Processed: Re: epiphany-browser: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Tue Sep 7 09:51:18 UTC 2010

Processing commands for control at

> reassign 595735 libwebkit-1.0-2 1.2.3-2
Bug #595735 [epiphany-browser] epiphany-browser: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work
Bug reassigned from package 'epiphany-browser' to 'libwebkit-1.0-2'.
Bug No longer marked as found in versions epiphany-browser/2.30.5-1.
Bug #595735 [libwebkit-1.0-2] epiphany-browser: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work
Bug Marked as found in versions webkit/1.2.3-2.
> retitle 595735 libwebkit-1.0-2: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work
Bug #595735 [libwebkit-1.0-2] epiphany-browser: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work
Changed Bug title to 'libwebkit-1.0-2: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work' from 'epiphany-browser: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work'
> clone 595735 -1
Bug#595735: libwebkit-1.0-2: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work
Bug 595735 cloned as bug 595919.

> reassign -1 iceweasel
Bug #595919 [libwebkit-1.0-2] libwebkit-1.0-2: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work
Bug reassigned from package 'libwebkit-1.0-2' to 'iceweasel'.
Bug No longer marked as found in versions webkit/1.2.3-2.
> retitle -1 iceweasel: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work
Bug #595919 [iceweasel] libwebkit-1.0-2: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work
Changed Bug title to 'iceweasel: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work' from 'libwebkit-1.0-2: pronunciation sounds in Google Translator do not work'
> quit
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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