Bug#395114: [Pkg-xen-devel] Bug#395114: xen-hypervisor-3.0.3-1-i386: dom0 crashes when trying to boot hvm domain while paravirtualized domain is running

Clement 'nodens' Hermann clement.hermann at free.fr
Wed Oct 25 09:50:46 CEST 2006

Julien Danjou a écrit :
>> Kernel: Linux 2.6.17-2-xen-686
> Try to use 2.6.18 kernel.

Thanks. It works.

I know this is a WIP package, but maybe some entries in a Debian.Readme 
could hint the users about the (in)compatibilities between xen and some 
kernels ?

Great work anyway, and thanks for your quick answer.


Clément Hermann (nodens)
- "L'air pur ? c'est pas en RL, ça ? c'est pas hors charte ?"
Jean in L'Histoire des Pingouins, http://tnemeth.free.fr/fmbl/linuxsf/

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