.10
+ su_init at Base 1.12.10
+ su_kqueue_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
+ su_kqueue_port_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_llog at Base 1.12.10
+ su_log at Base 1.12.10
+ su_log_default at Base 1.12.10
+ su_log_global at Base 1.12.10
+ su_log_init at Base 1.12.10
+ su_log_redirect at Base 1.12.10
+ su_log_set_level at Base 1.12.10
+ su_log_soft_set_level at Base 1.12.10
+ su_match_sockaddr at Base 1.12.10
+ su_md5_deinit at Base 1.12.10
+ su_md5_digest at Base 1.12.10
+ su_md5_hexdigest at Base 1.12.10
+ su_md5_init at Base 1.12.10
+ su_md5_iupdate at Base 1.12.10
+ su_md5_str0update at Base 1.12.10
+ su_md5_stri0update at Base 1.12.10
+ su_md5_striupdate at Base 1.12.10
+ su_md5_strupdate at Base 1.12.10
+ su_md5_update at Base 1.12.10
+ su_memcspn at Base 1.12.11
+ su_memspn at Base 1.12.11
+ su_monotime at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_data at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_deinitializer at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_delivery_report at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_from at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_new at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_remove_refs at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_reply at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_report at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_save at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_send at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_send_to at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_size at Base 1.12.10
+ su_msg_to at Base 1.12.10
+ su_nanocounter at Base 1.12.10
+ su_nanotime at Base 1.12.10
+ su_node_identifier at Base 1.12.10
+ su_now64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ su_now at Base 1.12.10
+ su_ntp_fraq at Base 1.12.10
+ su_ntp_hi at Base 1.12.10
+ su_ntp_hilo at Base 1.12.10
+ su_ntp_lo at Base 1.12.10
+ su_ntp_mw at Base 1.12.10
+ su_ntp_now at Base 1.12.10
+ su_ntp_sec at Base 1.12.10
+ su_perror2 at Base 1.12.10
+ su_perror at Base 1.12.10
+ su_poll_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
+ su_poll_port_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_poll_port_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ su_port_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_port_execute at Base 1.12.10
+ su_port_name at Base 1.12.10
+ su_port_prefer at Base 1.12.10
+ su_port_wait at Base 1.12.10
+ su_pthread_port_deinit at Base 1.12.10
+ su_pthread_port_execute at Base 1.12.10
+ su_pthread_port_init at Base 1.12.10
+ su_pthread_port_lock at Base 1.12.10
+ su_pthread_port_thread at Base 1.12.10
+ su_pthread_port_unlock at Base 1.12.10
+ su_pthread_port_wait at Base 1.12.10
+ su_pthreaded_port_start at Base 1.12.10
+ su_randint at Base 1.12.10
+ su_randmem at Base 1.12.10
+ su_random64 at Base 1.12.11
+ su_random at Base 1.12.10
+ su_realloc at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_add_network_changed at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_add_prepoll at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_break at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_clone at Base 1.12.11
+ su_root_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_create_with_port at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_deregister at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_eventmask at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_get_max_defer at Base 1.12.11
+ su_root_gsource at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_has_thread at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_multishot at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_name at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_obtain at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_parent at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_register at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_release at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_remove_network_changed at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_remove_prepoll at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_run at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_set_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_set_max_defer at Base 1.12.11
+ su_root_size_hint at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_sleep at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_stamp64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ su_root_stamp64_offset at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ su_root_step at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_task at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_threading at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_unregister at Base 1.12.10
+ su_root_yield at Base 1.12.10
+ su_salloc at Base 1.12.10
+ su_select_clone_start at Base 1.12.10
+ su_select_port_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_select_port_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ su_setblocking at Base 1.12.10
+ su_setreuseaddr at Base 1.12.10
+ su_slprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ su_slvprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ su_smoothsort at Base 1.12.10
+ su_sockaddr_scope at Base 1.12.10
+ su_socket at Base 1.12.10
+ su_socket_blocking at Base 1.12.10
+ su_socket_close_on_exec at Base 1.12.10
+ su_socket_port_deinit at Base 1.12.10
+ su_socket_port_init at Base 1.12.10
+ su_socket_port_wakeup at Base 1.12.11
+ su_soerror at Base 1.12.10
+ su_sprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ su_stamp64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ su_strcasecmp at Base 1.12.11
+ su_strcasestr at Base 1.12.11
+ su_strcat at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strcat_all at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strcmp at Base 1.12.11
+ su_strdup at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strerror at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_append at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_copy at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_create_with at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_create_with_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_dup_append at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_dup_split at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_free_array at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_get_array at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_item at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_join at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_len at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_remove at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_set_item at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_split at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_vcreate_with at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strlst_vcreate_with_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strmatch at Base 1.12.11
+ su_strncasecmp at Base 1.12.11
+ su_strncmp at Base 1.12.11
+ su_strncspn at Base 1.12.11
+ su_strndup at Base 1.12.10
+ su_strnmatch at Base 1.12.11
+ su_strnspn at Base 1.12.11
+ su_task_attach at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_copy at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_deferrable at Base 1.12.11
+ su_task_deinit at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_execute at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_init at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_is_running at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_move at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_new at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_null at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_root at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_timers at Base 1.12.10
+ su_task_wakeup at Base 1.12.11
+ su_time64_add at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ su_time64_to_time at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ su_time at Base 1.12.10
+ su_time_add at Base 1.12.10
+ su_time_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ su_time_dadd at Base 1.12.10
+ su_time_diff at Base 1.12.10
+ su_time_ms at Base 1.12.10
+ su_time_print at Base 1.12.10
+ su_time_to_time64 at Base 1.12.11+20110422
+ su_timer_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_timer_deferrable at Base 1.12.11
+ su_timer_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ su_timer_expire at Base 1.12.10
+ su_timer_is_set at Base 1.12.11
+ su_timer_latest at Base 1.12.11
+ su_timer_next_expires at Base 1.12.10
+ su_timer_reset at Base 1.12.10
+ su_timer_reset_all at Base 1.12.10
+ su_timer_root at Base 1.12.10
+ su_timer_run at Base 1.12.10
+ su_timer_set at Base 1.12.10
+ su_timer_set_at at Base 1.12.10
+ su_timer_set_for_ever at Base 1.12.10
+ su_timer_set_interval at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vector_append at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vector_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vector_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vector_empty at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vector_free_array at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vector_get_array at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vector_insert at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vector_is_empty at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vector_item at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vector_len at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vector_remove at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vllog at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vrecv at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vsend at Base 1.12.10
+ su_vsprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ su_wait at Base 1.12.10
+ su_wait_create at Base 1.12.10
+ su_wait_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ su_wait_events at Base 1.12.10
+ su_wait_init at Base 1.12.10
+ su_wait_mask at Base 1.12.10
+ su_zalloc at Base 1.12.10
+ t_bool_ref_set at Base 1.12.10
+ t_bool_scan at Base 1.12.10
+ t_bool_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ t_end_filter at Base 1.12.10
+ t_filter at Base 1.12.10
+ t_int_ref_set at Base 1.12.10
+ t_int_scan at Base 1.12.10
+ t_int_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ t_null_filter at Base 1.12.10
+ t_ptr_ref_set at Base 1.12.10
+ t_ptr_scan at Base 1.12.10
+ t_ptr_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ t_scan at Base 1.12.10
+ t_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ t_socket_ref_set at Base 1.12.10
+ t_socket_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ t_str_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ t_str_scan at Base 1.12.10
+ t_str_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ t_str_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ t_uint_ref_set at Base 1.12.10
+ t_uint_scan at Base 1.12.10
+ t_uint_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ tag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ tag_filter at Base 1.12.10
+ tag_next at Base 1.12.10
+ tag_null at Base 1.12.10
+ tag_skip at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_adup at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_afilter at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_filter at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_filtered_tlist at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_find at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_find_last at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_free at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_gets at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_len at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_list at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_llist at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_move at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_next at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_print at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_tfilter at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_tgets at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_tlist at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_tmove at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_tremove at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_vfree at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_vlen at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_vlist2 at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_vlist at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_vllen at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_vllist at Base 1.12.10
+ tl_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ tls_connect at Base 1.12.11
+ tls_events at Base 1.12.10
+ tls_free at Base 1.12.10
+ tls_get_socket at Base 1.12.10
+ tls_init_master at Base 1.12.10
+ tls_init_secondary at Base 1.12.11
+ tls_pending at Base 1.12.10
+ tls_read at Base 1.12.10
+ tls_read_buffer at Base 1.12.10
+ tls_version at Base 1.12.10
+ tls_want_read at Base 1.12.10
+ tls_want_write at Base 1.12.10
+ tls_write at Base 1.12.10
+ token64_e at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_accept at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_alloc_secondary at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_base_connect at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_base_deliver at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_base_timer at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_bind_socket at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_by_addrinfo at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_by_name at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_by_protocol at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_can_recv_sigcomp at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_can_send_sigcomp at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_canonize_comp at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_close at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_comp_name at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_comp_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_continue at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_convert_addr at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_decref at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_deinit_compressor at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_deinit_stun_server at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_deliver at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_delivered_by at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_delivered_from at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_delivered_from_subjects at Base 1.12.11
+ tport_delivered_with_comp at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_destroy at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_dump_iovec at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_error_event at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_error_report at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_flush at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_get_address at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_get_params at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_get_udvm_slot at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_getaddrinfo at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_has_been_updated at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_has_compression at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_has_ip4 at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_has_ip6 at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_has_queued at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_has_sigcomp_assigned at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_has_tls at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_hostport at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_http_connect_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_hup_event at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_ident at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_incref at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_init_compressor at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_init_stun_server at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_clear_to_send at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_closed at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_connected at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_dgram at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_master at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_primary at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_public at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_registered at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_reliable at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_secondary at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_stream at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_tcp at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_udp at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_updating at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_is_verified at Base 1.12.11
+ tport_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_keepalive_timer at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_log at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_log_msg at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_msg_alloc at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_name at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_name_by_url at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_name_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_name_is_resolved at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_next at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_next_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_next_recv_timeout at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_open_log at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_parent at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_peer_address at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_pend at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_plug_in_compress at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_plug_in_stun_server at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_prepare_and_send at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_primaries at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_primary_by_name at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_queuelen at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_recv_bytes at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_recv_comp_dgram at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_recv_dgram at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_recv_error_report at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_recv_event at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_recv_iovec at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_recv_message at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_recv_stream at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_recv_stun_dgram at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_recv_timeout_timer at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_register_secondary at Base 1.12.11
+ tport_register_type at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_release at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_secondary at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_send_comp at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_send_dgram at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_send_event at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_send_msg at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_send_queue at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_send_stream at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_sent_bytes at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_sent_message at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_set_compression at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_set_magic at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_set_params at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_set_secondary_timer at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_set_tos at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_setname at Base 1.12.11
+ tport_shutdown0 at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_shutdown at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_sigcomp_accept at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_sigcomp_accept_incomplete at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_sigcomp_assign at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_sigcomp_assign_if_needed at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_sigcomp_name at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_sigcomp_option at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_stall at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_stamp at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_stream_init_primary at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_stun_server_add_socket at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_stun_server_remove_socket at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_stun_server_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_stun_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_subject_search at Base 1.12.11
+ tport_tags at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tbind at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tcp_client_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tcp_init_client at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tcp_init_primary at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tcp_init_secondary at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tcp_next_timer at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tcp_ping at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tcp_pong at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tcp_timer at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tcp_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tcreate at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tls_client_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tls_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tqsend at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tqueue at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_tsend at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_udp_client_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_udp_error at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_udp_init_primary at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_udp_vtable at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_unref at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_vtable_by_name at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_vtables at Base 1.12.10
+ tport_wakeup at Base 1.12.11
+ tport_zap_secondary at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_certificate at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_certificate_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_close_after at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_close_after_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_compartment at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_compartment_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_connect at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_connect_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_debug_drop at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_debug_drop_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_dump at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_dump_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_fresh at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_fresh_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_http_connect at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_http_connect_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_ident at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_ident_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_idle at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_idle_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_keepalive at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_keepalive_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_log at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_log_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_mtu at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_mtu_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_pingpong at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_pingpong_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_pong2ping at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_pong2ping_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_public at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_public_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_queuesize at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_queuesize_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_reuse at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_reuse_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_sdwn_after at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_sdwn_after_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_sdwn_error at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_sdwn_error_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_server at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_sigcomp_lifetime at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_sigcomp_lifetime_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_stun_server at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_stun_server_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_thrprqsize at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_thrprqsize_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_thrpsize at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_thrpsize_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_timeout at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_timeout_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_tls_passphrase at Base 1.12.11
+ tptag_tls_passphrase_ref at Base 1.12.11
+ tptag_tls_verify_date at Base 1.12.11
+ tptag_tls_verify_date_ref at Base 1.12.11
+ tptag_tls_verify_depth at Base 1.12.11
+ tptag_tls_verify_depth_ref at Base 1.12.11
+ tptag_tls_verify_peer at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_tls_verify_peer_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_tls_verify_policy at Base 1.12.11
+ tptag_tls_verify_policy_ref at Base 1.12.11
+ tptag_tls_verify_subjects at Base 1.12.11
+ tptag_tls_verify_subjects_ref at Base 1.12.11
+ tptag_tls_version at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_tls_version_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_tos at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_tos_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_trusted at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_trusted_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_udp_rmem at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_udp_rmem_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_udp_wmem at Base 1.12.10
+ tptag_udp_wmem_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ uint_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ url_as_string at Base 1.12.10
+ url_cmp at Base 1.12.10
+ url_cmp_all at Base 1.12.10
+ url_d at Base 1.12.10
+ url_digest at Base 1.12.10
+ url_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ url_e at Base 1.12.10
+ url_escape at Base 1.12.10
+ url_esclen at Base 1.12.10
+ url_format at Base 1.12.10
+ url_has_param at Base 1.12.10
+ url_have_param at Base 1.12.10
+ url_have_transport at Base 1.12.10
+ url_hdup at Base 1.12.10
+ url_init at Base 1.12.10
+ url_is_string at Base 1.12.10
+ url_len at Base 1.12.10
+ url_make at Base 1.12.10
+ url_param at Base 1.12.10
+ url_param_add at Base 1.12.10
+ url_port at Base 1.12.10
+ url_port_default at Base 1.12.10
+ url_query_as_header_string at Base 1.12.10
+ url_reserved_p at Base 1.12.10
+ url_sanitize at Base 1.12.10
+ url_scheme at Base 1.12.10
+ url_string_p at Base 1.12.10
+ url_strip_param_string at Base 1.12.10
+ url_strip_transport at Base 1.12.10
+ url_tag_class at Base 1.12.10
+ url_tport_default at Base 1.12.10
+ url_unescape at Base 1.12.10
+ url_unescape_to at Base 1.12.10
+ url_update at Base 1.12.10
+ url_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ urltag_any at Base 1.12.10
+ urltag_dup at Base 1.12.10
+ urltag_scan at Base 1.12.10
+ urltag_snprintf at Base 1.12.10
+ urltag_url at Base 1.12.10
+ urltag_url_ref at Base 1.12.10
+ urltag_xtra at Base 1.12.10
+ used_su_block_find at Base 1.12.10
+ usize_tag_class at Base 1.12.10

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