[Pkg-xen-devel] Debian revisions and policy comments [signed]

Guido Trotter ultrotter at debian.org
Thu Feb 16 20:20:18 UTC 2006

On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 07:50:51PM +0100, Julien Danjou wrote:


> > Unfortunately Debian only provides one kernel source package and
> > it isn't exactly the same version in stable, testing and unstable so
> > this is a bit of a quandry to work out as we need to provide a patch.
> We should follow Debian/unstable, anyway.

We should, but cannot, as it's not the version supported by xen 3.0.1! :( 
Otherwise everything would be a lot easier!

> > Obviously having
> > upstream just providing kernel-<version>.patch files would be better
> > than having to generate the patch during build process, but that may
> > take even more time to coordinate.
> Maybe we should simply do this patches ourselves and repackage upstream
> tarball a bit ? (not sure this is a good way to do, just an idea).

We don't need to repackage! We can just ship it as an addition, even in the
debian directory, and not make use at all of their patches and sparse dirs, and
of their kernel related targets!

(I don't have any problem patching the upstream tarball or not using parts of
it, but I think we should try actually "changing" it to something else!)


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