[pkg-wicd-maint] Bug#932042: Bug#932042: wicd-daemon: does not automatically reconnect on network connection loss when this is enabled

Axel Beckert abe at debian.org
Sun Jul 14 14:30:01 BST 2019

Control: tag -1 + upstream

Hi Vincent,

Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> I have the option "Automatically reconnect on network connection loss"
> ticked. But wicd does not automatically reconnect, whether the GUI is
> open or not.

Thanks for the bug report.

> 2019/07/14 12:42:53 :: Gemini WiFi has profile

I assume "Gemini WiFi" is the essid of your described setup.

> 2019/07/14 12:42:53 :: Unable to autoconnect, you'll have to manually connect
> 2019/07/14 12:42:58 :: Gemini WiFi has profile
> 2019/07/14 12:42:58 :: Unable to autoconnect, you'll have to manually connect
> 2019/07/14 12:43:03 :: Gemini WiFi has profile
> 2019/07/14 12:43:03 :: Unable to autoconnect, you'll have to manually connect

So I suspect that finding the reason for the "Unable to autoconnect,
you'll have to manually connect" message is what would help to solve

> Note: I think that wicd will automatically reconnect when the option
> "Automatically connect to this network" for the network is on, just
> because of that, independently from the "Automatically reconnect on
> network connection loss" global setting. Thus make sure that this
> option "Automatically connect to this network" for the tested network
> is off when doing the test.

Hrm, you've got a point there, but I'm not sure if this is by design.

Being picky you could say that "Automatically reconnect on network
connection loss" should only work for wifi networks where
"Automatically connect to this network" is set, too.

But then again, in that case "Automatically reconnect on network
connection loss" as a separate global setting wouldn't make that much
sense, maybe unless you want to disable automatic reconnect globally
even if it is enabled for some wifi networks.

There is also this rather old bug report at
https://bugs.launchpad.net/wicd/+bug/480097 and
https://bugs.debian.org/544410 which might be related. The one on
launchpad is still open, the one in the Debian BTS has been closed,
because two of the reporters could no more reproduce it without any
code change.

There are also quite some other bug reports at
but most of them seem to be related to reconnect after suspend to RAM
or have debug logs attached which don't show the error message above.

		Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <abe at debian.org>, https://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, ftp.ch.debian.org Admin
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