[Pkg-xen-devel] Python dependency in packages?

Eric Jonas jonas at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 24 03:35:08 UTC 2006

I apologize if this isn't the correct destination for these errors,
but I tried installing xen on my ubuntu (breezy badger) system via:

deb-src http://packages.debianbase.de/sources/xen3 ./

and then tried building locally via apt-get source xen. 

The only problem appears to be the explicit python2.3 dependency in :


a simple s/python2.3/python2.4/ in both of these files let me build
without incident ( dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b). 

If there were some way of removing this explicit dependency, the
packages would thus compile very cleanly on ubuntu, and more users of
debian-based distros would be able to try out xen.

Thanks for all the hard work, xen really rocks!


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