Bug#897081: wmfrog: Does not update weather regularly

Jeremy Sowden jeremy at azazel.net
Sun Sep 29 14:35:05 BST 2019

On Sat, 28 Apr 2018, at 07:40:39 +0300, Yavor Doganov wrote:
> The file LBWN_dat gets updated every 5 minutes (as expected) but LBWN
> was updated only once and it seems the app is getting the data from
> there.  FWIW, the wmweather package is working properly with the same
> station (updating every 30 minutes).

Wmfrog downloads the raw observations and attempts to decode them.  It
only updates LBWN if it does so succesfully.  Wmweather, on the other
hand, downloads the already decoded observations, which are also
available.  My guess is that wmfrog's decoder can't parse the raw
observations under certain circumstances.  I'll do some debugging and
see if I can reproduce the problem.

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