Bug#1078769: libwebkit2gtk-4.1-0: libwebkit2gtk does not render or is unresponsive if run in VMware guest with 3D acceleration enabled

Alberto Garcia berto at igalia.com
Tue Aug 27 16:04:34 BST 2024

On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 04:17:39PM +0200, Alberto Garcia wrote:
> Can you confirm that it also works if you set the environment

A couple of other tests (with the WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE
variable unset):

- Run 'surf' or 'yelp' from a terminal and check if there are error

- Run the MiniBrowser (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/webkit2gtk-4.1/MiniBrowser)
  and open 'about:gpu'. If you don't see any output try to see if you
  can copy and paste the (invisible) contents of the page (it's text).

- Check if all builds of the MiniBrowser have the same problem. You
  can find them in /usr/lib/*/webkit*/MiniBrowser



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