Bug#868431: wmaker: uses static upstream menu

Andreas Metzler ametzler at bebt.de
Sat Jul 29 12:04:11 UTC 2017

On 2017-07-24 Doug Torrance <dtorrance at piedmont.edu> wrote:
> On 07/23/2017 08:58 PM, Doug Torrance wrote:
> > I'll work on a draft and push it to git for review.

> Done.


Thank you, I have not yet completely tested the menu content, but I have
some thoughts:

#1 Providing a new full menu in /etc/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu does
not make the new content available to users. Anybody who has started
wmaker before will continue using ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu which
references "menu.hook". So I think we need to provide a file named
menu.hook in wmaker's search path with the new content.

#2 Installing wmaker/sid and menu, followed by upgrade to wmaker/git,
purging wmaker and then purging menu leaves

#3 The orphaned conffiles /etc/menu-methods/wmaker
/etc/menu-methods/wmappearance are not removed on upgrades and
menu.hook/appearance.menu will continue to be generated by update-menus.
(this is related to #2)

Find attached a proposed patch for fixing #2 and #3.

Afaict #1 only has an imperfect solution, shipping the menu in
/usr/share/WindowMaker/menu.hook. It is imperfect because I would
definitely categorize this as "configuration file" and should therefore
live in /etc (policy "must"). However we have configured wmaker to not
not look in /etc. Resurrecting 50_def_config_paths.diff would not help
for menu.hook because replacing the autogenerated
/etc/GNUstep/Defaults/menu.hook with a dpkg-conffile and keeping
update-menus from overwriting it could be very tricky.

cu Andreas
`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'
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