[Pkg-wmaker-devel] Bug#811304: wdmLogin: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwraster.so.5: version `LIBWRASTER3' not found

Andreas Metzler ametzler at bebt.de
Tue Jan 19 19:41:28 UTC 2016

On 2016-01-18 Doug Torrance <dtorrance at piedmont.edu> wrote:
> Control: tags -1 pending

> On 01/18/2016 02:55 PM, Doug Torrance wrote:
> > I think the solution is to rename libwraster5 to something like
> > libwraster5v2 and trigger an auto transition.

> I've pushed these changes to git.  Note that the new library already
> means we'll have to wait for the NEW queue, so I've kept the new
> wmaker-utils package for #78119 in.

> Andreas or kix, would either of you be able to take a look and upload?

Hello Doug,

it is not that simple. :-(

We can choose one of these hacks:
1 Find a way to ship unpatched libwraster 0.95.7 in Debian.

2a Patch the source to fix back the symbol versioning to

2b Patch the source to use a different soname. (If the ABI breaks in
an incompatible way, requiring rebuilds library maintance 101 says: bump
the soname.)

1 cannot be done /properly/. libwraster-0.95.6 and libwraster-0.95.7
have the same soname and are therefore not co-installable but would
need to conflict. So we cannot do the usual seamless partial upgrades,
it won't be possible to upgrade wmaker (built against
libwraster-0.95.7) while keeping wmweather+ 2.15-1.1 (built against
libwraster-0.95.6) functional.

Both 2a and 2b have the downside that Debian's libwraster/0.95.7 will
be binary incompatible with unpatched libwraster/0.95.7 (as possible
shipped by e.g. Fedora)

2a has the benefit of avoiding an actually useless library transition.
There is little to speak for 2b, except perhaps the fact that it shows
that our ABI differs from upstream.

So, having to choose I would strongly vote for 2a, adding attached
patch to debian/patches/ and updating the symbol file (again).

I have not got more time to spend on this today, but if you agree that
this is best course of action I can make an upload along these lines.
Ideally upstream would fix this instead of us.

cu Andreas

`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'
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