Bug#1012548: libwebkit2gtk-4.1-0: Offline renderer SIGSEGV on i386

Alberto Garcia berto at igalia.com
Tue Jun 14 12:17:52 BST 2022

reopen 1012548
tags 1012548 - unreproducible wontfix

On Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 11:00:03AM +0200, karogyoker wrote:

> I think the solution is not to use the code where the ORing happens
> with 0x8040 (in case of i386 releases because this combination is
> not supported by hardware). For 32 bit CPUs the manual flushing must
> be used (the "FIXME: worst case" part in the code).

But is this for all i386 CPUs or only for older models? How come this
never crashed before?


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